ianyh / Amethyst

Automatic tiling window manager for macOS à la xmonad.
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Switch between windows by name/title/tabs #1489

Open rcarmo opened 1 year ago

rcarmo commented 1 year ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. When you have multiple large monitors and nearly a dozen windows, navigating the layout stack with hjkl or switching focus to another monitor or space often requires use of the mouse/trackpad, and I usually want to switch to a specifically named window or tab.

I would love to have i3-style match behaviour to switch windows based on name/title. I know from fiddling around with the Accessibility APIs that tab titles (at least Safari ones) are also available, so that would be a nice extra.

Describe the solution you'd like I would type, say, mod1+G (haven't checked if it's available, this is just an example) and I would get a Spotlight-like popup enabling me to type and filter through the list of windows/tabs (which would show up with a simple visual affordance like the app's icon in front).

Describe alternatives you've considered Using other apps. I had this ability in Quicksilver (which sort of dates me, I guess), and have used Witch from ManyTricks in the past, but they're a) not something I can contribute to and b) full of additional features I don't need.

hunner commented 11 months ago

This kind of sounds like https://contexts.co/ (which is paid). On linux there is rofi -show window. Neither of these search tabs.

If you can get some tooling around window and tab inspection and selection, you can use https://github.com/chipsenkbeil/choose to create a gui selection menu.

rcarmo commented 11 months ago

I wasn't aware of tile, thanks. I've added it to my personal list of window management tools. AppleScript is slow as molasses in one of my typical workspaces (many dozens of windows/tabs) and yabai is right out since I don't want to mess with SIP (especially on managed machines), and I would love to have this baked into Amethyst somehow.