iausathub / satchecker

IAU CPS SatHub tool for satellite position prediction
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
7 stars 1 forks source link

SCK-62: pull out the observer location to a level above this so it #58

Open github-actions[bot] opened 3 months ago

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

doesn't get recalculated every time

nutation_arcsec \= dpsi / 10000000 # Convert from arcseconds to degrees

Use ts.ut1_jd instead of ts.from_astropy because from_astropy uses

astropy.Time.TT.jd instead of UT1

satpdt \= satellite.at(tplusdt).position.km

satmdt \= satellite.at(tminusdt).position.km

vsat \= (satpdt - satmdt) / dtx2

dracosdecv \= drav * np.cos(dec.radians)

yes the satellite is in Earth's shadow, no need to continue

(except for the moon of course)


class SGP4PropagationStrategy:
    def propagate(
        self, julian_date, tle_line_1, tle_line_2, latitude, longitude, elevation
        Propagates satellite and observer states using the SGP4 propagation model.

            julian_date (float): The Julian Date at which to propagate the satellite.
            tle_line_1 (str): The first line of the Two-Line Element set representing
                the satellite.
            tle_line_2 (str): The second line of the Two-Line Element set representing
                the satellite.
            latitude (float): The latitude of the observer's location, in degrees.
            longitude (float): The longitude of the observer's location, in degrees.
            elevation (float): The height of the observer's location, in meters above
                the WGS84 ellipsoid.

            tuple: A tuple containing the following elements:
                - azimuth (float): Description of azimuth.
                - elevation (float): Description of elevation.
                - right ascension (float): Description of right ascension.
                - declination (float): Description of declination.ion of the satellite.

        # new function
        # TODO:  SCK-62: pull out the observer location to a level above this so it
        # doesn't get recalculated every time
        observer_location = EarthLocation(
            lat=latitude * u.deg, lon=longitude * u.deg, height=elevation * u.m
        location_itrs = observer_location.itrs.cartesian.xyz.value / 1000

        # Compute the x, y coordinates of the CIP (Celestial Intermediate Pole)
        dpsi, deps = iau2000b(julian_date)

        # Compute the nutation in longitude
        nutation_arcsec = dpsi / 10000000  # Convert from arcseconds to degrees
        nutation = nutation_arcsec / 3600

        location_itrs = np.array(location_itrs)
        theta_gst = jd_to_gst(julian_date, nutation)

        satellite = Satrec.twoline2rv(tle_line_1, tle_line_2)
        error, r, v = satellite.sgp4(julian_date, 0)

        r_ecef = teme_to_ecef(r, theta_gst)
        difference = r_ecef - location_itrs
        r_enu = ecef_to_enu(difference, latitude, longitude)
        az, el = enu_to_az_el(r_enu)
        ra, dec = az_el_to_ra_dec(az, el, latitude, longitude, julian_date)

        return az, el, ra, dec

class TestPropagationStrategy:
    def propagate(
        self, julian_date, tle_line_1, tle_line_2, latitude, longitude, elevation
        Propagates satellite and observer states using a test method

            julian_date (float): The Julian Date at which to propagate the satellite.

            tle_line_1 (str): The first line of the Two-Line Element set representing
                the satellite.

            tle_line_2 (str): The second line of the Two-Line Element set representing
                the satellite.

            latitude (float): The latitude of the observer's location, in degrees.

            longitude (float): The longitude of the observer's location, in degrees.

            elevation (float): The height of the observer's location, in meters above
                the WGS84 ellipsoid.

            satellite_position: A namedtuple containing the following fields:
                ra (float):
                    The right ascension of the satellite relative to observer
                    coordinates in ICRS reference frame in degrees. Range of response
                    is [0,360).
                dec (float): The declination of the satellite relative to observer
                    coordinates in ICRS reference frame in degrees. Range of response
                    is [-90,90].
                dracosdec (float):
                    The rate of change of right ascension.
                ddec (float):
                    The rate of change of declination.
                alt (float):
                    The altitude of the satellite relative to observer
                    coordinates in ICRS reference frame in degrees. Range of response
                    is [0,90].
                az (float):
                    The azimuth of the satellite relative to observer
                    coordinates in ICRS reference frame in degrees. Range of response
                    is [0,360).
                distance (float):
                    Range from observer to object in km.
                ddistance (float):
                    The rate of change of the distance from the observer
                    to the object.
                phase_angle (float): The phase angle between the satellite, observer,
                    and the Sun.
                illuminated (bool):
                    Whether the satellite is illuminated by the Sun.
                jd (float):
                    The Julian Date at which the satellite was propagated.

