ianyh / Amethyst

Automatic tiling window manager for macOS à la xmonad.
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Save Custom Application/Screen Arrangements and Layouts per Screen #1309

Open rbutera opened 1 year ago

rbutera commented 1 year ago

Whenever I restart my computer, there's always a song and dance I have to go through:

  1. launch the applications I need
  2. set the window layout for each monitor
  3. move the applications to the monitors I want them
  4. assign the main windows for each monitor

I can automate 1, but 2, 3 and 4 are a waste of time that I should be able to automate, but I have yet to find a solution that plays nicely with amethyst

If Amethyst had support for 2,3, and 4 by default then that would make me very happy, but alternatively if anyone in the Amethyst community knows of a solution to speed up those workflows that plays nicely with Amethyst's tiling - please share!

Does anyone have any suggestions?

ulope commented 1 year ago

Yes this would be so awesome. Esp. since this use case doesn't only occur after a reboot but also when dis-/connecting external screens.

I quite often switch between mobile only and two external screens. That transition always completely scrambles my layout.

patrickwerz commented 7 months ago

Have you found a workaround to this problem?

KingOfSpades commented 6 months ago

+1 I work with a main monitor and a second one in portrait mode. Would love for the 'second screen' to always default to row layout (or any other layout of my choosing)

dajabe commented 3 months ago

Looking to be able to specify default layouts for screens and desktops. For instance my main desktop is always floating but I have other column or row layouts as the default elsewhere.