ibaiGorordo / AWR1843-Read-Data-Python-MMWAVE-SDK-3-

Python program to read and plot the data in real time from the AWR1843 mmWave radar board (MMWAVE SDK 3)
MIT License
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Does the same code works for IWR1843 ? IF not what is the modifications need to make? #34

Open pcakhilnadh opened 2 years ago

pcakhilnadh commented 2 years ago

I m working with IWR1843, I marked a breakpoint after dataOk, frameNumber, detObj = readAndParseData18xx(Dataport, configParameters)

But I always get frameNumber is 0 and dataOk is 0.

Why is it so? Does the same code works for IWR1843 ? IF not what is the modifications need to make?

ibaiGorordo commented 2 years ago
SiriDubbaka commented 8 months ago

I'm using AWR1843 Device, I have used readData_AWR1843.py. I have changed the port numbers correctly and used the same configuration file provided by you. The device is getting connected but I'm not getting any output, the scatter plot is empty. Can you suggest what to do? Is MATLAB required in anyway, cause I'm directly working on Python.