ibalazevic / TuckER

TuckER: Tensor Factorization for Knowledge Graph Completion
MIT License
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Hyperparameters for Yago3-10 #14

Closed AndRossi closed 4 years ago

AndRossi commented 4 years ago

Hi, thanks for developing this amazing model. I'd like to try and train it on the Yago3-10 dataset (I think you have used it in your other work titled "Hypernetwork Knowledge Graph Embeddings").

Have you ever tried to train TuckER on that dataset? Can you suggest me any hyperparameter settings, before I start running a long grid search? :)

Thanks for your help!


ibalazevic commented 4 years ago

Hi, sorry but I haven't actually run TuckER on Yago. I would maybe look at hyperparameters used on other datasets as a starting point.

AndRossi commented 4 years ago

Ok, nevermind. As you suggest, I'll start with the hyperparameters used on the other datasets. Have a nice day!