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HP CHROMEBOOK 11 ARM (SPRING, DAISY INSTALL) No Boot for HP Chromebook 11-1101 install #14

Closed hitechredneck closed 8 years ago

hitechredneck commented 9 years ago

Followed all instructions using the 'tnyga' script and all goes well until it is time to boot. There is no error and the machine comes to a blank screen then it immediately goes back to the "developer warning page" even after using;

sudo cgpt add -i 6 -P 5 -S 1 /dev/mmcblk0

It appears that it at least attempts to boot Chrubuntu but fails with no error messages occurring

In the past I've used the 's9ryd' script to the same success, but I also tried this script after running Chromebook recovery and was unavailable.

I then ran through the whole Chromebook recovery process one more time to make sure it wasn't an error on my part and attempted the 'tnyga' script again to the same results. I'd love to get this guy going again so if you need any help testing scripts for the series 1 ARM HP Chromebook i'll give em a try and can report back.

On a sidenote:

The only success I've really had with this unit has been with usb booting Kali Linux(Debian Based) but would like a more permanent install whether it be Debian, Arch, or Chrubuntu.

I have also tried to use this script, Arch-Linux-ARM HP Chromebook 11 but also to no avail.