ianmartorell / meteor-accounts-ui-bootstrap-3

accounts-ui package with Bootstrap 3 and localization support
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Resend Verification Email button in logged-in dropdown menu #183

Open edemaine opened 8 years ago

edemaine commented 8 years ago

I wanted this functionality: If the user is logged in but they have an unverified email address, present a "Resend Verification Email" button in the login dropdown menu which triggers a method that calls Accounts.sendVerificationEmail.

This was easy enough for me to add, thanks to the _loginButtonsAdditionalLoggedInDropdownActions feature, but I wonder if it would be a useful feature for everyone (perhaps turned on by an Accounts.ui.config setting). In any case, here is my code:

## client/accounts.jade
  if unverified
    button.btn.btn-default.btn-block#login-buttons-resend-verification Resend Verification Email

## client/accounts.coffee
  unverified: ->
    _.some Meteor.user().emails, (user) -> not user.verified

  'click #login-buttons-resend-verification': (e) ->
    Meteor.call 'resendVerificationEmail'

## lib/accounts.coffee
  resendVerificationEmail: ->
    check Meteor.userId(), String
    unless @isSimulation
      Accounts.sendVerificationEmail Meteor.userId()