ianharrigan / haxeui

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UI Components not accepting input #349

Open KnightMearh opened 8 years ago

KnightMearh commented 8 years ago

lime 2.9.1 openfl 3.6.1 actuate 1.8.6 hscript 2.0.5 haxeui 1.8.17

target: HTML5 (haven't tried mobile yet)

Sometimes when adding components, like CheckBox, OptionBox, or Button, they don't accept input.

root.addChild( button );
root.addChild( checkBox );
root.addChild( optionBox );

If I change the added order, so button is added last, then everything works. If button is added first in this case, then none of the UI Components accept input. In a separate menu later on, none of them are accepting input, regardless of changing their priority.

ianharrigan commented 8 years ago

I think this is again related to using the HTML5 target (which isnt officially supported in version 1) - If memory serves its because a label is always a fixed size (or something along those lines) so when you have the button first the label is actually extending down over the other controls stopping their input.