ibarwick / firebird_fdw

A PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper (FDW) for Firebird - latest version 1.4.0 (2024-05-11)
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Firebird fix #8

Closed mkgrgis closed 5 years ago

mkgrgis commented 5 years ago

Non "DOUBLE" sed "DOUBLE PRECISION" en la Firebird 2.5 http://firebirdsql.su/doku.php?id=tipy_dannyx#tipy_dannyx

ibarwick commented 5 years ago


Thanks for the report; actually that query is generating column type names for PostgreSQL, though it should be DOUBLE PRECISION there too.

Checking the query, I see it contains a couple of other types which are invalid in PostgreSQL; these will be handled seperately. A patch has been applied with the fix and comment with TODO.

mkgrgis commented 5 years ago

Thanks, Ian!