ianyh / Amethyst

Automatic tiling window manager for macOS à la xmonad.
MIT License
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Amethyst blocks specific keyboard combination (⌥ Opt + ⇧ Shift + Q) #476

Open dpfu opened 8 years ago

dpfu commented 8 years ago

I've noticed a strange bug: If I try to type ⌥ Opt + ⇧ Shift + Q while Amethyst is running, nothing happens. This keypress should produce "Œ" (with the US keyboard layout). If I close Amethyst, the key combination works as expected.

I have no shortcut with this combination. In fact, Amethyst won't let me record a new shortcut with ⌥ Opt + ⇧ Shift + Q in the preference pane (as if it is already in use).

Can someone reproduce this? I'm running Amethyst 0.10.1 (37) on OS X 10.11.5.

Trello Card

ianyh commented 8 years ago

There is an opt + shift + q, but it doesn't appear to be in the preference pane. I believe it focuses a 4th screen. It is definitely a bug that it isn't accessible via preferences.

ianyh commented 8 years ago

In fact, it looks like the commands for focusing a third screen are also not there.

dpfu commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the fast response! I'm typing on an german keyboard, where opt + q and opt + shift + q are used to get the Guillemet characters ("«" and "»"). I need them quite often, so this hurts.

Could I (as a workaround) use ~/.amethyst to globally change my meta keys or disable the opt + shift + q?

ianyh commented 8 years ago

You can create a dotfile that looks like

    "focus-screen-4": {
        "mod": "mod2",
        "key": "q"

This would map the command to opt + ctrl + shift + q instead.

ianyh commented 8 years ago

That is, obviously, a temporary workaround. Those commands should definitely be available in preferences.

dpfu commented 8 years ago

I tried, but sadly this workaround doesn't seem to work for me. I created the dotfile, relaunched Amethyst but still can't type opt + shift + q. (I can see that Amethyst finds the dotfile because of the "bad things may happen" warning that now appears.) I even tried different values for key, but still nothing.

But thanks anyway! Keep up the good work, I'm using Amethyst every day (I surely will find another way to enter my Guillemets … )

dpfu commented 8 years ago

It is really strange. My opt + shift + q is blocked, even after I change mod1 and mod2 like this:

    "mod1": [
    "mod2": [

Here's the complete dotfile (based on default.amethyst):

    "layouts": [
    "Valid modifiers are": [
    "mod1": [
    "mod2": [
    "screens": 4,
    "cycle-layout": {
        "mod": "mod1",
        "key": "space"
    "cycle-layout-backward": {
        "mod": "mod2",
        "key": "space"
    "select-tall-layout": {
        "mod": "mod1",
        "key": "a"
    "select-wide-layout": {
        "mod": "mod1",
        "key": "s"
    "select-fullscreen-layout": {
        "mod": "mod1",
        "key": "d"
    "select-column-layout": {
        "mod": "mod1",
        "key": "f"
    "focus-screen-1": {
        "mod": "mod1",
        "key": "w"
    "focus-screen-2": {
        "mod": "mod1",
        "key": "e"
    "focus-screen-3": {
        "mod": "mod1",
        "key": "r"
    "focus-screen-4": {
        "mod": "mod1",
        "key": "q"
    "throw-screen-1": {
        "mod": "mod2",
        "key": "w"
    "throw-screen-2": {
        "mod": "mod2",
        "key": "e"
    "throw-screen-3": {
        "mod": "mod2",
        "key": "r"
    "throw-screen-4": {
        "mod": "mod2",
        "key": "q"
    "shrink-main": {
        "mod": "mod1",
        "key": "h"
    "expand-main": {
        "mod": "mod1",
        "key": "l"
    "increase-main": {
        "mod": "mod1",
        "key": ","
    "decrease-main": {
        "mod": "mod1",
        "key": "."
    "focus-ccw": {
        "mod": "mod1",
        "key": "j"
    "focus-cw": {
        "mod": "mod1",
        "key": "k"
    "swap-screen-ccw": {
        "mod": "mod2",
        "key": "h"
    "swap-screen-cw": {
        "mod": "mod2",
        "key": "l"
    "swap-ccw": {
        "mod": "mod2",
        "key": "j"
    "swap-cw": {
        "mod": "mod2",
        "key": "k"
    "swap-main": {
        "mod": "mod1",
        "key": "enter"
    "throw-space-1": {
        "mod": "mod2",
        "key": "1"
    "throw-space-2": {
        "mod": "mod2",
        "key": "2"
    "throw-space-3": {
        "mod": "mod2",
        "key": "3"
    "throw-space-4": {
        "mod": "mod2",
        "key": "4"
    "throw-space-5": {
        "mod": "mod2",
        "key": "5"
    "throw-space-6": {
        "mod": "mod2",
        "key": "6"
    "throw-space-7": {
        "mod": "mod2",
        "key": "7"
    "throw-space-8": {
        "mod": "mod2",
        "key": "8"
    "throw-space-9": {
        "mod": "mod2",
        "key": "9"
    "throw-space-left": {
        "mod": "mod2",
        "key": "left"
    "throw-space-right": {
        "mod": "mod2",
        "key": "right"
    "toggle-float": {
        "mod": "mod1",
        "key": "t"
    "toggle-tiling": {
        "mod": "mod2",
        "key": "t"
    "display-current-layout": {
        "mod": "mod1",
        "key": "i"
    "reevaluate-windows": {
        "mod": "mod1",
        "key": "z"
    "toggle-focus-follows-mouse": {
        "mod": "mod2",
        "key": "x"
    "floating": [],
    "float-small-windows": true,
    "mouse-follows-focus": false,
    "focus-follows-mouse": false,
    "enables-layout-hud": true,
    "enables-layout-hud-on-space-change": true,
    "window-margin-size": 0,
    "window-margins": false,
    "ignore-menu-bar": false,
    "use-canary-build": false,
    "new-windows-to-main": false,
    "send-crash-reports": false
ianyh commented 8 years ago

That's really weird.

ianyh commented 8 years ago

Okay. I can reproduce with the German keyboard.

cmal commented 6 years ago

I found something like this, too. Amethyst blocks (almost) all Emacs key shortcuts that begins with M-s- and C-M-s. How to configure this?

aparkerlue commented 5 years ago

I found something like this, too. Amethyst blocks (almost) all Emacs key shortcuts that begins with M-s- and C-M-s. How to configure this?

With option as meta, I've used this .amethyst with Emacs without incident—

    "mod1": [
    "mod2": [
sspaeti commented 2 years ago

I had the same issue and it was a general macOS keyboard shortcut I have set that overruled qwe shortcuts. So maybe it's as simple as to disable or change these under System Preferences.

For the log, I had these which I changed back to 456 instead of qwe, and then Amethyst worked as expected. image