ibLeDy / exercism-submissions

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Flake8 failing #1

Closed ibLeDy closed 4 years ago

ibLeDy commented 4 years ago
./python/matrix/matrix.py:10:31: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/matrix/matrix.py:5:1: W293 blank line contains whitespace
./python/matrix/matrix.py:13:26: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/robot-name/robot_name.py:6:1: E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1
./python/sieve/sieve.py:2:15: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/sieve/sieve.py:2:28: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/sieve/sieve.py:2:31: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/sieve/sieve.py:3:33: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/sieve/sieve.py:5:29: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/sieve/sieve.py:5:34: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/leap/leap.py:3:28: W291 trailing whitespace
./python/leap/leap.py:16:1: W391 blank line at end of file
./python/anagram/anagram.py:3:1: W293 blank line contains whitespace
./python/anagram/anagram.py:12:1: W293 blank line contains whitespace
./python/anagram/anagram.py:21:1: W293 blank line contains whitespace
./python/anagram/anagram.py:25:1: W293 blank line contains whitespace
./python/anagram/anagram.py:44:22: W292 no newline at end of file
./python/difference-of-squares/difference_of_squares.py:2:15: W291 trailing whitespace
./python/difference-of-squares/difference_of_squares.py:5:1: W293 blank line contains whitespace
./python/difference-of-squares/difference_of_squares.py:19:58: W292 no newline at end of file
./python/collatz-conjecture/collatz_conjecture.py:7:1: E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1
./python/isbn-verifier/isbn_verifier.py:20:25: E211 whitespace before '['
./python/isbn-verifier/isbn_verifier.py:32:41: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/isbn-verifier/isbn_verifier.py:32:59: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/isbn-verifier/isbn_verifier.py:32:76: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/isbn-verifier/isbn_verifier.py:32:93: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/isbn-verifier/isbn_verifier.py:32:110: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/isbn-verifier/isbn_verifier.py:32:127: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/isbn-verifier/isbn_verifier.py:32:144: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/isbn-verifier/isbn_verifier.py:32:161: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/isbn-verifier/isbn_verifier.py:32:178: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/isbn-verifier/isbn_verifier.py:32:203: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/isbn-verifier/isbn_verifier.py:45:41: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/isbn-verifier/isbn_verifier.py:45:59: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/isbn-verifier/isbn_verifier.py:45:76: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/isbn-verifier/isbn_verifier.py:45:93: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/isbn-verifier/isbn_verifier.py:45:110: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/isbn-verifier/isbn_verifier.py:45:127: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/isbn-verifier/isbn_verifier.py:45:144: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/isbn-verifier/isbn_verifier.py:45:161: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/isbn-verifier/isbn_verifier.py:45:178: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/isbn-verifier/isbn_verifier.py:45:203: E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
./python/hangman/hangman.py:27:1: W293 blank line contains whitespace
./python/sum-of-multiples/sum_of_multiples.py:13:1: W293 blank line contains whitespace
./python/word-count/word_count.py:3:1: E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1
./python/word-count/word_count.py:13:1: W293 blank line contains whitespace
./python/word-count/word_count.py:25:9: E722 do not use bare 'except'
./python/word-count/word_count.py:43:1: W293 blank line contains whitespace
./python/pangram/pangram.py:8:1: E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1
./python/pangram/pangram.py:16:1: E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1
./python/hello-world/hello_world.py:3:1: W391 blank line at end of file
./python/raindrops/raindrops.py:3:1: E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1
./python/raindrops/raindrops.py:7:54: W292 no newline at end of file
./python/isogram/isogram.py:3:1: E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1
./python/isogram/isogram.py:14:1: W293 blank line contains whitespace
./python/isogram/isogram.py:15:37: E713 test for membership should be 'not in'
./python/isogram/isogram.py:17:1: W293 blank line contains whitespace
./python/twelve-days/twelve_days.py:32:1: E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1
./python/twelve-days/twelve_days.py:32:27: E231 missing whitespace after ':'
./python/twelve-days/twelve_days.py:43:71: E502 the backslash is redundant between brackets
./python/twelve-days/twelve_days.py:45:1: W293 blank line contains whitespace
./python/bob/bob.py:18:9: F841 local variable 'result' is assigned to but never used
./python/bob/bob.py:24:27: W292 no newline at end of file
./python/series/series.py:3:5: F841 local variable 'number' is assigned to but never used
./python/series/series.py:4:1: W293 blank line contains whitespace
./python/series/series.py:9:1: W293 blank line contains whitespace
./python/series/series.py:13:1: W293 blank line contains whitespace
./python/series/series.py:16:1: W293 blank line contains whitespace
./python/series/series.py:22:1: W293 blank line contains whitespace
./python/series/series.py:23:18: W292 no newline at end of file
1     E211 whitespace before '['
28    E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
1     E231 missing whitespace after ':'
8     E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1
1     E502 the backslash is redundant between brackets
1     E713 test for membership should be 'not in'
1     E722 do not use bare 'except'
2     F841 local variable 'result' is assigned to but never used
2     W291 trailing whitespace
5     W292 no newline at end of file
18    W293 blank line contains whitespace
2     W391 blank line at end of file
ibLeDy commented 4 years ago

2 Fixes this.