ianperrin / MMM-Formula1

A MagicMirror Module for displaying Formula 1 driver and constructor standings.
MIT License
30 stars 13 forks source link

2023 Calendar #46

Closed Niriuqq closed 1 year ago

Niriuqq commented 1 year ago

Hey Is the 2023 calendar online yet somehow? Or how can I integrate / update it?

Niriuqq commented 1 year ago

I used another online calendar and it worked. However, when will the 2023 standings be available?

ianperrin commented 1 year ago

@Niriuqq thanks for the questio.

The data displayed in the module is based on the information available from the API for the “current” season. Unfortunately, until the 2023 season actually starts, the API will treat the current season as 2022.

You can override this behaviour by explicitly setting the season option in the config


    module: "MMM-Formula1",
    position: "top_right",
    header: "F1 Standings",
    config: {
      season: 2023

Once the season starts, you can revert the option to current (or remove it)

Niriuqq commented 1 year ago


That worked thanks.