ianperrin / MMM-Formula1

A MagicMirror Module for displaying Formula 1 driver and constructor standings.
MIT License
30 stars 13 forks source link

Add translations for Season and Round in the footer #29

Closed The-Exterminator closed 2 years ago

The-Exterminator commented 2 years ago

The file templates/mmm-formula1-standings.njk The line : <td` class="xsmall align-right" colspan="5">Season: {{ season }}, Round: {{ round `}}</td> chanes to : <td class="xsmall align-right" colspan="5">{{ "SEASON" | translate }}: {{ season }}, {{ "ROUND" | translate }}: {{ round }}</td>

Insert this to files in translations/de.json { "DRIVER": "Fahrer", "CONSTRUCTOR": "Konstrukteur", "SEASON": "Jahreszeit", "ROUND": "Runden" }

Insert this to files in translations/en.json { "DRIVER": "Driver", "CONSTRUCTOR": "Constructor", "SEASON": "Season", "ROUND": "Round" }

Insert this to files in translations/id.json (Do not know this country) { "DRIVER": "Pembalap", "CONSTRUCTOR": "Tim", "SEASON": "???", "ROUND": "???" }

Insert this to files in translations/nl.json { "DRIVER": "Bestuurder", "CONSTRUCTOR": "Constructeur", "SEASON": "Seizoen", "ROUND": "Ronde" }

Insert this to files in translations/sv.json { "DRIVER": "Förare", "CONSTRUCTOR": "Tillverkare", "SEASON": "Säsong", "ROUND": "Runda" }

Make this file to translations/da.json and insert { "DRIVER": "Køre", "CONSTRUCTOR": "Konstruktør", "SEASON": "Sæson", "ROUND": "Runde" }

Insert this line to MMM-Formula1.js da: "translations/da.json",

ianperrin commented 2 years ago

@The-Exterminator - thanks for the suggestions. These changes have now been included and should now be available if you update your module.