iarobinson / learn-to-be-a-useful-programmer

A process to go from learning code to being able to do paid programming work
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Create a Slack Group and Link it to Index Page #23

Closed iarobinson closed 5 years ago

iarobinson commented 5 years ago

Since we're all making progress with this, I think it makes sense to have the ability to chat on the side. If one of you would like to set up a slack group (maybe call it learn-to-be-a-useful-programmer.slack.com).

If you want to take on this project, please comment below first. We don't want two people doing this at the same time.

makromikro commented 5 years ago

@iarobinson I agree. This was actually what I was looking for. I don't have twitter to communicate with you faster and the communication through github is a little slow. A chat integrated to it would be much better. I can do this!

makromikro commented 5 years ago

@iarobinson I created the slack channel. Here is the invite link: https://join.slack.com/t/useful-programmer/shared_invite/enQtNTUyNDMwNTUyNzA3LTQ5OGFiMjEyNjIwOWRlYjYwYmE2ZmQ5OTA2ZmIwMjI0M2QxNDI2OGJjYzcyZjM2NWU0ZTRiNTRmMTQwNzc3Nzc (I didn't have your email address).

I couldn't name the channel learn-to-be-a-useful-programmer.slack.com because it is longer than 21 letters and they wont accept it, instead it is useful-programmer.slack.com. I also added the link to the index.html but not to the very top. I hope this looks good.

iarobinson commented 5 years ago

Excellent work @makromikro. Closing this issue now because... it's done.