ibhagwan / fzf-lua

Improved fzf.vim written in lua
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Formatting the path of the results when searching for files or using grep #1051

Closed talovski closed 6 months ago

talovski commented 6 months ago


fzf-lua configuration ```lua local actions = require("fzf-lua.actions") require("fzf-lua").setup({ actions = { files = { ["default"] = actions.file_edit, ["ctrl-_"] = actions.file_split, ["ctrl-v"] = actions.file_vsplit, ["ctrl-t"] = actions.file_tabedit, ["alt-q"] = actions.file_sel_to_qf, ["alt-l"] = actions.file_sel_to_ll, }, grep = { -- this action toggles between 'grep' and 'live_grep' ["ctrl-g"] = { actions.grep_lgrep }, ["default"] = actions.file_edit, ["ctrl-_"] = actions.file_split, ["ctrl-v"] = actions.file_vsplit, ["ctrl-t"] = actions.file_tabedit, ["alt-q"] = actions.file_sel_to_qf, ["alt-l"] = actions.file_sel_to_ll, }, }, fzf_opts = { ["--ansi"] = "", ["--info"] = "inline", ["--layout"] = "reverse-list", ["--no-separator"] = "", ["--height"] = "100%", ["--margin"] = "0", ["--padding"] = "1", ["--preview-window"] = ":rounded", ["--border"] = "none", }, previewers = { cat = { cmd = "cat", args = "--number", }, bat = { cmd = "bat", args = "--style=numbers,changes --color always", theme = "gruvbox-dark", -- bat preview theme (bat --list-themes) config = nil, -- nil uses $BAT_CONFIG_PATH }, }, files = { -- previewer = 'bat', prompt = "Files) ", multiprocess = true, git_icons = true, file_icons = true, color_icons = true, fd_opts = "--color=never --type f --hidden --follow --exclude .git --exclude node_modules", }, grep = { prompt = " Search) ", input_prompt = " Search) ", multiprocess = true, git_icons = true, file_icons = true, color_icons = true, rg_opts = "--column --line-number --no-heading --color=always --smart-case --hidden --follow --glob '!.git/*' --glob '!.node_modules/*' --glob '!pnpm-lock.yaml' --glob '!package.lock' --glob '!yarn.lock'", rg_glob = true, glob_flag = "--iglob", glob_separator = "%s%-%-", -- query separator pattern (lua): ' --' no_header = false, -- hide grep|cwd header? no_header_i = false, -- hide interactive header? }, }) ```


I am primarily working in a large monorepo. Large monorepo means long paths — app/packages/package/src/components/component/ComponentName.tsx

Long paths means unreadably (worst case) or just ugly path when using :FzfLua files or :FzfLua live_grep:

Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 21 40 35

Apart from changing the layout or increasing the size of the FzfLua floating window, is there a possibility to format the path from this: pkgs/package/components/component/ComponentName.tsx to ComponentName.tsx — pkgs/package/components/component?

In Telescope, I managed to change the path display like this:

local function filenameFirst(_, path)
  local tail = vim.fs.basename(path)
  local parent = vim.fs.dirname(path)
  if parent == "." then return tail end
  return string.format("%s\t\t%s", tail, parent)

  defaults = {
    path_display = filenameFirst,

But I can't figure out how to replicate it in FzfLua? I am not fluent in fzf, so there might be an obvious way to implement this that I am missing.

ibhagwan commented 6 months ago

But I can't figure out how to replicate it in FzfLua? I am not fluent in fzf, so there might be an obvious way to implement this that I am missing.

There are a few ways to address what you’re after:

  1. Use :FzfLua live_grep path_shorten=true
  2. Use fzf’s --keep-right option (within fzf_opts)
  3. This would be the closest to what you’re after, you can reformat the entry with the combination of --delimiter and --with-nth (man fzf and search the issues and you’ll understand how to use these)
hieulw commented 4 months ago

@talovski May I ask your config to solve this ? I try to achieve the same behavior since I migrate from Telescope to FzfLua.

