ianyh / Amethyst

Automatic tiling window manager for macOS à la xmonad.
MIT License
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binary space partitioning layout makes odd choices #1054

Open jaycunningham-8451 opened 3 years ago

jaycunningham-8451 commented 3 years ago

Hi. I'm new to Amethyst and tiling in general, so hopefully I'm not doing something wrongheaded.

Describe the bug The binary space partitioning layout chooses to lay windows out in strange ways. It's hard to explain, but it doesn't seem to bear any relation to what I'd expect from the description of the layout or may brief experience with other tiling managers (e.g. yabai). There doesn't seem to be a pattern.

Further, I seem to be able to add new windows into a screen with the BSP layout and it won't automatically lay out the new window.

Applications: In this case, Safari, iTerm, Emacs, and Preview, but it doesn't seem to matter.

To Reproduce Open up some apps and enter the binary space partitioning layout.

Expected behavior I would expect windows to be laid out such that there's one large window on the left; the right side is split into half, the top of which is a window, and the bottom of which is further split into half, and so on. Or something like that.

Screenshots Here's what it looks like with the tall layout:


Here's what it looks like with binary space partitioning:

Untitled 7


Debug Info

$ /Applications/Amethyst.app/Contents/MacOS/Amethyst --debug-info

Version: 0.15.3 (88)

OS version: Version 10.15.6 (Build 19G2021)

Has permissions: false

    (0.0, 0.0, 3008.0, 1692.0) [(0.0, 0.0, 3008.0, 1692.0)]
    (3008.0, -146.0, 1680.0, 1050.0) [(3008.0, 788.0, 1680.0, 1050.0)]

Manageable applications:
    ViewBridgeAuxiliary (com.apple.ViewBridgeAuxiliary)
    Safari (com.apple.Safari)
    Control Strip (com.apple.controlstrip)
    talagent (com.apple.talagent)
    ViewBridgeAuxiliary (com.apple.ViewBridgeAuxiliary)
    QuickLookUIService (PID 816) (com.apple.quicklook.QuickLookUIService)
    AppSSOAgent (com.apple.AppSSOAgent)
    Finder (com.apple.finder)
    EmojiFunctionRowIM (com.apple.inputmethod.EmojiFunctionRowItem)
    Microsoft Teams (com.microsoft.teams)
    iTerm2 (com.googlecode.iterm2)
    coreautha (com.apple.LocalAuthentication.UIAgent)
    studentd (com.apple.studentd)
    Microsoft Outlook (com.microsoft.Outlook)
    storeuid (com.apple.storeuid)
    Music (com.apple.Music)
    VisualizerService (Music) (com.apple.Music.VisualizerService)
    MailQuickLookExtension.appex (Microsoft Outlook) (com.apple.mail.MailQuickLookExtension)
    Preview (com.apple.Preview)
    com.apple.appkit.xpc.openAndSavePanelService (Preview) (com.apple.appkit.xpc.openAndSavePanelService)
    QuickLookUIService (com.apple.appkit.xpc.openAndSavePanelService (Preview)) (com.apple.quicklook.QuickLookUIService)
    com.apple.Safari.SandboxBroker (Safari) (com.apple.Safari.SandboxBroker)
    Emacs (org.gnu.Emacs)
    DocumentPopoverViewService (Preview) (com.apple.appkit.xpc.documentPopoverViewService)
    QuickLookUIService (DocumentPopoverViewService (Preview)) (com.apple.quicklook.QuickLookUIService)
    Symantec Extension (Safari) (com.symantec.dlp.CUI.SafariMonitor)

use-canary-build: 0
restore-layouts-on-launch: 1
new-windows-to-main: 0
window-margin-size: 15
focus-follows-mouse: 0
screen-padding-right: 0
window-resize-step: 5
window-margins: 1
floating: (
window-minimum-width: 0
follow-space-thrown-windows: 1
ignore-menu-bar: 0
screen-padding-top: 0
enables-layout-hud: 1
mod1: (
floating-is-blacklist: 1
mouse-follows-focus: 0
layouts: (
float-small-windows: 1
screen-padding-left: 0
mod2: (
debug-layout-info: 0
enables-layout-hud-on-space-change: 1
screen-padding-bottom: 0
window-minimum-height: 0

Additional context I do have another monitor at the same time, and other virtual desktops with other apps.

oliver-ni commented 3 years ago

Perhaps there's some "ghost" windows that Amethyst thinks are there?

lypanov commented 3 years ago

I'm getting these ghost windows on every virtual desktop switch. Makes it impossible to use BSP.

osdiab commented 2 years ago

here's an unhelpful issue from earlier: https://github.com/ianyh/Amethyst/issues/483

I experience this too - I added a bunch of apps to be floated by default but that didn't fix it; I also noticed that when it happens if I relaunch Amethyst it often works as expected. not sure what to do.

sfzylad commented 2 years ago

Same happens to me however I noticed that using the swap focused window to counter clockwise screen or swap focused window to clockwise screen sometimes fixes the problem. I use external monitor plugged into the laptop and the laptop screen is closed.

Debug info here:

Version: 0.16.0 (94)

OS version: Version 12.5.1 (Build 21G83)

    (0.0, 0.0, 3440.0, 1440.0) [(0.0, 0.0, 3440.0, 1440.0)]

focus-follows-mouse: 0
float-small-windows: 1
ignore-menu-bar: 0
mouse-follows-focus: 0
debug-layout-info: 0
window-resize-step: 5
screen-padding-top: 0
layouts: (
follow-space-thrown-windows: 1
enables-layout-hud: 1
window-minimum-height: 0
new-windows-to-main: 0
window-margin-size: 10
mouse-swaps-windows: 0
screen-padding-right: 0
restore-layouts-on-launch: 1
mouse-resizes-windows: 0
floating-is-blacklist: 1
window-minimum-width: 0
smart-window-margins: 0
mod1: (
window-margins: 1
floating: (
        id = "com.tapbots.Tweetbot3Mac";
        "window-titles" =         (
        id = "com.zsa.wally";
        "window-titles" =         (
        id = "com.apple.systempreferences";
        "window-titles" =         (
        id = "com.iconfactory.Twitterrific5";
        "window-titles" =         (
        id = "com.logitech.Logi-Options";
        "window-titles" =         (
enables-layout-hud-on-space-change: 1
screen-padding-left: 0
mod2: (
screen-padding-bottom: 0
use-canary-build: 0

Please let me know if you need any more information.

lentil32 commented 1 month ago

Arc browser is not well arranged with BSP layout.