iarai / Landslide4Sense-2022

Data description and baseline code for LandSlide4Sense 2022 competition
MIT License
79 stars 19 forks source link

The download for landslide is invalid #9

Open aiyeshi opened 1 year ago

aiyeshi commented 1 year ago

The landslide dataset download link is invalid. In addition, I tried to register an account for downloading the data, but I failed to register. Could you give me a link to download the data? Thank you!

Salyoneyu commented 6 months ago

I also find it's invalid. Could you tell me how to solve it?

iamtekson commented 6 months ago

Recently, I uploaded the data in Kaggle here. Feel free to download it but it still missing the y_val and y_test dataset.

Salyoneyu commented 6 months ago

Recently, I uploaded the data in Kaggle here. Feel free to download it but it still missing the y_val and y_test dataset.

Thank you!!

YonghaoXu commented 6 months ago

Hi, the complete dataset including the labels is now available at: https://zenodo.org/records/10463239

Climber2 commented 5 months ago

Hi, the complete dataset including the labels is now available at: https://zenodo.org/records/10463239

May I ask if it is possible to obtain spatial reference data and image segmentation methods for each research area? These pieces of information can enable geographic registration of the dataset with more landslide inducing factor data, thereby enabling the dataset to play a greater role in landslide detection tasks.