        files = {
          cwd_prompt = false,
          previewer = false,
          -- fd_opts = [[--color=never --type f --hidden --follow --exclude .git \
          -- | awk -F'/' '{ print $NF, substr($0, 1, length($0)-length($NF)-1) }']],
          fzf_opts = {
            -- ["--delimiter"] = ("[%s]"):format(util.nbsp),
            -- ["--with-nth"] = "-1,..-2",
          fn_transform = function(entry)
            local file_icon, path = unpack(vim.split(entry, util.nbsp))
            local tail = vim.fs.basename(path)
            local parent = vim.fs.dirname(path)
            if parent == "." then
              return ("%s%s%s"):format(file_icon, util.nbsp, tail)
            return ("%s%s%s%s%s"):format(file_icon, util.nbsp, tail, util.nbsp, util.ansi_codes.grey(parent))


Which is exact the display I want but when select an entry it doesn't open a file but a directory instead. The createdb.sql db/migration entry above will open db/migration instead of db/migration/createdb.sql.


As you can see in my config I try fzf_opts as well (uncomment and file_icons=false) and the display is not what I expected but It opens the file correctly

ibhagwan commented 4 months ago

@hieulw, instead of creating your own transformer, it’s better to use --delimiter to split the string into virtual fields and then use --with-nth to place the filename first, this way you’re just playing with formatting so everything continues to work as expected (opening files, previews, etc).

I’ve seen a post on Reddit about this recently you might find interesting (using the above technique): https://redlib.freedit.eu/r/neovim/comments/1c1id24/vscode_like_path_display_in_fzfluas_files_picker/

hieulw commented 4 months ago

Wow, you so fast @ibhagwan. It works! I never think of -x printf "{}: {/} %s\n" before. Thank you so much!

ibhagwan commented 4 months ago

Wow, you so fast @ibhagwan. It works! I never think of -x printf "{}: {/} %s\n" before. Thank you so much!

This seems so popular I’m thinking of adding this as a native functionality in fzf-lua (without the overhead of printing the path twice).

hieulw commented 4 months ago

Wow, you so fast @ibhagwan. It works! I never think of -x printf "{}: {/} %s\n" before. Thank you so much!

This seems so popular I’m thinking of adding this as a native functionality in fzf-lua (without the overhead of printing the path twice).

That would be great !

ibhagwan commented 4 months ago


@hieulw, @towry, try out the latest commi, to enable set `formatter="path.filename_first" (hardcoded in globals):

  files = {
    formatter = "path.filename_first"

Can also be sent directly in the call options, e.g:

:lua require("fzf-lua").live_grep({ formatter = "path.filename_first" })
:FzfLua lsp_finder formatter=path.filename_first

Currently the folder is hard color coded with terminal grey, when I get a chance I'll add a custom highlight for that (it's a bit more complex as it needs to be passed to the child process).

ibhagwan commented 4 months ago

A nice "side effect", the new formatter can be combined with path_shorten, for example:

FzfLua live_grep path_shorten=true formatter=path.filename_first

Note the folders are shortened to a single letter image

PangPangPangPangPang commented 4 months ago

How to change the highlight group of the path?

ibhagwan commented 4 months ago

How to change the highlight group of the path?

Use fzf_colors.fg, see man fzf for all other color elements you can change.

nikbrunner commented 4 months ago

Hi there 👋 😊 ,

i love this new "filename_first" functionality, but I also have problems with the color of the path. I am also working on a big colorscheme collection and I love FzfLua so this is important to me. :)

I tried to work with fzf_colors.fg but fg seem to affect the filename only and not the path. And I can't find in the Manual a fzf which affects only the path.

This is what I currently got:

fzf_colors = {
    -- I intentionally picked something colorful here 
    -- to illustrate my problem, that this color only affects the filename.
    -- Normally its `Normal`
    ["fg"] = { "fg", "@conditional" }, 
    -- ["fg"] = { "fg", "Normal" }, 
    ["fg+"] = { "fg", "CursorLineNr" },
    ["bg"] = { "bg", "NormalFloat" },
    ["hl"] = { "fg", "Comment" },
    ["bg+"] = { "bg", "Normal" },
    ["border"] = { "fg", "CursorLineNr" },
    ["hl+"] = { "fg", "Statement" },
    ["query"] = { "fg", "Statement" },
    ["info"] = { "fg", "PreProc" },
    ["label"] = { "fg", "CursorLineNr" },
    ["prompt"] = { "fg", "Conditional" },
    ["pointer"] = { "fg", "Exception" },
    ["marker"] = { "fg", "Keyword" },
    ["spinner"] = { "fg", "Label" },
    ["header"] = { "fg", "Comment" },
    ["gutter"] = { "bg", "NormalFloat" },

This results in this:


I don't know if this is a good idea or even possible from your end, but I would expected a dedicated highlight group in the same maner of FzfLuaPathColNr & FzfLuaPathLineNr. Something like FzfLuaPath or something.

ibhagwan commented 4 months ago

Currently the folder is hard color coded with terminal grey, when I get a chance I'll add a custom highlight for that (it's a bit more complex as it needs to be passed to the child process).

