ibaiGorordo / AWR1843-Read-Data-Python-MMWAVE-SDK-3-

Python program to read and plot the data in real time from the AWR1843 mmWave radar board (MMWAVE SDK 3)
MIT License
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Using AWR1643 with SDK 3.6 #49

Closed jvithub closed 6 months ago

jvithub commented 6 months ago

Hi, first of all thank you ibaiGorordo for providing this code to use. I've managed to get to the point where I'm running the code.


The trick is pyqtgraph is struggling to open - Icon bouncing on my macbook dock.

My setup is AWR1642 w/ SDK 3.6 connected to Macbook M1 using rosetta (ARM and intel translator). PySerial, NumPy, PyQt5, PyQtGraph seem to be installed correctly, and are not throwing errors when the code is run.

It's hard to tell if it's a problem with intefacing the code meant for AWR1843 w/ SDK 3-, or a deeper M1 problem. I have a feeling it just might be something to do with how PyQt is setup. But I have no clue which is why I'm asking. Any help would be much appreciated.

UPDATE: I just tried running the code with the same hardware on a windows machine, and looks like I'm getting the same result. I now believe it's not PyQt and possibly a configuration issue with the code and AWR1642. Once again tips are much appreciated.

jvithub commented 6 months ago

Managed to get the graph running and plotting, realised that there is a good reason one of the steps was to change the config file name - To download the config file from the mmwave demo visualiser corresponding to my setup 1643 sdk 3.6. Another problem was adding from PyQt5 import QtWidgets and using QtWidgets instead of QtGui for .QApplication([]) and .QApplication.ProcessEvents() The only error I'm running into now is a NumPy depreciation warning which I might post about later.