iberianpig / xSwipe

Multitouch gestures with synaptics driver on X11, Linux
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Make xSwipe correctly guess the session name under Ubuntu 15.04 (and maybe other versions) #19

Closed Chosko closed 9 years ago

Chosko commented 9 years ago

This is a workaround to make xSwipe work also under Ubuntu 15.04 (which is the version I tested) and probably some other versions.

This is the new flow: If gnome-session works properly, it's used to guess the session name (and the workaround is not used). If gnome-session doesn't work, the variable DESKTOP_SESSION is used to guess the session name. If both gnome-session and DESKTOP_SESSION don't work, the session is interpreted as 'other'.

iberianpig commented 9 years ago

Confirmed. Thank you for resolve to define desktop_session.