ianharrigan / haxeui

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Create a range slider component #185

Open ianharrigan opened 9 years ago

ianharrigan commented 9 years ago

Something like: http://refreshless.com/nouislider/

ianharrigan commented 9 years ago
ianharrigan commented 9 years ago
cambiata commented 9 years ago


cambiata commented 9 years ago

You could add an "interactivity" to the progressbars - make them work as scrollbars without thumbs. (Stablex has that). More elegant in some situations. (Maybe it's possible to "style away" the thumb already..?)

ianharrigan commented 9 years ago

There is already something like that (class wise anyway):

class HSlider extends Slider
class VSlider extends Slider
class Slider extends Progress
class HProgress extends Progress
class VProgress extends Progress
class Progress

What there isnt is a way to switch between them based on an xml prop or class prop... For now im more interested in just keeping the functionality shared, but ill keep it in mind for sure

cambiata commented 9 years ago

...And the visual "non thumb" effect might be perfectly doable with an 0 px wide transparent thumb, I guess.