ianperrin / MMM-Formula1

A MagicMirror Module for displaying Formula 1 driver and constructor standings.
MIT License
30 stars 13 forks source link

New translation for DE / German #53

Closed AWSW-de closed 3 months ago

AWSW-de commented 3 months ago


first of all a BIG THANKS for the new version. Looks really good and works fine so far.

Because I am using the module in German, I would like to give you my updated translation for the “de” translation file.

Thanks and happy Formula 1 season to you. =)

{ "DRIVER": "Fahrer", "CONSTRUCTOR": "Konstrukteur", "SEASON": "Saison", "ROUND": "Rennen", "NO DATA": "Noch keine Daten bisher geladen...", "RACE_DETAILS": "Details zum aktuellen Rennen", "CIRCUIT_LAYOUT": "Streckenlayout", "NEXT_RACE": "Nächstes Rennen", "RACE_DATE": "Rennen", "QUALI_DATE": "Qualifikation", "SPRINT_DATE": "Sprint Rennen", "FP1_DATE": "Freies Training 1", "FP2_DATE": "Freies Training 2", "FP3_DATE": "Freies Training 3" }

PS: The editor here does not like to show the code correctly. Here is a picture of the file: IMG_0437