I have an issue handling the partial fills orders, in my code, I need to make sure that all partial orders are executed to process with next step, I use the remaining function from trade object to check if the remaining is equal 0 or not, below is my code, the issue here is that it give always remaining == 0 even there are some remaining shares
I use this event:
self.ib_client.execDetailsEvent += self.on_exec_details
` def on_exec_details(self, trade, fill):
symbol = trade.contract.symbol
if symbol in self.positions:
trade_type = trade.order.orderType
side = fill.execution.side
order_id = trade.order.orderId
shares = fill.execution.shares
while not trade.isDone():
logger.info(f"{symbol} : Trade type: {trade_type}/{side}, Trade Status {trade.orderStatus.status},"
f"remaining shares: {trade.orderStatus.remaining}")
f"Execution of {trade_type} order for {symbol}, side = {side}, "
f"shares = {shares}, order_id = {order_id}, Trade Status = {trade.orderStatus.status}"
f"remaining shares: {trade.orderStatus.remaining}"
if trade.remaining() != 0:
Could you please help me understand why this is not working properly?
I have an issue handling the partial fills orders, in my code, I need to make sure that all partial orders are executed to process with next step, I use the remaining function from trade object to check if the remaining is equal 0 or not, below is my code, the issue here is that it give always remaining == 0 even there are some remaining shares
I use this event:
self.ib_client.execDetailsEvent += self.on_exec_details
` def on_exec_details(self, trade, fill):
Could you please help me understand why this is not working properly?