ianrenton / SuccessWhale

:whale: A web-based multi-column social network client. No longer functional or maintained!
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Avatar images dont show in Chrome #42

Closed stuarthicks closed 12 years ago

stuarthicks commented 12 years ago

Using Chrome version 16 on OSX 10.6

ianrenton commented 12 years ago

I can't reproduce the problem with this browser/OS combination. Do you have any privacy-related extensions enabled that prevent the Facebook "like" and Twitter buttons from appearing on third-party sites? I have previously found a couple of these to also prevent avatar images being displayed in SuccessWhale.

If you don't have any such extensions or that doesn't fix the problem, does it display the "box with a red X in it" broken image placeholder? If it does, try right-clicking that and selecting Open Image in New Tab, and tell me if the image displays or not - that'll help me track down the issue.

As a last resort, maybe try sending a screenshot to ian at onlydreaming dot net (with personal bits blurred out or whatever). You never know, I might learn something from it :)

haku commented 12 years ago

So we tried the "right-click and open image" and it is linking to the correct place. We tried disabling ad-blocking, and that made no difference. I will prod Stuart to send you a screenshot tomorrow, and perhaps do some more debuging. ^^

ianrenton commented 12 years ago

Very strange. It may also be worth trying it in Private Browsing mode, just in case the bug is caused by an extension that isn't obviously related. Also, can you confirm that the problem does not occur in Firefox/Safari etc. on the same platform?

haku commented 12 years ago

It worked correctly in Firefox. did not try safari.

stuarthicks commented 12 years ago

Just tried it now in a private browsing window... and avatar images loaded. So I guess I'll have to try work out which extension is messing with it...

stuarthicks commented 12 years ago

'Privacy-related' was indeed the keyword. Took a guess and disabled http://disconnect.me/ for that page. Images loaded. Should probably have spotted that myself. Whoops, sorry.

ianrenton commented 12 years ago

Ah, I thought that might be it as I've seen it happen to me! I was going to implement a server-side avatar caching feature to get around the fact that the Facebook avatars are blocked where I work, but now SuccessWhale itself is blocked at work too :)

I'm not sure whether it's a good idea to implement it or not - it would work around firewall blocks and issues with privacy-related extensions, but OTOH I'd be caching images that may not be publicly visible, so I'm not sure which side of "do no evil" that sits!