ianyh / Amethyst

Automatic tiling window manager for macOS à la xmonad.
MIT License
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Focus Follows Mouse Not Working With Multiple Displays #1120

Open mfickett opened 3 years ago

mfickett commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug

When an external monitor is connected to my MacBook Pro, focus follows mouse does not work at all. As mentioned in https://github.com/ianyh/Amethyst/issues/798#issuecomment-469764459 (but that's mostly about fullscreen windows which I'm not using).

Applications: Tried with: Google Chrome, Finder, Activity Monitor.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Connect an external 30" monitor.
  2. Open 2x Chrome windows, 1x Activity Monitor on the laptop's monitor.
  3. Open 2x Chrome windows, 1x Finder on the external monitor.
  4. Enable focus follows mouse in Amethyst.
    • Expected: Mousing over windows focuses each window.
    • Observed: Mousing over windows does not change focus.
  5. Disconnect external monitor. (Do not relaunch Amethyst or change settings.)
    • Observed: Now mousing over windows changes focus.


Debug Info

Version: 0.15.4 (91)

OS version: Version 11.2.1 (Build 20D74)

Has permissions: true

    (0.0, 0.0, 1792.0, 1120.0) [(0.0, 0.0, 1792.0, 1120.0)]
    (388.0, 1120.0, 3840.0, 2160.0) [(388.0, -2160.0, 3840.0, 2160.0)]

Manageable applications:
    talagent (com.apple.talagent)
    AppSSOAgent (com.apple.AppSSOAgent)
    Finder (com.apple.finder)
    1Password 7 (com.agilebits.onepassword7)
    Google Chrome (com.google.Chrome)
    coreautha (com.apple.LocalAuthentication.UIAgent)
    kitty (net.kovidgoyal.kitty)
    Slack (com.tinyspeck.slackmacgap)

window-minimum-width: 0
screen-padding-left: 0
floating: (
screen-padding-top: 0
window-resize-step: 5
layouts: (
restore-layouts-on-launch: 1
use-canary-build: 0
focus-follows-mouse: 1
mouse-swaps-windows: 1
mouse-follows-focus: 0
new-windows-to-main: 0
window-minimum-height: 0
screen-padding-bottom: 0
enables-layout-hud-on-space-change: 1
enables-layout-hud: 1
float-small-windows: 1
mod1: (
floating-is-blacklist: 1
window-margin-size: 5
screen-padding-right: 0
window-margins: 0
mouse-resizes-windows: 1
follow-space-thrown-windows: 1
debug-layout-info: 1
ignore-menu-bar: 0
mod2: (
DanielAsher commented 2 years ago

@mfickett AutoRaise implements this well. Can we use this code?

KirilOkun commented 2 years ago

Got the same problem. Focus Follows Mouse was one of the main reasons for installing Amethyst. Coming from Linux to Macos this is the cause of much frustration and pain. Please, please move this bug up the priority list. I keep copying and pasting wrong things since i forget that i have to click 2 times on a window in Macos.

garrofederico commented 1 year ago

Same problem for me... Any update on this? :)

chaimleib commented 1 month ago

I can still reproduce this under macOS Sonoma 14.5, and Amethyst 0.21.1 (111).