iatek / jquery-socialist

jquery social media plugin that aggregates and combines Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest and.. Combine social feeds from multiple social networks or RSS in elegant layouts via this social plugin.
MIT License
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numerous obstacles #46

Open noxvobiscum opened 11 years ago

noxvobiscum commented 11 years ago

First of all: Thanks for this great PlugIn! I appreciate your work very much!!

I started using your code a few days ago to generate a site somehow comparable to about.me - but done by myself (=absolute beginner in jQuery & web dev).

Just have a look: http://about.rolandseper.at/index.html (not public yet)

Some issues I noticed:

  1. I'm twittering quite a lot but there are just 3 entries, regardless of the number in maxResults:[###]. I tried 2 (nothing shown) to 1000000 (3 tweets shown).
  2. Facebook just works with pages and just for pics. That's not what I actually need, but hey, that's not your fault
  3. Google+ doesn't work for me at all - no idea why. I tried {name:'googleplus',id:'117141520503563201130/posts'},, tried without "/posts", nothing worked. I tried with the Page of my employer (wirtschaftsblatt.at), my private profile - nothing happened... Strange!
  4. Pinterest never worked for me altough I really tried hard to get the correct code or ID settings... No idea...
  5. In all Demo-Sites i saw and where the Stream worked properly in isotope:true, just your jquery.socialist.js or jquery.socialist.min.js was included. I had to include to get this done.

There were many more things i encountered, but I think most of them probably (or certainly?) were caused by me (wrong FTP chmod permisisons etc.)

I'll definitly follow your further developments and I'd be happy if there's one or more solution(s) to some of my issues...

Thanks a lot, Roland

dugpa commented 11 years ago

I too see the same for Facebook pages and Google+.

ValeryCC commented 11 years ago

Hi noxvobiscum,

I sort of solved the Pinterest problem for me. First, the id is formated as so: "user/pinterest-board-name" Second, only use the jquery.socialist.js version, not the min. Now my pinterests pics are showing. However, now I'm getting duplicates...not sure how to solve that one yet.