ianperrin / MMM-Formula1

A MagicMirror Module for displaying Formula 1 driver and constructor standings.
MIT License
30 stars 13 forks source link

Option to hide constructor in driver standings. #31

Closed MichMich closed 2 years ago

MichMich commented 2 years ago

Hi @ianperrin,

Thanks for your awesome module. Fun fact: I'm the creator of the MagicMirror² framework, and this is the only 3rd party module currently running on my mirror. :)

To keep the module a bit more compact, I added a feature to hide the constructor in the DRIVER standings.

I added the config option to the README as well.

Let me know if you need any modifications before you can merge.

Cheers! Michael.

ianperrin commented 2 years ago

Hi @MichMich

Fun fact: I'm the creator of the MagicMirror² framework, and this is the only 3rd party module currently running on my mirror. :)

I'm honoured and humbled. Huge kudos to you for creating the framework. Thank you

ianperrin commented 2 years ago

Re the pull request. I'm in the process of adopting a package f1-api for the api calls.

Would you be able to change the base branch for the pull request to the develop branch?

You'll need to reinstall the module to test - but I feel I maybe teaching the master ;)

MichMich commented 2 years ago

No worries! I'll send a new PR.