@nikbrunner, @PangPangPangPangPang - this is a new feature, I am planning on adding an hl group but haven’t gotten to it yet.

nikbrunner commented 4 months ago

Alright thank you very much! 😊

ibhagwan commented 4 months ago

@nikbrunner @PangPangPangPangPang


The above commit defines a new highlight group FzfLuaDirPart:

Can be linked to anything

:hi! link FzfLuaDirPart IncSearch

defined in setup

hls = { dir_part = "IncSearch" }

Or sent directly in a call

:FzfLua live_grep formatter=path.filename_first hls.dir_part=ErrorMsg


nikbrunner commented 4 months ago

Thank you so very much!!! Its working great. 😊

ibhagwan commented 4 months ago

Thank you so very much!!! Its working great. 😊

Ty @nikbrunner!

I just set it up for myself as well :-)

Btw, if you want to do this for all pickers that contain path entries use global picker defaults in setup.defaults:

  defaults = { formatter = "path.filename_first" },
  -- rest of your setup
nikbrunner commented 4 months ago

Thank you so very much!!! Its working great. 😊

Ty @nikbrunner!

I just set it up for myself as well :-)

Btw, if you want to do this for all pickers that contain path entries use global picker defaults in setup.defaults:

  defaults = { formatter = "path.filename_first" },
  -- If you're using `tags`, disable the formatter for `btags|tags`
  tags = { formatter = false },
  btags = { formatter = false },
  -- rest of your setup

You are reading my mind. ❤️

ibhagwan commented 4 months ago

You are reading my mind. ❤️

As the saying goes, I eat my own dogfood :-)

nikbrunner commented 4 months ago

I just noticed something while trying this out. I can open an issue for that, if it even is an issue or just a miss-setting from my side. Ill just mention it here, because we just talked about it.

When I set the defaults = { formatter = "path.filename_first" } and also have the fzf_colors.prompt set, I will get an error:

15:21:05 │ [Fzf-lua] fzf error 2: invalid color specification: formatter:path.filename_first

I found this in the repo and I guessed it has something todo with the fzf colors.

I commented out every line in the fzf_colors array and stopped at prompt. If I comment it out I no longer get the error.

This is what my fzf_colors array looks like, and behind that link is also the rest of my fzf-lua config file: https://github.com/nikbrunner/vin/blob/86389b98f870661d0390ae38e8fa8076873d1573/lua/vin/specs/fzf.lua#L235-L252

I also noticed that you have the default set, but the prompt commented out in your nvim config: https://github.com/ibhagwan/nvim-lua/blob/b049e0571328ca28cdf66030fd900473aab9f9e2/lua/plugins/fzf-lua/setup.lua#L83

Thank you again. :) If you want me to open an Issue for that, please let me know.

ibhagwan commented 4 months ago

Thank you again. :) If you want me to open an Issue for that, please let me know.

Sure, would be great, so we can track it as this is a different issue altogether unrelated to this issue.

Would also be helpful if you can post the output of the bugged out group, if the below returns a link to another group try to follow it until the definition and that will tell us what’s bugged.

lua vim.print(vim.api.nvim_get_hl(0,{name="Conditional"}))

I also noticed that you have the default set, but the prompt commented out in your nvim config:

Just a personal preference after testing, I suspect your group has a value the code doesn’t expect, if you change it to one of the other groups in your fzf_colors it will probably work, this has nothing specific to do with prompt.

ibhagwan commented 4 months ago

Actually I just noticed this:

invalid color specification: formatter:path.filename_first

Might be related to the new formatted after, I’ll try to reproduce with prompt.

In the meantime can you run :FzfLua files debug=true _base64=false formatter=path.filename_first and post the output from :messages?

