ianyh / Amethyst

Automatic tiling window manager for macOS à la xmonad.
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BSP creates new windows in the same "tree" that they were spawned from #482

Open gprimosch opened 7 years ago

gprimosch commented 7 years ago

I don't know if this is meant to be a feature, but I see this strange behavior with BSP in 0.11.0b where creating a new window with command + N causes the new window to be added to the window or "tree" of the window currently selected. So if I have the left main pane window (let's say, Chrome) selected, and hit command + N a couple times, I will see a bunch of small windows on the left hand side of the screen, not on the lower right, where I would expect.

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gprimosch commented 7 years ago

The original description may be misleading. A simpler way to describe this behavior is that new are created in the same tree as the currently selected window. Thus if I have the main pane selected, and I start a new app (either with command + N, with finder, or the toolbar), the new windows get created in the main pane, instead of the lower right-hand corner.

ianyh commented 7 years ago

This is the intended behavior. Do you think it should always work the other way or that there should be an option to do either?

gprimosch commented 7 years ago

I think amethyst should always throw new windows to the lower right-hand corner. Adding windows to main just by having it selected is contrary to all the other windowing modes amethyst uses thus far. I want my main window to be stable, not changing with every new application started. Instead, you should use mod1 + , and mod1 + . to increase or decrease the number of windows in main.

To illustrate this last sentence, consider the following default BSP layout for four windows:


Press mod + , to increase the number of windows in the main frame:


Press mod + , to increase the number of windows in the main frame again:


If I add three new windows, they still get added to the lower-rightmost frame.


This behavior is closer to the other windowing modes and makes more intuitive sense to me, as indicated above.

gprimosch commented 7 years ago

Just to be clear, the behavior I am describing with mod + , is separate (but dependent on) the behavior about sending new windows to the lower right-hand corner.

ianyh commented 7 years ago

That behavior makes sense to me. I'll try to modify soon and send out a new build.