iberianpig / xSwipe

Multitouch gestures with synaptics driver on X11, Linux
452 stars 56 forks source link

Doesn't work - Dell Inspirion 5000 #33

Open devswert opened 8 years ago

devswert commented 8 years ago

Hi! I have a Dell Inspirion 5000 with Elementary OS Freya. I followed all instructions of installation, but this does not work, when I run perl ~/xSwipe/xSwipe.pl the command show:

Smartmatch is experimental at /home/devswert/xSwipe/xSwipe.pl line 121.

### $ARGV: '-m'

### $polling_interval: 30

### init_synclient

### @area_setting: [
###                  '    LeftEdge                = 1585
###                  '    RightEdge               = 5357
###                  '    TopEdge                 = 1446
###                  '    BottomEdge              = 4408
###                ]
### $touchpad_size_h: 2962
### $touchpad_size_w: 3772
### $x_min_thredshould: '377.2'
### $y_min_thredshould: '296.2'
### $inner_edge_left: '1710.73333333333'
### $inner_edge_right: '5231.26666666667'
### $inner_edge_top: '1742.2'
### $inner_edge_bottom: '4111.8'

### $session_name: 'pantheon'

When I test the touchpad it isn't work. I exec xinput list to see my drivers, I can see:

Virtual core pointer                        id=2    [master pointer  (3)]
⎜   ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer                id=4    [slave  pointer  (2)]
⎜   ↳ DLL0641:00 06CB:7621 UNKNOWN              id=13   [slave  pointer  (2)]
⎜   ↳ SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad                id=15   [slave  pointer  (2)]

I see that I have a synaptics driver, but also have a DLL0641:00 06CB:7621 UNKNOWN driver, this is a Dell's driver, when I disabled this my touchpad dead, and I try enabled SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad but the touchpad keep dead.

Why xSwipe doesn't work? Did I do something bad?

PD: Sorry if my english is bad :stuck_out_tongue:

RobAben commented 7 years ago

Have you found a solution?

Having the same problem :(