ibaiGorordo / pyKinectAzure

Python library to run Kinect Azure DK SDK functions
MIT License
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get_transformed_color_image returns image that is all 0 #85

Closed Xadra-T closed 1 year ago

Xadra-T commented 1 year ago

Hi there, I have a recording which is made by k4arecorder. Getting depth and color images are fine, but when I try get_transformed_color_image, it returns a 4-channel image where all pixels are 0.

Any help is appreciated.

ibaiGorordo commented 1 year ago

If you need the transformed color image, the recorded image needs to be in BGRA32 format due to how the official SDK works. You need to change the record example so that device_config.color_format = pykinect.K4A_IMAGE_FORMAT_COLOR_BGRA32

More info: https://github.com/ibaiGorordo/pyKinectAzure/issues/71