iberianpig / xSwipe

Multitouch gestures with synaptics driver on X11, Linux
452 stars 56 forks source link

Logs accumulating #35

Open zaiddabaeen opened 8 years ago

zaiddabaeen commented 8 years ago

xSwipe keeps writing to the syslog:

Feb 12 17:06:35 zed gnome-session[2191]: ### $touch_pad_off: '0'
Feb 12 17:06:38 zed gnome-session[2191]: (gnome-shell:6959): mutter-CRITICAL **: meta_screen_get_monitor_geometry: assertion 'monitor >= 0 && monitor < screen->n_monitor_infos' failed
Feb 12 17:06:39 zed gnome-session[2191]: ### $touch_pad_off: '2'
Feb 12 17:06:40 zed gnome-session[2191]: ### $touch_pad_off: '0'
Feb 12 17:06:57 zed gnome-session[2191]: message repeated 20 times: [ ### $touch_pad_off: '0']
Feb 12 17:06:59 zed gnome-session[2191]: ### $touch_pad_off: '2'
Feb 12 17:07:01 zed gnome-session[2191]: ### $touch_pad_off: '0'
Feb 12 17:07:08 zed gnome-session[2191]: message repeated 9 times: [ ### $touch_pad_off: '0']
Feb 12 17:07:10 zed gnome-session[2191]: (gnome-shell:6959): St-WARNING **: Ignoring length property that isn't a number at line 689, col 24
Feb 12 17:07:10 zed gnome-session[2191]: (gnome-shell:6959): mutter-CRITICAL **: meta_screen_get_monitor_geometry: assertion 'monitor >= 0 && monitor < screen->n_monitor_infos' failed
Feb 12 17:07:10 zed gnome-session[2191]: (gnome-shell:6959): St-WARNING **: Ignoring length property that isn't a number at line 689, col 24
Feb 12 17:07:12 zed gnome-session[2191]: ### $touch_pad_off: '0'
Feb 12 17:07:13 zed gnome-session[2191]: message repeated 3 times: [ ### $touch_pad_off: '0']
Feb 12 17:07:19 zed gnome-session[2191]: ### init_synclient
Feb 12 17:07:20 zed gnome-session[2191]: ### $touch_pad_off: '0'
Feb 12 17:07:21 zed gnome-session[2191]: message repeated 3 times: [ ### $touch_pad_off: '0']
Feb 12 17:07:38 zed gnome-session[2191]: ### init_synclient
Feb 12 17:07:39 zed gnome-session[2191]: ### $touch_pad_off: '0'
Feb 12 17:07:40 zed gnome-session[2191]: message repeated 4 times: [ ### $touch_pad_off: '0']
Feb 12 17:07:43 zed gnome-session[2191]: ### $touch_pad_off: '2'
Feb 12 17:07:48 zed gnome-session[2191]: ### $touch_pad_off: '0'
Feb 12 17:08:05 zed gnome-session[2191]: message repeated 17 times: [ ### $touch_pad_off: '0']
Feb 12 17:08:15 zed gnome-session[2191]: ### init_synclient
Feb 12 17:08:17 zed gnome-session[2191]: ### $touch_pad_off: '0'
Feb 12 17:08:32 zed gnome-session[2191]: ### init_synclient
Feb 12 17:08:33 zed gnome-session[2191]: ### $touch_pad_off: '0'
Feb 12 17:08:34 zed gnome-session[2191]: ### $touch_pad_off: '2'
Feb 12 17:08:41 zed gnome-session[2191]: ### $touch_pad_off: '0'
Feb 12 17:08:42 zed gnome-session[2191]: ### $touch_pad_off: '1'
Feb 12 17:08:44 zed gnome-session[2191]: message repeated 2 times: [ ### $touch_pad_off: '1']
Feb 12 17:08:46 zed gnome-session[2191]: ### $touch_pad_off: '0'
Feb 12 17:08:55 zed gnome-session[2191]: message repeated 5 times: [ ### $touch_pad_off: '0']
Feb 12 17:08:57 zed gnome-session[2191]: ### $touch_pad_off: '2'
Feb 12 17:08:59 zed gnome-session[2191]: ### $touch_pad_off: '0'
Feb 12 17:09:01 zed gnome-session[2191]: message repeated 3 times: [ ### $touch_pad_off: '0']

Can't this be turned off? It is filling my syslog making important stuff harder to find.