ianharrigan / haxeui

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ListView resize performance is low #370

Closed flexibleflasher closed 5 years ago

flexibleflasher commented 6 years ago

for openfl-haxeUI: the haxeUI ListView is very responsive during scrolling (when flipped in html5 its up to 60fps even with more than 200 list entrys), but the resizing performance is extremely slow. so for example when it is integrated in a haxeUI layout where the height of the scroller can be changed by user interaction, the resizing performance drops to only about 10fps) I cant figure out whats wrong, it may have something to do with the internal logic of heigth-recalculation of the scroller. The greater the number of list items, the longer it takes to change the height of the scroller, which shouldn't be the case because resizing should just change a "mask" behind which the list sits, it should basically need almost no performance. ListViewTest.zip I attached a small test project where you can see this effect. (please test it on google chrome because firefox or internet explorer have additional performance problems, i’ll come to that problem later)