ianli / raphael-sketchpad

A simple drawing editor that you can easily include with your forms
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Add support for scaling editor and viewer sketches #10

Open lamikae opened 12 years ago

lamikae commented 12 years ago

This patch provides support for arbitrary scaling of sketches. Use case, eg. a scenario where the editor and/or viewer area need to be scaled to overlay an area that might be dynamically sized by the browser.

Live demonstration is up at jsFiddle:

http://jsfiddle.net/PpsUt/2/ http://jsfiddle.net/PpsUt/2/embedded/result/ (full-screen)

fuelxc commented 11 years ago

Does this support dynamic changing of the editor once things are edited?

I have a case where I have a canvas that can be resized and I need the svg canvas to scale with it.

lamikae commented 11 years ago

@fuelxc As far as I recall, yes. I think I used it on a widget that dynamically resized with respect to browser window size. Try it and refresh my memory ;)

rmsandu commented 8 years ago

@lamikae your fix is great. I used it to create some Zoom In/Zoom Out buttons. There is no offset when drawing on the editor, IF my editor has width=height (square dimensions). Nonetheless, if my editor has rectangle shape (let's say width > height) an offset appears when drawing on the sketchpad (e.g. width: 500, height: 300);. Any suggestions how to solve this?

rmsandu commented 8 years ago

I solved the issue of a scaling a sketchpad with width different than height dimension. So, in my html file:

`scale_factor_width = 30; // let's say a I want to scale by a factor of 30 //

scale_factor_height = scale_factor_width / sketchpad_width * sketchpad_height;

sketchpad_editor.scale(sketchpad_width + scale_factor_width, sketchpad_height + scale_factor_height); // + as an example//

// update with new dimensions of sketchpad // sketchpad_width = sketchpad_width + scale_factor_width ; sketchpad_height = sketchpad_height +scale_factor_height `

gaucho1978 commented 8 years ago

Is this scaling related to the sketchpad zooming or to the webpage pinch by means of 2 fingers?

gaucho1978 commented 8 years ago

OPS! solution #10 does not work in my case... to try it i just replaced original file with the modified raphael.sketchpad.js the problem persists on chrome for android.

gaucho1978 commented 8 years ago

some problems solved: https://github.com/gaucho1978/raphael-sketchpad/commit/fe1c43704473ddf571e0ec668a62c655f950bb9d

the reported problem (by me) was a bug related to offset() call that appears on chrome for android after a pinch. I solved it. I also allowed the ability to pinch and pan with 2 fingers and to draw with one finger. i also made some other minor changes. see them all on the link.

rmsandu commented 8 years ago

created an example of using Scale(). Zoom can be achieved by Mouse Wheel or by button click. No offset appears. The fiddle seems to be outdated. https://github.com/raluca-san/raphael-sketchpad/blob/master/_includes/how-%20to-zoom-scale https://github.com/raluca-san/raphael-sketchpad/commit/6cbcd4c7f3f2b3e575f7937b4ed93dcebf68c0d2

Fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/1ct0xb4r/15/