ianr0bkny / go-sonos

A Go-language library for accessing UPnP AV devices
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Locking up during discovery #4

Closed wolfeidau closed 9 years ago

wolfeidau commented 9 years ago

Heya just trying out this library and it seems to freezing during discovery for some reason.

Anyone else had this issue?

I have this line in my code but it never returns.

        unit := sonos.Connect(player, reactor, sonos.SVC_CONTENT_DIRECTORY|sonos.SVC_AV_TRANSPORT|sonos.SVC_RENDERING_CONTROL)
ianr0bkny commented 9 years ago

Hi Mark. I haven't seen this happen. Could you please post more of the code from your example? if you've reached this state then discovery should be complete. Thanks.


wolfeidau commented 9 years ago

Heya Ian

I made the following change to resolve the issue, we are testing it now.


The issue with zero length channels is that is they block writes, so if you assume things will execute in a particular order then you can get your self tied up in knots.

I have a feeling that the web requests your executing are resolving in different orders for some reason.

Will do a pull request for you to test as well.


ianr0bkny commented 9 years ago

Thanks, Mark. I'll take a look.


wolfeidau commented 9 years ago

Yeah I haven't dug deep enough to understand the root cause at this stage.

So this is by no means a great fix, hoping you could give me some hints or insight so I can help along the way.

There are quite a few small things i noted so far with the code base, just around readers and parsing which I would like to sort out as well.

Hopefully we can help out to some degree!

ianr0bkny commented 9 years ago

Hi Mark,

I've done some testing and I want to be sure that your code is listening for events prior to calling Connect. Please see the code below, which I've added as a test case in sonos_test.go. If you're not listening for events first, I agree that Connect may never return.

The other alternative would be to dispense with the reactor entirely and pass a nil pointer to the Connect method if you're not interested in UPnP eventing.

Hope this helps.


func read_events(c chan upnp.Event) {
        for {
                select {
                case <-c:

func TestIssue_4(t *testing.T) {
        log.SetFlags(log.Ltime | log.Lshortfile)
        log.Printf("Discovery: Starting")
        mgr, err := sonos.Discover("eth0", "13104")
        if nil != err {
        log.Printf("Discovery: Done; Reactor: Starting")
        reactor := sonos.MakeReactor("eth0", "13106")
        go read_events(reactor.Channel()) ///// <------------
        log.Printf("Reactor: Running; Query: Starting")
        qry := ssdp.ServiceQueryTerms{
                ssdp.ServiceKey(sonos.MUSIC_SERVICES): -1,
        res := mgr.QueryServices(qry)
        log.Printf("Query: Done; Connect: Starting")
        if dev_list, has := res[sonos.MUSIC_SERVICES]; has {
                for _, dev := range dev_list {
                        if sonos.SONOS == dev.Product() {
                                if _, err := upnp.Describe(dev.Location()); nil != err {
                                } else {
                                        sonos.Connect(dev, reactor, sonos.SVC_ALL)
                                        log.Printf("Connect: Done")
wolfeidau commented 9 years ago

Code is roughly as follows.

    nlog.Infof("loading reactor")
    reactor := sonos.MakeReactor(NetworkInterface, EventingPort)

    zonePlayers, err := detectZP()
    if err != nil {
        nlog.HandleError(err, "Error detecting Sonos ZonePlayers")

    nlog.Infof("Detected %d Sonos ZonePlayers", len(zonePlayers))

    for zone, player := range zonePlayers {
        nlog.Infof(spew.Sprintf("Found %s %v", zone, player))

        unit := sonos.Connect(player, reactor, sonos.SVC_RENDERING_CONTROL|sonos.SVC_AV_TRANSPORT|sonos.SVC_ZONE_GROUP_TOPOLOGY|sonos.SVC_MUSIC_SERVICES)

        dev, err := NewPlayer(bus, unit)
        if err != nil {
            nlog.HandleError(err, "failed to register media player")

        nlog.Infof(spew.Sprintf("created media player device %v", dev))

With the detectZP function as follows:

func detectZP() (zonePlayers ssdp.DeviceMap, err error) {

    nlog.Infof("loading discovery mgr")
    mgr, err := sonos.Discover(NetworkInterface, DiscoveryPort)
    if nil != err {

    zonePlayers = make(ssdp.DeviceMap)
    for uuid, device := range mgr.Devices() {
        if device.Product() == "Sonos" && device.Name() == "ZonePlayer" {
            zonePlayers[uuid] = device
ianr0bkny commented 9 years ago

Yes. You need to be reading from reactor.Channel before calling Connect. This is the cause of the blocking behavior. I'll add documentation to this effect. Thanks.