ianperrin / MMM-Strava

A MagicMirror Module for your Strava data.
MIT License
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I don't understand wich information to write in fields to setting api #35

Closed tet102 closed 4 years ago

tet102 commented 4 years ago

Hello, Can you help me please to write informations in fields see screen capture below... Thanks


ianperrin commented 4 years ago

Hi @tet102

The important value is the “Domaine du rappel pour l’autorisation” (or Authorisation Callback Domain).

Set this to the IP address or domain name you use to access the MagicMirror. So if you use http://localhost:8080, enter localhost , if you use, enter

Perhaps this screenshot helps

Strava API Settings

tet102 commented 4 years ago

Hello ianperrin its perfect you are very cool...Thank you... Thank you