ianyh / Amethyst

Automatic tiling window manager for macOS à la xmonad.
MIT License
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Keyboard Shortcut cheat sheet #185

Open tylerball opened 10 years ago

tylerball commented 10 years ago

Love the app! Wondering if it would be possible to add a keyboard shortcut cheat sheet for quick reference, like what's triggered in Gmail when you hit ?.

Trello Card

ianyh commented 10 years ago

Seems reasonable.

ento commented 9 years ago

Second this. After installing Amethyst, I tried to look up how to do what mod1+enter does in the "Shortcuts" Preferences, and came out empty handed. I gave up and only found out about the shortcut in a blog post a few days later.

Richard-Lynch commented 5 years ago

Love amethyst and this idea! There doesn’t seem to be much movement on this as I assume it’s low priority. Is there any chance you could expose where ever the key bindings are stored and what scheme is being used? Even in a fairly raw form so something can be written on top of it with Alfred or what ever to quickly view/search the bindings? If it’s just living in a file somewhere, even a path would be awesome! 👍

jab commented 3 years ago

Found my way here after I had this idea too and searched the tracker, and was happy to see an issue already accepted for this! Would adding a keyboard shortcut for "Show shortcut preferences" -- in other words, just opening the Preferences window with the "Shortcuts" tab selected -- be a quick and easy change, yet still go a long way toward addressing this issue?

Thanks for maintaining Amethyst!!

miiraheart commented 3 months ago

I would love to have this too ! has this been taken into consideration yet ?