Open lamikae opened 12 years ago
Does this support dynamic changing of the editor once things are edited?
I have a case where I have a canvas that can be resized and I need the svg canvas to scale with it.
@fuelxc As far as I recall, yes. I think I used it on a widget that dynamically resized with respect to browser window size. Try it and refresh my memory ;)
@lamikae your fix is great. I used it to create some Zoom In/Zoom Out buttons. There is no offset when drawing on the editor, IF my editor has width=height (square dimensions). Nonetheless, if my editor has rectangle shape (let's say width > height) an offset appears when drawing on the sketchpad (e.g. width: 500, height: 300);. Any suggestions how to solve this?
I solved the issue of a scaling a sketchpad with width different than height dimension. So, in my html file:
`scale_factor_width = 30; // let's say a I want to scale by a factor of 30 //
scale_factor_height = scale_factor_width / sketchpad_width * sketchpad_height;
sketchpad_editor.scale(sketchpad_width + scale_factor_width, sketchpad_height + scale_factor_height); // + as an example//
// update with new dimensions of sketchpad // sketchpad_width = sketchpad_width + scale_factor_width ; sketchpad_height = sketchpad_height +scale_factor_height `
Is this scaling related to the sketchpad zooming or to the webpage pinch by means of 2 fingers?
OPS! solution #10 does not work in my case... to try it i just replaced original file with the modified raphael.sketchpad.js the problem persists on chrome for android.
some problems solved:
the reported problem (by me) was a bug related to offset() call that appears on chrome for android after a pinch. I solved it. I also allowed the ability to pinch and pan with 2 fingers and to draw with one finger. i also made some other minor changes. see them all on the link.
created an example of using Scale(). Zoom can be achieved by Mouse Wheel or by button click. No offset appears. The fiddle seems to be outdated.
This patch provides support for arbitrary scaling of sketches. Use case, eg. a scenario where the editor and/or viewer area need to be scaled to overlay an area that might be dynamically sized by the browser.
Live demonstration is up at jsFiddle: (full-screen)