ibhagwan / fzf-lua

Improved fzf.vim written in lua
MIT License
2.27k stars 148 forks source link

Overriding git icons breaks preview for `git_status` #283

Closed ilya-bc closed 2 years ago

ilya-bc commented 2 years ago

First of all, thank you for this plugin 👍 . I've been using fzf.vim for a while now, but when I switched to NeoVim I started to migrate all Vimscript plugins to their alternatives written in Lua. Although telescope is very nice etc, but there is something that still feels a bit off 🤷 .

Now to the main point. Overriding git icons using examples from the README, breaks preview for FzfLua git_status

require'fzf-lua'.setup {
  git = {
    icons = {
      ["M"] = { icon = "★", color = "blue" },  -- <--- This breaks preview for modified files
      ["D"] = { icon = "✗", color = "red" },
      ["A"] = { icon = "+", color = "green" },
      ["?"] = { icon = "?", color = "red" },

Version of fzf-lua: https://github.com/ibhagwan/fzf-lua/tree/e40d65c

I've tried different values for the icon and for different git modes

Screenshot 2021-12-28 at 18 32 51

Screenshot 2021-12-28 at 18 35 13

Screenshot 2021-12-28 at 18 35 46

Example of full config. Click to expand :point_down:

```lua local actions = require "fzf-lua.actions" require'fzf-lua'.setup { -- fzf_bin = 'sk', -- use skim instead of fzf? -- https://github.com/lotabout/skim global_resume = true, -- enable global `resume`? -- can also be sent individually: -- `.({ gl ... })` global_resume_query = true, -- include typed query in `resume`? winopts = { -- split = "belowright new",-- open in a split instead? -- "belowright new" : split below -- "aboveleft new" : split above -- "belowright vnew" : split right -- "aboveleft vnew : split left -- Only valid when using a float window -- (i.e. when 'split' is not defined, default) height = 0.85, -- window height width = 0.80, -- window width row = 0.35, -- window row position (0=top, 1=bottom) col = 0.50, -- window col position (0=left, 1=right) -- border argument passthrough to nvim_open_win(), also used -- to manually draw the border characters around the preview -- window, can be set to 'false' to remove all borders or to -- 'none', 'single', 'double' or 'rounded' (default) border = { '╭', '─', '╮', '│', '╯', '─', '╰', '│' }, fullscreen = false, -- start fullscreen? hl = { normal = 'Normal', -- window normal color (fg+bg) border = 'Normal', -- border color (try 'FloatBorder') -- Only valid with the builtin previewer: cursor = 'Cursor', -- cursor highlight (grep/LSP matches) cursorline = 'CursorLine', -- cursor line search = 'Search', -- search matches (ctags) -- title = 'Normal', -- preview border title (file/buffer) -- scrollbar_f = 'PmenuThumb', -- scrollbar "full" section highlight -- scrollbar_e = 'PmenuSbar', -- scrollbar "empty" section highlight }, preview = { -- default = 'bat', -- override the default previewer? -- default uses the 'builtin' previewer border = 'border', -- border|noborder, applies only to -- native fzf previewers (bat/cat/git/etc) wrap = 'nowrap', -- wrap|nowrap hidden = 'nohidden', -- hidden|nohidden vertical = 'down:45%', -- up|down:size horizontal = 'right:60%', -- right|left:size layout = 'flex', -- horizontal|vertical|flex flip_columns = 120, -- #cols to switch to horizontal on flex -- Only valid with the builtin previewer: title = true, -- preview border title (file/buf)? scrollbar = 'float', -- `false` or string:'float|border' -- float: in-window floating border -- border: in-border chars (see below) scrolloff = '-2', -- float scrollbar offset from right -- applies only when scrollbar = 'float' scrollchars = {'█', '' }, -- scrollbar chars ({ , } -- applies only when scrollbar = 'border' delay = 100, -- delay(ms) displaying the preview -- prevents lag on fast scrolling winopts = { -- builtin previewer window options number = true, relativenumber = false, cursorline = true, cursorlineopt = 'both', cursorcolumn = false, signcolumn = 'no', list = false, foldenable = false, foldmethod = 