Closed zeeev closed 10 years ago
## format: fastq or fastq, all must be the same
## verbose: control mapping/assembly log generation (True/False)
## urt: For Newbler, enable use read tips mode (True/False)
## map_against_reads: On iteration 1, skip assembly, map against mapped reads (True/False)
## assemblytimeout: kill assemblies and discard targets if they take longer than N minutes
## Columns:
## Sample_ID:Sample_ID
## FileName: path for fasta/fastq file
## FileType: PE1, PE2, or SE
## FileFormat: fasta or fastq
# reference=../sqpx_newbler_assembly2/assembly/454LargeContigs.fna
# numcycles=20
# mapper=bowtie2
# assembler=newbler
# nprocs=10
# format=fastq
# verbose=True
# urt=True
# map_against_reads=False
# assemblytimeout=20
# bowtie2_k=2
# subsample=0.05
Sample_ID FileName FileType
sqrlpx ../10748X1_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq PE1
sqrlpx ../10748X1_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq PE2
ARC will still install without Biopython, but will print an error and exit if you try to run it without an install of Biopython. This is because I personally never "install" it but just use it from the git clone (and this solution addresses both installed, and not installed usage cases).
ARC doesn't fail to install without biopython.