Closed mdtanrikulu closed 6 years ago
The NPE comes from an optional bundle that gathers system monitoring information by reading from the Linux /proc/ filesystem. If this is not present it fails with that exception, but should not keep DIANNE from working.
Also when using the run target in gradle, the build will pause when it launched DIANNE, and will only reach 100% when the process is stopped. So at this moment DIANNE is actually up and running and you should see the user interface when pointing your browser to http://localhost:8080/dianne
Well, I've this instead;
When the build process hangs, can you press enter, type lb
and hit enter again? You are running run.all
Yes, this is run.all
on the picture and run.core
also same.
Hmm, could you also provide the output of src:list
and log debug
This is for log debug
2017.08.07 11:37:11 INFO - Bundle: org.eclipse.concierge - ServiceReference{aQute.launcher.Launcher@3c77d488} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:11 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.nn - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:11 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.nn.module - ServiceReference{Component: be.iminds.iot.dianne.nn.module.composite.CompositeModuleFactory (31)} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:11 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.jsonrpc - ServiceReference{Component: be.iminds.iot.dianne.jsonrpc.DianneJSONRPCServlet (22)} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:11 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.jsonrpc - ServiceReference{Component: be.iminds.iot.dianne.jsonrpc.DianneJSONRPCCLI (20)} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:11 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.jsonrpc - ServiceReference{Component: be.iminds.iot.dianne.jsonrpc.DianneRequestHandler (23)} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:11 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.command - ServiceReference{Component: be.iminds.iot.dianne.command.DiannePlatformCommands (19)} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:11 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.command - ServiceReference{Component: be.iminds.iot.dianne.command.DianneBenchmarkCommands (17)} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:11 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.builder - ServiceReference{Component: be.iminds.iot.dianne.builder.DianneRunner (15)} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.builder - ServiceReference{Component: be.iminds.iot.dianne.builder.DianneDeployer (9)} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.builder - ServiceReference{Component: be.iminds.iot.dianne.builder.DianneLearner (11)} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.proxymanager - ServiceReference{be.iminds.aiolos.proxy.ServiceProxy@5143878e} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.proxymanager - ServiceReference{be.iminds.aiolos.proxy.ServiceProxy@77273ebf} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.proxymanager - ServiceReference{be.iminds.aiolos.proxy.ServiceProxy@d82863f} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.nn.module - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.builder - ServiceReference{Component: be.iminds.iot.dianne.builder.DianneBuilder (7)} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.proxymanager - ServiceReference{be.iminds.aiolos.proxy.ServiceProxy@6661f096} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.nn.module - ServiceReference{Component: be.iminds.iot.dianne.nn.module.factory.DianneModuleFactory (32)} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.nn.util - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.nn.util - ServiceReference{Component: be.iminds.iot.dianne.nn.util.strategy.StrategyFactoryImpl (30)} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.api - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.tensor.util - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.tensor - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.tensor - ServiceReference{Component: be.iminds.iot.dianne.tensor.serializer.TensorSerializer (29)} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.tensor - ServiceReference{Component: be.iminds.iot.dianne.tensor.NativeTensorLoader (28)} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.dashboard - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.dashboard - ServiceReference{Component: be.iminds.iot.dianne.dashboard.DianneDownload (27)} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.dashboard - ServiceReference{Component: be.iminds.iot.dianne.dashboard.DianneDashboard (26)} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.coordinator - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.command - ServiceReference{Component: be.iminds.iot.dianne.command.DianneCoordinatorCommands (18)} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.proxymanager - ServiceReference{be.iminds.aiolos.proxy.ServiceProxy@2b537423} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.jsonrpc - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.jsonrpc - ServiceReference{Component: be.iminds.iot.dianne.jsonrpc.DianneSSEServlet (24)} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.command - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.builder - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.builder - ServiceReference{Component: be.iminds.iot.dianne.builder.DianneSaver (16)} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.builder - ServiceReference{Component: be.iminds.iot.dianne.builder.DianneRedirect (14)} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.builder - ServiceReference{Component: be.iminds.iot.dianne.builder.DianneLoader (12)} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.builder - ServiceReference{Component: be.iminds.iot.dianne.builder.DianneData (8)} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.proxymanager - ServiceReference{be.iminds.aiolos.proxy.ServiceProxy@654f6530} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.rl.experience - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.dataset - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.proxymanager - ServiceReference{be.iminds.aiolos.proxy.ServiceProxy@7c65b4d8} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:10 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.proxymanager - ServiceReference{be.iminds.aiolos.proxy.ServiceProxy@15e91e82} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.repository - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.proxymanager - ServiceReference{be.iminds.aiolos.proxy.ServiceProxy@25ab8270} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.iot.dianne.nn.platform - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.platformmanager - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.platformmanager - ServiceReference{be.iminds.aiolos.platform.command.PlatformCommands@3b531510} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.platformmanager - ServiceReference{be.iminds.aiolos.platform.PlatformManagerImpl@6ac1a5d6} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.proxymanager - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.proxymanager - ServiceReference{be.iminds.aiolos.proxy.command.ProxyCommands@3781bb02} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.proxymanager - ServiceReference{be.iminds.aiolos.proxy.ProxyManagerImpl@4ec00780} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.topologymanager - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.topologymanager - ServiceReference{be.iminds.aiolos.topology.command.TopologyManagerCommands@6d9870dd} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.topologymanager - ServiceReference{be.iminds.aiolos.topology.TopologyManagerImpl@242b836} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.topologymanager - ServiceReference{be.iminds.aiolos.topology.TopologyManagerImpl@242b836} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.topologymanager - ServiceReference{be.iminds.aiolos.topology.TopologyManagerImpl@242b836} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.nodemonitor - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.nodemonitor - ServiceReference{be.iminds.aiolos.monitor.node.NodeMonitorImpl@a1087ad} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 WARNING - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.nodemonitor - Error reading cpu monitor information: /proc/stat (No such file or directory)
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.remoteserviceadmin - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.remoteserviceadmin - ServiceReference{be.iminds.aiolos.rsa.command.RSACommands@30737446} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: be.iminds.aiolos.remoteserviceadmin - ServiceReference{be.iminds.aiolos.rsa.ROSGiServiceAdmin@4f80542f} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: de.javakaffee.kryo-serializers - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: com.esotericsoftware.kryo - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: org.objenesis - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: kxml - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: org.apache.felix.scr - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: org.apache.felix.scr - ServiceReference{org.apache.felix.scr.impl.config.ScrManagedServiceServiceFactory@7e4189cf} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: org.apache.felix.scr - ServiceReference{org.apache.felix.scr.impl.ScrGogoCommand@50f11042} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: org.apache.felix.scr - ServiceReference{org.apache.felix.scr.impl.runtime.ServiceComponentRuntimeImpl@5e52d81e} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: org.apache.felix.scr - ServiceReference{org.apache.felix.scr.impl.config.ConfigurationSupport@752856d6} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: org.apache.felix.metatype - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: org.apache.felix.metatype - ServiceReference{org.apache.felix.metatype.internal.MetaTypeServiceImpl@355ce81c} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: org.apache.felix.log - BundleEvent STARTED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: org.apache.felix.log - ServiceReference{org.apache.felix.log.LogReaderServiceFactory@7d5a64d} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
2017.08.07 11:37:09 INFO - Bundle: org.apache.felix.log - ServiceReference{org.apache.felix.log.LogServiceFactory@5f7ec5f5} - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
But I'm getting CommandNotFoundException: Command not found: src:list
error for src:list
The log seems fine... could you try pointing your browser directly to http://localhost:8080/dianne/ui/builder/builder.html
Here it is. Can it be used?
Looking at the logs everything seems up and running. I think only the shorthand /dianne URL redirect didn't work. Which system/browser are you running on?
macOS/Unix - Chrome.
The redirect problem should be fixed in the latest master branch. For know you can just use the full url as stated, shouldn't make a difference.
Thank you so much. I've just confirmed it and it's working well.
Just a little suggestion, if the /
root router is free to use, it could be nice to redirect it to the dianne dashboard too. It's a bit complicated as it is now.
Thanks for the suggestion, we'll look into it
I have added a redirect from the root / , should be working now if you checkout and build the latest master
we are facing issue... it hangs at 85% and i m not able to redirect to localhost.
How shall I proceed
Try the complete url http://localhost:8080/dianne/ui/builder/builder.html
. Which version are you running? Redirecting the localhost root can only work on latest master.
did you change the .bndrun configurations somehow? Normally you should also have the following bundles active:
28|Active |Dianne Platform (
29|Active |Dianne NN Repository (
30|Active |Dianne Datasets (
31|Active |Dianne Experience Pools (
32|Active |Dianne Builder UI (
33|Active |Dianne GoGo Shell CLI (
34|Active |Dianne JSON RPC (
35|Active |Dianne Coordinator (
36|Active |Dianne Dashboard UI (
37|Active |Dianne Tensor Library (
38|Resolved |Dianne Tensor Library - native implementation (
39|Active |Dianne Tensor utils (
40|Active |Dianne API (
41|Active |Dianne Utilities (
42|Active |Dianne NN modules (
43|Active |Dianne Neural Network bundle (
44|Active |Dianne RNN Modules (
45|Active |Dianne RNN Datasets (
It looks like you are only running the runtime.jar
instead of the standalone.jar
or all.jar
. The runtime only jar does not include the builder UI.
Try the following:
./gradlew export.all run.all
I got following error when I execute
./gradlew run.all
[Any of them; all , core etc.]And it hangs at 85%.