iannamkr / TIL

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[Citus] cannot perform query with placements that were modified over multiple connections #6

Open iannamkr opened 4 years ago

iannamkr commented 4 years ago


SQL state [25001]; error code [0]; ERROR: cannot perform query with placements that were modified over multiple connections; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: cannot perform query with placements that were modified over multiple connections


case 1: Modify a reference table over connection 1, later modify a distributed table over connection 1 and connection 2 in parallel. Finally, joining these two tables would fail because the executor cannot choose the accurate connection. When it need to execute the join between table_1_2 and ref_table_1, it cannot choose any connections. If it chooses connection 1, the modification to table_1_2 would not be visible. If it chooses the connection 2, the modification to ref_table_1 would not be visible. Instead, the executor bails out with an erro


Table A (ref), Table B (dist)...

1) connection1: modification Table A (reference) 2) connection1, connection2 (parallel): modification Table B (distributed)

! joining table A and B <-- cannot perform query with placements that were modified over multiple connections error



-- make a modification over connection 1 to  worker 1 
INSERT INTO ref_table VALUES (1,'istanbul');

-- copy over connections 1 to table_1_1 and connection 2 to table_1_2 on worker 1
10, 'istanbul'
11, 'istanbul'

-- ref_table is modified over one connection 1
-- table_1 is modified over two connections connection 1 and connection 2
-- so the executor is undecided, it cannot pick either connection 1 or connection 2
-- because table_1_2 is modified over connection 2
-- but ref_table_1 is modified over connection 1
-- so choosing either connection 1 or connection 2 would yield wrong
-- results
SELECT count(*) FROM table_1 JOIN ref_table USING(key);
ERROR:  cannot perform query with placements that were modified over multiple connections
KartikShrivastava commented 7 months ago

@iannamkr, were you able to solve it? I'm facing similar issue