iberianpig / xSwipe

Multitouch gestures with synaptics driver on X11, Linux
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Quick flick pastes clipboard content. #26

Open f3bruary opened 9 years ago

f3bruary commented 9 years ago

I got 3-finger swipe set up to ALT-left/right and it works fine although still need to play around with the -d parameter.

I noticed however in a terminal if I do a short swipe to left or right (I believe up/down too), it pastes the clipboard content in the terminal. It doesn't paste in regular text areas, only in a terminal (like shift+insert).

montanpi commented 8 years ago

if I do a short swipe to left or right (I believe up/down too), it pastes the clipboard content in the terminal.

This is due to the fact that on file xSwipe.pl lines 325 and 327 there is a synclient TapButton3=2 command; this results in middle mouse button being bound to three finger tap as soon as you run xSwipe. Thus you will have your X primary selection being pasted into terminal (or tedt editor or wherever else in my case) when three finger tapping. That being said, when you do a three finger gesture, xSwipe sometimes will also issue a three finger tap, that's why the clipboard content is pasted in the terminal. Fortunately we can workaround this by adding a TapButton3=0 just after the TapButton3=2; this way the three finger tap is lost but at least we don't have random paste when doing gestures.