Also, if you run without the new formatter, do you still get an error (albeit different)?

nikbrunner commented 4 months ago

I am just writing out the issue in the other window, but here you go. :)

This is the output of FzfLua files debug=true _base64=false formatter=path.filename_first

[Fzf-lua]: FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND: VIMRUNTIME='/opt/homebrew/Cellar/neovim/0.9.5/share/nvim/runtime' '/opt/homebrew/Cellar/neovim/0.9.5/bin/nvim' -n --headless --clean --cmd 'lua loadfile([[/Users/nbr/.local/share/nvim/lazy/fzf-lua/lua/fzf-lua/libuv.lua]])().spawn_stdio({g = {_fzf_lua_server = "/var/folders/k5/jc_1pjxx7h781rvj5y3ysmth0000gp/T/nvim.nbr/GfPEDh/fzf-lua.1714918308.4081.1"}, _base64 = false, cmd = "fd --color=never --type f --hidden --follow --exclude .git", git_icons = true, formatter = "path.filename_first", color_icons = false, debug = true, file_icons = false},[==[return require("make_entry").file]==],[==[return require("make_entry").preprocess]==])' || true
[Fzf-lua]: fzf cmd: fzf --preview 'VIMRUNTIME='\''/opt/homebrew/Cellar/neovim/0.9.5/share/nvim/runtime'\'' '\''/opt/homebrew/Cellar/neovim/0.9.5/bin/nvim'\'' -n --headless --clean --cmd '\''lua loadfile([[/Users/nbr/.local/share/nvim/lazy/fzf-lua/lua/fzf-lua/shell_helper.lua]])().rpc_nvim_exec_lua({fzf_lua_server=[[/var/folders/k5/jc_1pjxx7h781rvj5y3ysmth0000gp/T/nvim.nbr/GfPEDh/fzf-lua.1714918308.4081.1]], fnc_id=3 , debug=true})'\'' -- {}' --bind 'ctrl-d:preview-page-down,f4:toggle-preview,ctrl-u:preview-page-up,ctrl-c:abort,ctrl-a:toggle-all,zero:execute-silent(mkdir '\''/var/folders/k5/jc_1pjxx7h781rvj5y3ysmth0000gp/T/nvim.nbr/GfPEDh/3'\'' && VIMRUNTIME='\''/opt/homebrew/Cellar/neovim/0.9.5/share/nvim/runtime'\'' '\''/opt/homebrew/Cellar/neovim/0.9.5/bin/nvim'\'' -n --headless --clean --cmd '\''lua loadfile([[/Users/nbr/.local/share/nvim/lazy/fzf-lua/lua/fzf-lua/shell_helper.lua]])().rpc_nvim_exec_lua({fzf_lua_server=[[/var/folders/k5/jc_1pjxx7h781rvj5y3ysmth0000gp/T/nvim.nbr/GfPEDh/fzf-lua.1714918308.4081.1]], fnc_id=4 , debug=true})'\'' -- ),f3:toggle-preview-wrap,ctrl-q:select-all+accept' --header ':: <^[[38;2;0;250;154mctrl-g^[[0m> to ^[[38;2;139;35;35mDisable .gitignore^[[0m' --preview-window 'nohidden:right:0' --height '100%' --no-info --border-label '[ Vin ]' --layout 'reverse' --no-scrollbar --keep-right --reverse --padding '0,3' --no-separator --ansi --prompt '  ' --multi --color 'header:#606a67,query:#998ed9,info:#998ed9,bg+:#e3e6e5,hl+:#998ed9,hl:#606a67,fg+:#4db290,gutter:#d6dbd9,fg:#313533,spinner:#998ed9,border:#4db290,marker:#7872c2,pointer:#998ed9,bg:#d6dbd9,label:#4db290' --print-query --expect 'ctrl-t,ctrl-v,ctrl-s,ctrl-y,alt-q,alt-l,ctrl-c,esc,ctrl-g,ctrl-q' --border 'none' > '/var/folders/k5/jc_1pjxx7h781rvj5y3ysmth0000gp/T/nvim.nbr/GfPEDh/5'

And yes. If I comment out the default option for the formatter, and comment in the fzf_colors.prompt again, I don't get the error.

