ianhinder / Kranc

A Mathematica package for generating code for solving time dependent partial differential equations
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Factor out prefixes when expanding dummy indices #88

Open eschnett opened 11 years ago

eschnett commented 11 years ago

Factor out prefixes that do not contain the dummy index when expanding dummy indices. This reduces code size slightly.

For example, when expanding

a b[ui] c[li]

then we want to generate

a (b1 c1 + b2 c2 + b3 c3)

instead of distributing "a" over all terms. This reduces code size when "a" is a large expression.

eschnett commented 11 years ago

Here is the patch:

$ git diff
diff --git a/Tools/CodeGen/TensorTools.m b/Tools/CodeGen/TensorTools.m
index 50d108c..65630ab 100644
--- a/Tools/CodeGen/TensorTools.m
+++ b/Tools/CodeGen/TensorTools.m
@@ -565,19 +565,52 @@ makeSum[x_] :=
   ThrowError["Expression " <> ToString[x] <> 
     " is not recognized, and tensor indices will not be expanded"];

-sumComponentsOfDummyIndex[x_, i_] := 
+sumComponentsOfDummyIndex1[x_, i_] := 
   Apply[Plus,listComponents[x, i, toggleIndex[i]]];

+sumComponentsOfDummyIndex[x_, i_] := 
+  Module[{contains, indexName, hasIndex, termsWithoutIndex, termsWithIndex},
+         (* We can't use MatchQ because we want to look into all
+            subexpressions as well *)
+         contains[expr_, form_] := Count[expr, form, Infinity] != 0;
+         indexName[TensorIndex[n_,_]] := n;
+         hasIndex[j_, y_] := contains[y, TensorIndex[indexName[j],_]];
+         termsWithoutIndex = 1;
+         termsWithIndex = x;
+         (* Do not try to split a term if it has only a single factor *)
+         If[Head[x]==Times || Head[x]==TensorProduct,
+            termsWithoutIndex = Select[x, !hasIndex[i,#]&];
+            termsWithIndex = Select[x, hasIndex[i,#]&]];
+         (termsWithoutIndex *
+          Apply[Plus, listComponents[termsWithIndex, i, toggleIndex[i]]])];
 (* Given an expression and a list of lower indices which are dummies
    in that expression, expand the dummy indices in the expression into
    components. *)
-makeSumOverDummies[x_] := 
+makeSumOverDummies1[x_] := 
     is = dummiesIn[x];
     If[is == {}, 
       makeSumOverDummies[sumComponentsOfDummyIndex[x, First[is]]]]];

+makeSumOverDummies[x_] :=
+  Module[{count, indexName, countIndex, is},
+         count[expr_, form_] := Count[expr, form, Infinity];
+         indexName[TensorIndex[n_,_]] := n;
+         countIndex[j_, y_] := count[y, TensorIndex[indexName[j],_]];
+         (* find all dummies *)
+         is = dummiesIn[x];
+         (* count how often they occur *)
+         is = Map[{#, countIndex[#, x]}&, is];
+         (* sort by this count *)
+         is = SortBy[is, Last];
+         Print["msod x ",x];
+         Print["msod is ",is];
+         (* drop counts *)
+         is = Map[First, is];
+         Fold[sumComponentsOfDummyIndex, x, is]];
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    Rules for converting expressions into different forms
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *