iberianpig / fusuma

Multitouch gestures with libinput driver on Linux
MIT License
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Update to 2.3.0, strange behaviour on Wayland #267

Open SamuXzX opened 2 years ago

SamuXzX commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug I first had some problems with 4 fingers gestures, I found that I didn't update fusuma for a long time and I update it. 4 fingers gestures solved, now everything else doesn't work. I start fusuma from command line, now it doesn't write what gesture I'm executing even if the gesture properly fires: with a 4 fingers horizontal swipe I can change desktops, but the vertical gestures don't work (they don't execute the right shortcut). In addition, any of the 3 finger gestures works. I see from fusuma --version that fusuma-sendkey isn't compatible with this version, and that fusuma-2.3.0 doesn't even show in the changelogs. Could it be because of this? What am I doing wrong

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Start fusuma in command line
  2. Test all gestures

Expected behavior All gestures should fire the proper shortcut as in X11.


I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.047166 #6040]  INFO -- : reload config: /home/samuele/.config/fusuma/config.yml
fatal: .git non è un repository Git (né lo è alcuna delle directory genitrici)
W, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.178367 #6040]  WARN -- : fusuma-plugin-tap 0.3.2 is incompatible with running fusuma 2.3.0
W, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.191083 #6040]  WARN -- : fusuma-plugin-tap 0.3.2 is incompatible with running fusuma 2.3.0
W, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.203900 #6040]  WARN -- : fusuma-plugin-tap 0.3.2 is incompatible with running fusuma 2.3.0
W, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.209562 #6040]  WARN -- : fusuma-plugin-tap 0.3.2 is incompatible with running fusuma 2.3.0
W, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.216047 #6040]  WARN -- : fusuma-plugin-tap 0.3.2 is incompatible with running fusuma 2.3.0
W, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.241020 #6040]  WARN -- : fusuma-plugin-tap 0.3.2 is incompatible with running fusuma 2.3.0
W, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.246846 #6040]  WARN -- : fusuma-plugin-tap 0.3.2 is incompatible with running fusuma 2.3.0
W, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.253203 #6040]  WARN -- : fusuma-plugin-tap 0.3.2 is incompatible with running fusuma 2.3.0
W, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.260401 #6040]  WARN -- : fusuma-plugin-tap 0.3.2 is incompatible with running fusuma 2.3.0
W, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.267628 #6040]  WARN -- : fusuma-plugin-tap 0.3.2 is incompatible with running fusuma 2.3.0
fatal: .git non è un repository Git (né lo è alcuna delle directory genitrici)
W, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.283024 #6040]  WARN -- : fusuma-plugin-sendkey 0.5.1 is incompatible with running fusuma 2.3.0
W, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.289335 #6040]  WARN -- : fusuma-plugin-sendkey 0.5.1 is incompatible with running fusuma 2.3.0
I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.289673 #6040]  INFO -- : ---------------------------------------------
I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.290707 #6040]  INFO -- : Fusuma: 2.3.0
I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.297134 #6040]  INFO -- : libinput: 1.19.1
I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.297313 #6040]  INFO -- : ruby 2.7.0p0
I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.300174 #6040]  INFO -- : OS: Linux 5.13.0-27-generic #29~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 14 00:32:30 UTC 2022
I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.303264 #6040]  INFO -- : Distribution: KDE neon 5.23 \n \l
I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.306728 #6040]  INFO -- : Desktop session: plasmawayland wayland
I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.306959 #6040]  INFO -- : ---------------------------------------------
I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.307036 #6040]  INFO -- : Enabled Plugins: 
I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.307431 #6040]  INFO -- :   Fusuma::Plugin::Buffers::GestureBuffer
I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.307511 #6040]  INFO -- :   Fusuma::Plugin::Buffers::TimerBuffer
I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.307578 #6040]  INFO -- :   Fusuma::Plugin::Detectors::HoldDetector
I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.307642 #6040]  INFO -- :   Fusuma::Plugin::Detectors::PinchDetector
I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.307710 #6040]  INFO -- :   Fusuma::Plugin::Detectors::RotateDetector
I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.307775 #6040]  INFO -- :   Fusuma::Plugin::Detectors::SwipeDetector
I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.307840 #6040]  INFO -- :   Fusuma::Plugin::Events::Records::ContextRecord
I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.307904 #6040]  INFO -- :   Fusuma::Plugin::Events::Records::GestureRecord
I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.307971 #6040]  INFO -- :   Fusuma::Plugin::Events::Records::IndexRecord
I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.308036 #6040]  INFO -- :   Fusuma::Plugin::Events::Records::TextRecord
I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.308102 #6040]  INFO -- :   Fusuma::Plugin::Executors::CommandExecutor
I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.308167 #6040]  INFO -- :   Fusuma::Plugin::Filters::LibinputDeviceFilter
I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.308232 #6040]  INFO -- :   Fusuma::Plugin::Inputs::LibinputCommandInput
I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.308297 #6040]  INFO -- :   Fusuma::Plugin::Inputs::TimerInput
I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.308365 #6040]  INFO -- :   Fusuma::Plugin::Parsers::LibinputGestureParser
I, [2022-01-30T10:54:16.308478 #6040]  INFO -- : ---------------------------------------------


   sendkey: "LEFTMETA+LEFT" # Compact to the left

   sendkey: "LEFTMETA+RIGHT" # Compact to the right

   sendkey: "LEFTMETA+A" # Present windows

   sendkey: "LEFTMETA+UP" # Toggle maximization

   sendkey: "LEFTMETA+TAB" # Go one desktop right

   sendkey: "LEFTMETA+LEFTSHIFT+TAB" # Go one desktop left

   sendkey: "LEFTMETA+LEFTSHIFT+A" # Show desktops grid

   sendkey: "LEFTALT+F4" # Close window

  sendkey: "LEFTCTRL+KPPLUS" # Zoom in

  sendkey: "LEFTCTRL+KPMINUS" # Zoom out

 pinch: 0.75
iberianpig commented 2 years ago

Hi! Could you try to update fusuma-plugins with following commands?

sudo gem list fusuma-plugin- | cut -d' ' -f1 | xargs --no-run-if-empty sudo gem update
SamuXzX commented 2 years ago

Thanks, something changed, but not much. At first the 4 fingers gesture to the right worked a couple of times, but then stopped working and no 3 or 4 fingers gesture works. The pinch gestures works consistently.


korason7117 commented 2 years ago

Hi! Could you try to update fusuma-plugins with following commands?

sudo gem list fusuma-plugin- | cut -d' ' -f1 | xargs --no-run-if-empty sudo gem update

Now that i've tried you command, Fusuma behaves weirdly. No matter if I delete the gestures for 4 Figer-Gestures or whatever edit I do to 4 Finger-Gestures is always the same 4 Finger-Gesures. Also, i dont seem to find any related process in htop by typing fusuma. Killing Fusuma still keeps alive your suggested command, "your suggested command" keeps alive only the 4 finger-gestures. While the 3 finger-gestures die along with the Fusuma process

NOTE: your suggested command persist even after rebooting, how do I kill that process?

iberianpig commented 2 years ago

@SamuXzX I don't have Plasma Wayland environment. I want to know if fusuma-sendkey works completely on Plasma Wayland. Could you confirm with fusuma-sendkey command works well on your terminal?

@korason7117 I don't know your environment or settings. Could you paste your output of $ fusuma --version ?

how do I kill that process?

Could you grep the output of ps aux? If you get fusuma process ID, then send a kill signal.

iberianpig@iberianpig-XPS-13-9310:~$ ps aux | grep fusuma
iberian+    4178  0.3  0.1 509388 27396 ?        Sl    4月12  28:14 /home/iberianpig/.rbenv/versions/3.0.2/bin/ruby /home/iberianpig/.rbenv/versions/3.0.2/bin/fusuma -d --log=/tmp/fusuma.log --verbose
iberian+    4181  0.0  0.0 100088 14760 ?        S     4月12   6:55 fusuma/plugin/inputs/timer_input
iberian+    4185  0.0  0.0 232504 11008 ?        Sl    4月12   0:00 fusuma/plugin/appmatcher/user_switcher
iberian+  332419  0.0  0.0  10096  2580 pts/15   R+   23:01   0:00 grep --color=auto fusuma
iberianpig@iberianpig-XPS-13-9310:~$ kill 4178
korason7117 commented 2 years ago

@iberianpig The output of fusuma from running on terminal and config contents of config-kde.yml: https://pastebin.com/ugCLTx3t

When running ps aux | grep fusuma with fusuma -d

sh-5.1$ ps aux | grep fusuma
okama       2941  1.0  0.1 285432 16220 ?        Sl   12:12   0:11 /usr/bin/ruby /home/okama/.local/share/gem/ruby/3.0.0/bin/fusuma -c /home/okama/.config/fusuma/config-kde.yml -d
okama       2945  0.0  0.1 150120 15636 ?        S    12:12   0:00 fusuma/plugin/inputs/timer_input
okama       3432  0.0  0.0   6672  2660 pts/1    S+   12:29   0:00 grep fusuma

Running ps aux | grep fusuma with the above processes killed :

sh-5.1$ ps aux | grep fusuma
okama       3645  0.0  0.0   6672  2636 pts/1    S+   12:41   0:00 grep fusuma

I dont know what your command did to the core files for fusuma to behave like this. By the way, I ran sudo gem list fusuma-plugin- | cut -d' ' -f1 | xargs --no-run-if-empty sudo gem update without sudo. Also your command did work and fixed the weird issue of 4 Finger-Gestures, it felt like the interval and threshold were at 0 meaning, way to fast. making it impossible to move around. The reason why that speed was out of control, was because I still had the 4 Finger-Gestures in the config file. I had to disable them for the 4 Finger-Gestures to have a normalized speed. But. in the end, now I have no way to modify the 4 Finger-Gestures, because I can't find the process and kill it

EDIT: I tried uninstalling gems (plugins and fusuma) even Ruby and rebooted. After rebooting, 4 Finger-Gestures still works. This must be a unique 4 Finger-Gestures for KDE-Plasma on Wayland. This could explain why I had to disable 4 Finger-Gestures in config file, and why it persists after rebooting. I could be wrong though.

SamuXzX commented 2 years ago

@SamuXzX I don't have Plasma Wayland environment. I want to know if fusuma-sendkey works completely on Plasma Wayland. Could you confirm with fusuma-sendkey command works well on your terminal?

It does. My LEFTMETA key opens the overview:


What doesn't seem to work are the actual gestures. For example, for me LEFTMETA+TAB goes a desktop to the right. It goes well if I use it from the command line. But, as you can see here, when I try to use its gestures it kind of flickers back and forth.

korason7117 commented 2 years ago

@SamuXzX try disabling 4 Finger-Gestures. im seeing that you have 4 Finger-Gestures activated, meaning that the interval and threshold are colliding with the default 4 Finger-Gestures on KDE-Plasma-Wayland It worked for me. I had to disable them, and I have to bear with these default gestures because KDE-Plasma devs hard coded 4 Finger Gestures into KDE-Plasma on Wayland

* By default on Wayland: 4 Finger-Gestures;

* Swipe-Down: Toggle Preset Windows (All desktops) Ctrl+F10 (default keybinds)

* Swipe-Up: Desktop Grid Ctrl+F8 (default keybind)

* Swipe-Right/Left: Switch to Next/Previous Desktop

NOTE: I could be wrong, and be spreading misinformation about KDE-Plasma hard coding all this on Wayland, but I couldn't find any relevant info in KDE-Plasma Changelogs about TouchPad-Gestres.

SamuXzX commented 2 years ago

I mostly use 4 fingers gestures, because at times the 3 fingers gestures stop working (it seems they collide with the middle-click to past, which I disabled in KDE yet it's still there). Anyway, I surely could try disabling them. I think it will work becuase the 3 fingers gestures work well in Wayland. I'll let you know.

Indeed, when using the swipe-up with 4 fingers on Wayland, instead of my gesture (Alt+F4), I see the desktop grid. Does it mean that Plasma Wayland already has gestures? Where can I get more informations?

SamuXzX commented 2 years ago

I disabled Fusuma's 4 fingers gestures on Wayland and I was able to use those hard coded in KDE Plasma. Now it seems obvious they were obstructing each other, rather than "conflicting", as both were working at the same time.

So, we simply discovered that there were already some not-yet configurable gestures on KDE Plasma Wayland. I'd say to find a way to bypass them, because otherwise Fusuma won't have an usecase. But they are not configurable, so it will take some time until this could happen.

korason7117 commented 2 years ago

So, we simply discovered that there were already some not-yet configurable gestures on KDE Plasma Wayland. I'd say to find a way to bypass them

Is it even possible to bypass a hard coded setting from KDE-Plasma? Best way as of now would be to compile KDE-Plasma from source and do your own tweaks.

I've tried to add Swipe modifiers like this:

   sendkey: 'LEFTCTRL+LEFTSHIFT+LEFT' #Tile window to the left

And no way around it, It works as a gesture, but Wayland default Gesture triggers too. Making modifiers for Swipe 4 Finger-Gestures unusable. Gestures such as pinch, rotate, hold with modifiers for 4 Finger-Gestures works as intended

SamuXzX commented 2 years ago

I mean: now it surely isn't possible. Maybe in the future, when KDE-Plasma gesture will receive a configuration page, it will be. But it doesn't matter: in such a case it would be possible to disable them to give space to Fusuma.

I think that at this point the issue can be closed and we could add to the README that, in KDE-Plasma Wayland, Fusuma will collide with the hard coded gestures.

iberianpig commented 1 year ago

The situation is the same in Gnome Wayland. Wayland reads libinput on the compositor side, but Fusuma also reads from libinput-debug-inputs and treats them as gestures. Therefore, Gnome Wayland and Fusuma execute actions at the same time. There are currently two workarounds

  1. Configure Fusuma so that Wayland native gestures do not conflict
  2. Disable Wayland native gestures and configure gestures in Fusuma only
SamuXzX commented 1 year ago

How is (1) even possible? Do you simply mean "stopping using the same gestures as Wayland does"? The workaround (2) seems totally in power of the distroes. Maybe, other than just waiting for the distroes to let to configure their gestures, we can only contact them to request some sort of API to let Fusuma and other services take charge of the gestures for the system. It seems to me that now that distroes are equipping themselves with gestures, Fusuma can only be an alternative, so that we have to wait for them to let users disable native gestures.