So this works.

            defaults = {
                -- formatter = "path.filename_first",

-- ...

            fzf_colors = {
                ["fg"] = { "fg", "Normal" },
                ["fg+"] = { "fg", "CursorLineNr" },
                ["bg"] = { "bg", "NormalFloat" },
                ["hl"] = { "fg", "Comment" },
                ["hl+"] = { "fg", "Statement" },
                ["bg+"] = { "bg", "Normal" },
                ["border"] = { "fg", "CursorLineNr" },
                ["query"] = { "fg", "Statement" },
                ["info"] = { "fg", "PreProc" },
                ["label"] = { "fg", "CursorLineNr" },
                ["prompt"] = { "fg", "Conditional" },
                ["pointer"] = { "fg", "Exception" },
                ["marker"] = { "fg", "Keyword" },
                ["spinner"] = { "fg", "Label" },
                ["header"] = { "fg", "Comment" },
                ["gutter"] = { "bg", "NormalFloat" },

Ah and this is the output of lua vim.print(vim.api.nvim_get_hl(0,{name="Conditional"})):

  bold = true,
  cterm = {
    bold = true,
    italic = true
  fg = 10063577,
  italic = true
ibhagwan commented 4 months ago

And yes. If I comment out the default option for the formatter, and comment in the fzf_colors.prompt again, I don't get the error.

Def related to the formatter, you can skip the issue if you want, I’ll take a look later when I’m no longer AFK, I’m a bit confused how the color spec gets into this mixed given the formatter is hidden inside a base64 string.

nikbrunner commented 4 months ago

Okay thank you for the update! I hope you can figure it out. :)

Well was just done writing out the issue. I tried to append the gathered information about this in it. If you need anything more, please just ask.


oshchyhol commented 3 months ago

Hello, Is it expected that the formatter = 'path.filename_first' option impacts the way search query is interpreted? Asking because with this option on I have to also type the filename first rather than start with any path segments in order to be able to find anything :)

ibhagwan commented 3 months ago

Hello, Is it expected that the formatter = 'path.filename_first' option impacts the way search query is interpreted? Asking because with this option on I have to also type the filename first rather than start with any path segments in order to be able to find anything :)

Yes, once the line is transformed and sent to fzf it has no awareness of a “path”, just a string, I can look into changing the search order with --nth.

ibhagwan commented 3 months ago

@oshchyhol, unfortunately, that doesn't seem possible as --nth only limits the search scope but does not change the search order, this would require a feature request upstream.

oshchyhol commented 3 months ago

Gotcha, thanks for the quick response and for looking for workarounds!

folke commented 3 months ago

@ibhagwan I also just noticed the way searching is changed if using path.filename_first :)

What about adding the basename (filename) to the end of the string and then use --with-nth=..-2. Wouldn't that work more as expected?

folke commented 3 months ago

I made an experimental PR to allow better search with filename_first.


It's a bit of a hack, but works as intended:

towry commented 3 months ago

@ibhagwan If the query for 'a.txt foo/bar' is "foo bar a.txt" then it works as expected.

So is it possible to send "foo bar a.txt" to fzf if user input "foo/bar/a.txt" ?

ibhagwan commented 3 months ago

@ibhagwan If the query for 'a.txt foo/bar' is "foo bar a.txt" then it works as expected.

So is it possible to send "foo bar a.txt" to fzf if user input "foo/bar/a.txt" ?

Unfortuntely not, I have no control over parsing the query outside of "live" pickers which would mean no fuzzy matching.

ibhagwan commented 3 months ago

@towry, update to the latest commit and try:

:lua require("fzf-lua").files({ formatter={"path.filename_first",2} })
-- or
:FzfLua files formatter={"path.filename_first",2}

It will hide the highlighting when the match is on the hidden part but it will match the paths, see https://github.com/ibhagwan/fzf-lua/pull/1255#issuecomment-2163449012

towry commented 3 months ago

Thanks, I will give it a try.

And I just find a solution for files picker only, to replace path separator to space in query.

      files = {
        formatter = 'path.filename_first',
        keymap = {
          fzf = {
            ['/'] = [[transform-query(echo '{fzf:query} ')]],
ibhagwan commented 3 months ago

And I just find a solution for files picker only, to replace path separator to space in query.

While this might work, playing with the query isn't something I would like to get into, has too many uninteded consequences.

epilande commented 1 month ago

When using :FzfLua files formatter={"path.filename_first",2} I'm seeing the following with top level files Unable to stat file. Then when I attempt to select it, it opens in an empty buffer


EDIT: Ah looks like this was fixed in https://github.com/ibhagwan/fzf-lua/issues/1304#issuecomment-2200500447