ianperrin / MMM-Formula1

A MagicMirror Module for displaying Formula 1 driver and constructor standings.
MIT License
30 stars 13 forks source link

Ability to hide module at the end of the season #11

Open Mar-85 opened 7 years ago

Mar-85 commented 7 years ago

An ability to completely hide the module at the end of the season would be great, or even display when the next season starts along with the previous seasons winner?

73cirdan commented 3 months ago

The api currently does not support that. The next season is added rather lately, sometimes only weeks before the start. Also this is the last year for this api to work. So we could look into this when we can continue this project with a new api.

(If everything works as programmed, the Schedule part should hide at the end of the season. and reappear when a new season is added to the api data)

73cirdan commented 3 months ago

just read this post in the forum, you could use MMM-ModuleScheduler to achieve this ?