        # This is the skyfield implementation
        ts = load.timescale()
        eph = load("de430t.bsp")
        earth = eph["Earth"]
        sun = eph["Sun"]
        satellite = EarthSatellite(tle_line_1, tle_line_2, ts=ts)
        # Get current position and find topocentric ra and dec
        curr_pos = calculate_current_position(latitude, longitude, elevation)
        # Set time to satellite epoch if input jd is 0, otherwise time is inputted jd
        # Use ts.ut1_jd instead of ts.from_astropy because from_astropy uses
        # astropy.Time.TT.jd instead of UT1
        jd = Time(julian_date, format="jd", scale="ut1")
        if jd.jd == 0:
            t = ts.ut1_jd(satellite.model.jdsatepoch)
            t = ts.ut1_jd(jd.jd)

        difference = satellite - curr_pos
        topocentric = difference.at(t)
        topocentricn = topocentric.position.km / np.linalg.norm(topocentric.position.km)

        ra, dec, distance = topocentric.radec()
        alt, az, distance = topocentric.altaz()

        dtday = TimeDelta(1, format="sec")
        tplusdt = ts.ut1_jd((jd + dtday).jd)
        tminusdt = ts.ut1_jd((jd - dtday).jd)

        # haven't had the need to change this but leaving it here for clarity purposes
        dtsec = 1
        dtx2 = 2 * dtsec

        sat = satellite.at(t).position.km

        # satn = sat / np.linalg.norm(sat)
        # satpdt = satellite.at(tplusdt).position.km
        # satmdt = satellite.at(tminusdt).position.km
        # vsat = (satpdt - satmdt) / dtx2

        sattop = difference.at(t).position.km
        sattopr = np.linalg.norm(sattop)
        sattopn = sattop / sattopr
        sattoppdt = difference.at(tplusdt).position.km
        sattopmdt = difference.at(tminusdt).position.km

        ratoppdt, dectoppdt = icrf2radec(sattoppdt)
        ratopmdt, dectopmdt = icrf2radec(sattopmdt)

        vsattop = (sattoppdt - sattopmdt) / dtx2

        ddistance = np.dot(vsattop, sattopn)
        rxy = np.dot(sattop[0:2], sattop[0:2])
        dra = (sattop[1] * vsattop[0] - sattop[0] * vsattop[1]) / rxy
        ddec = vsattop[2] / np.sqrt(1 - sattopn[2] * sattopn[2])
        dracosdec = dra * np.cos(dec.radians)

        dra = (ratoppdt - ratopmdt) / dtx2
        ddec = (dectoppdt - dectopmdt) / dtx2
        dracosdec = dra * np.cos(dec.radians)

        # drav, ddecv = icrf2radec(vsattop / sattopr, unit_vector=True)
        # dracosdecv = drav * np.cos(dec.radians)

        earthp = earth.at(t).position.km
        sunp = sun.at(t).position.km
        # earthp, sunp = calculate_earth_sun(t)
        earthsun = sunp - earthp
        earthsunn = earthsun / np.linalg.norm(earthsun)
        satsun = sat - earthsun
        satsunn = satsun / np.linalg.norm(satsun)
        phase_angle = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(np.dot(satsunn, topocentricn)))

        # Is the satellite in Earth's Shadow?
        r_parallel = np.dot(sat, earthsunn) * earthsunn
        r_tangential = sat - r_parallel

        illuminated = True

        if np.linalg.norm(r_parallel) < 0:
            # rearthkm
            if np.linalg.norm(r_tangential) < 6370:
                # print(np.linalg.norm(r_tangential),np.linalg.norm(r))
                # yes the satellite is in Earth's shadow, no need to continue
                # (except for the moon of course)
                illuminated = False
        satellite_position = namedtuple(
        return satellite_position(

class PropagationInfo:
    def __init__(

        self.propagation_strategy = propagation_strategy
        self.tle_line_1 = tle_line_1
        self.tle_line_2 = tle_line_2
        self.julian_date = julian_date
        self.latitude = latitude
        self.longitude = longitude
        self.elevation = elevation

    def propagate(self):
        return self.propagation_strategy.propagate(