ianperrin / MMM-Formula1

A MagicMirror Module for displaying Formula 1 driver and constructor standings.
MIT License
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Update dependencies, fix linter options and other details #47

Closed KristjanESPERANTO closed 1 year ago

ianperrin commented 1 year ago


Thanks for the pull request.

Unfortunately, the changes are failing as the package name has been renamed. Can you revert the package name change and try again?

KristjanESPERANTO commented 1 year ago

Hi @ianperrin :slightly_smiling_face: Capital letters are not allowed in the name in the package.json. I forgot to make the adjustment in the package-lock.json as well. I've done that now. The test should no longer get stuck at this point :smiley:

ianperrin commented 1 year ago

Hi @ianperrin 🙂 Capital letters are not allowed in the name in the package.json. I forgot to make the adjustment in the package-lock.json as well. I've done that now. The test should no longer get stuck at this point 😃


Will anyone who has installed the module need to update their config file to use the lowercase name? If so this is a breaking change and will need mentioning in the updating section and example corrected in the Using the module sections of the README.md

Finally, sometime ago, I had created tests/node_helper.test.js with the intention of writing some tests for the module. For completeness, I believe the module name needs changing there too

KristjanESPERANTO commented 1 year ago

Users shouldn't even notice the change. I have corrected this in other modules without issues.

But the test process still hangs: npm ERR! Cannot read property 'f1-api' of undefined.

I would take a look at that in the next few days. Until then I'll put the PR on draft :slightly_smiling_face:

KristjanESPERANTO commented 1 year ago

The tests should now work :slightly_smiling_face: The module works with node 14, but the tests with node 14 fail. Since node 14 will be EOL next month, I thought we can omit the node 14 test 😅

KristjanESPERANTO commented 1 year ago

BTW: There is no breaking change.

ianperrin commented 1 year ago

Great thanks @KristjanESPERANTO