When there is a relative path "$PROJ_DIR$" for element in .board file, cannot start debug session with the following error.
Flash loader file does not exist or is of invalid format:[C:\path\to\project\file\.vscode\FlashLoader\flashloader_ijet\FlashXXXX.flash]
It seems that the "$PROJ_DIR$" in .board file will be expanded to "/.vscode/" when using VSCode.
If I specify the absolute path for .flash file in .board file, then it succeeded to start debug session.
This was confirmed with IAR C-SPY debug extension 1.20.1 + IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm 9.32.1.
When there is a relative path "$PROJ_DIR$" for element in .board file, cannot start debug session with the following error.
Flash loader file does not exist or is of invalid format:[C:\path\to\project\file\.vscode\FlashLoader\flashloader_ijet\FlashXXXX.flash]
It seems that the "$PROJ_DIR$" in .board file will be expanded to "/.vscode/" when using VSCode.
If I specify the absolute path for .flash file in .board file, then it succeeded to start debug session.
This was confirmed with IAR C-SPY debug extension 1.20.1 + IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm 9.32.1.