ibhagwan / fzf-lua

Improved fzf.vim written in lua
MIT License
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Combine `tabs` and `live_grep` #198

Closed alopatindev closed 3 years ago

alopatindev commented 3 years ago

Thanks for this awesome plugin!

I'd like to have some kind of universal search: basically live_grep that shows matching results from currently open tabs as priority.

Any suggestion how to achieve this behavior? Thanks.

ibhagwan commented 3 years ago

Have you tried :FzfLua lines?

ibhagwan commented 3 years ago

Closing this for now, feel free to open this if you need more help.

alopatindev commented 3 years ago

Thanks, that helped. Wish we had composable providers (+ outputs deduplication), so any of them could be easily combined together.

If anyone interested — I was able to get behavior close enough to what I was looking for. The solution is based on tabs, lines and grep providers. Additionally I made files search based on git_files and files.

Both use tab drop, which switches to existing tab, if the file is already open. Items from currently opened tabs have different color.

Limitations: no proper deduplication and can't switch to new unsaved tabs.

It's here. Usage:

let g:rg_opts = '
    \ --line-number --no-column --no-heading --fixed-strings --smart-case --no-ignore --hidden --follow --color always
    \ --glob "*.{c,C,cfg,conf,config,cpp,css,cxx,ebuild,go,h,hpp,hs,html,ini,j2,jade,java,js,lua,md,markdown,nvim,php,pl,py,rb,rs,scala,sh,sql,styl,vim}"
    \ --glob "{Dockerfile,.gitignore,README,INSTALL,Makefile,Gemfile}"
    \ --glob "!{.git,build,node_modules,vendor,target}/*" '
let g:fd_opts = '--type f --follow --exclude .git --exclude build --exclude node_modules --exclude vendor --exclude target'

nnoremap <F3> :lua relevant_files()<cr>
imap <F3> <esc>:lua relevant_files()<cr>
vmap <F3> <esc>:lua relevant_files()<cr>

nnoremap <F4> :lua relevant_grep()<cr>
imap <F4> <esc>:lua relevant_grep()<cr>
vmap <F4> <esc>:lua relevant_grep()<cr>

lua << EOF
require('fzf-lua').setup {
  winopts = {
    border = 'none',
    fullscreen = true,
    preview = {
      border = 'noborder',
      wrap = 'wrap',
      scrollbar = false,
      layout = 'vertical',
      title = false,
      vertical = 'up:50%',
  grep = {
    rg_opts = vim.g.rg_opts,
    prompt = '> ',
  files = {
    fd_opts = vim.g.fd_opts,
ibhagwan commented 3 years ago

Looks great! Good job deciphering the internal code, I didn’t have API in mind when I designed this so the documentation isn’t really there.