'manual', }, }, on_create = function() -- called once upon creation of the fzf main window -- can be used to add custom fzf-lua mappings, e.g: -- vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, "t", "", "", -- { silent = true, noremap = true }) end, }, keymap = { -- These override the default tables completely -- no need to set to `false` to disable a bind -- delete or modify is sufficient builtin = { -- neovim `:tmap` mappings for the fzf win [""] = "toggle-fullscreen", -- Only valid with the 'builtin' previewer [""] = "toggle-preview-wrap", [""] = "toggle-preview", -- Rotate preview clockwise/counter-clockwise [""] = "toggle-preview-ccw", [""] = "toggle-preview-cw", [""] = "preview-page-down", [""] = "preview-page-up", [""] = "preview-page-reset", }, fzf = { -- fzf '--bind=' options ["ctrl-z"] = "abort", ["ctrl-u"] = "unix-line-discard", ["ctrl-f"] = "half-page-down", ["ctrl-b"] = "half-page-up", ["ctrl-a"] = "beginning-of-line", ["ctrl-e"] = "end-of-line", ["alt-a"] = "toggle-all", -- Only valid with fzf previewers (bat/cat/git/etc) ["f3"] = "toggle-preview-wrap", ["f4"] = "toggle-preview", ["shift-down"] = "preview-page-down", ["shift-up"] = "preview-page-up", }, }, fzf_opts = { -- options are sent as `=` -- set to `false` to remove a flag -- set to '' for a non-value flag -- for raw args use `fzf_args` instead ['--ansi'] = '', ['--prompt'] = '> ', ['--info'] = 'inline', ['--height'] = '100%', ['--layout'] = 'reverse', }, -- fzf '--color=' options (optional) --[[ fzf_colors = { ["fg"] = { "fg", "CursorLine" }, ["bg"] = { "bg", "Normal" }, ["hl"] = { "fg", "Comment" }, ["fg+"] = { "fg", "Normal" }, ["bg+"] = { "bg", "CursorLine" }, ["hl+"] = { "fg", "Statement" }, ["info"] = { "fg", "PreProc" }, ["prompt"] = { "fg", "Conditional" }, ["pointer"] = { "fg", "Exception" }, ["marker"] = { "fg", "Keyword" }, ["spinner"] = { "fg", "Label" }, ["header"] = { "fg", "Comment" }, ["gutter"] = { "bg", "Normal" }, }, ]] previewers = { cat = { cmd = "cat", args = "--number", }, bat = { cmd = "bat", args = "--style=numbers,changes --color always", theme = 'Coldark-Dark', -- bat preview theme (bat --list-themes) config = nil, -- nil uses $BAT_CONFIG_PATH }, head = { cmd = "head", args = nil, }, git_diff = { cmd_deleted = "git diff --color HEAD --", cmd_modified = "git diff --color HEAD", cmd_untracked = "git diff --color --no-index /dev/null", -- pager = "delta", -- if you have `delta` installed }, man = { cmd = "man -c %s | col -bx", }, builtin = { syntax = true, -- preview syntax highlight? syntax_limit_l = 0, -- syntax limit (lines), 0=nolimit syntax_limit_b = 1024*1024, -- syntax limit (bytes), 0=nolimit }, }, -- provider setup files = { -- previewer = "bat", -- uncomment to override previewer -- (name from 'previewers' table) -- set to 'false' to disable prompt = 'Files❯ ', multiprocess = true, -- run command in a separate process git_icons = true, -- show git icons? file_icons = true, -- show file icons? color_icons = true, -- colorize file|git icons -- executed command priority is 'cmd' (if exists) -- otherwise auto-detect prioritizes `fd`:`rg`:`find` -- default options are controlled by 'fd|rg|find|_opts' -- NOTE: 'find -printf' requires GNU find -- cmd = "find . -type f -printf '%P\n'", find_opts = [[-type f -not -path '*/\.git/*' -printf '%P\n']], rg_opts = "--color=never --files --hidden --follow -g '!.git'", fd_opts = "--color=never --type f --hidden --follow --exclude .git", actions = { -- set bind to 'false' to disable an action -- default action opens a single selection -- or sends multiple selection to quickfix -- replace the default action with the below -- to open all files whether single or multiple -- ["default"] = actions.file_edit, ["default"] = actions.file_edit_or_qf, ["ctrl-s"] = actions.file_split, ["ctrl-v"] = actions.file_vsplit, ["ctrl-t"] = actions.file_tabedit, ["alt-q"] = actions.file_sel_to_qf, -- custom actions are available too ["ctrl-y"] = function(selected) print(selected[1]) end, } }, git = { files = { prompt = 'GitFiles❯ ', cmd = 'git ls-files --exclude-standard', multiprocess = false, -- run command in a separate process git_icons = true, -- show git icons? file_icons = true, -- show file icons? color_icons = true, -- colorize file|git icons }, status = { prompt = 'GitStatus❯ ', cmd = "git status -s", previewer = "git_diff", file_icons = true, git_icons = true, color_icons = true, actions = { ["default"] = actions.file_edit_or_qf, ["ctrl-s"] = actions.file_split, ["ctrl-v"] = actions.file_vsplit, ["ctrl-t"] = actions.file_tabedit, ["alt-q"] = actions.file_sel_to_qf, ["right"] = { actions.git_unstage, actions.resume }, ["left"] = { actions.git_stage, actions.resume }, }, }, commits = { prompt = 'Commits❯ ', cmd = "git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --color", preview = "git show --pretty='%Cred%H%n%Cblue%an%n%Cgreen%s' --color {1}", actions = { ["default"] = actions.git_checkout, }, }, bcommits = { prompt = 'BCommits❯ ', cmd = "git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --color", preview = "git show --pretty='%Cred%H%n%Cblue%an%n%Cgreen%s' --color {1}", actions = { ["default"] = actions.git_buf_edit, ["ctrl-s"] = actions.git_buf_split, ["ctrl-v"] = actions.git_buf_vsplit, ["ctrl-t"] = actions.git_buf_tabedit, }, }, branches = { prompt = 'Branches❯ ', cmd = "git branch --all --color", preview = "git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --color {1}", actions = { ["default"] = actions.git_switch, }, }, icons = { ["M"] = { icon = "★", color = "blue" }, ["D"] = { icon = "✗", color = "red" }, ["A"] = { icon = "+", color = "green" }, ["?"] = { icon = "?", color = "red" }, }, }, grep = { prompt = 'Rg❯ ', input_prompt = 'Grep For❯ ', multiprocess = true, -- run command in a separate process git_icons = true, -- show git icons? file_icons = true, -- show file icons? color_icons = true, -- colorize file|git icons -- executed command priority is 'cmd' (if exists) -- otherwise auto-detect prioritizes `rg` over `grep` -- default options are controlled by 'rg|grep_opts' -- cmd = "rg --vimgrep", rg_opts = "--column --line-number --no-heading --color=always --smart-case --max-columns=512", grep_opts = "--binary-files=without-match --line-number --recursive --color=auto --perl-regexp", -- 'live_grep_glob' options: glob_flag = "--iglob", -- for case sensitive globs use '--glob' glob_separator = "%s%-%-" -- query separator pattern (lua): ' --' }, args = { prompt = 'Args❯ ', files_only = true, -- added on top of regular file actions actions = { ["ctrl-x"] = actions.arg_del } }, oldfiles = { prompt = 'History❯ ', cwd_only = false, }, buffers = { prompt = 'Buffers❯ ', file_icons = true, -- show file icons? color_icons = true, -- colorize file|git icons sort_lastused = true, -- sort buffers() by last used actions = { ["default"] = actions.buf_edit, ["ctrl-s"] = actions.buf_split, ["ctrl-v"] = actions.buf_vsplit, ["ctrl-t"] = actions.buf_tabedit, -- by supplying a table of functions we're telling -- fzf-lua to not close the fzf window, this way we -- can resume the buffers picker on the same window -- eliminating an otherwise unaesthetic win "flash" ["ctrl-x"] = { actions.buf_del, actions.resume }, } }, lines = { previewer = "builtin", -- set to 'false' to disable prompt = 'Lines❯ ', show_unlisted = false, -- exclude 'help' buffers no_term_buffers = true, -- exclude 'term' buffers fzf_opts = { -- do not include bufnr in fuzzy matching -- tiebreak by line no. ['--delimiter'] = vim.fn.shellescape(']'), ["--nth"] = '2..', ["--tiebreak"] = 'index', }, actions = { ["default"] = actions.buf_edit, ["ctrl-s"] = actions.buf_split, ["ctrl-v"] = actions.buf_vsplit, ["ctrl-t"] = actions.buf_tabedit, } }, blines = { previewer = "builtin", -- set to 'false' to disable prompt = 'BLines❯ ', show_unlisted = true, -- include 'help' buffers no_term_buffers = false, -- include 'term' buffers fzf_opts = { -- hide filename, tiebreak by line no. ['--delimiter'] = vim.fn.shellescape('[:]'), ["--with-nth"] = '2..', ["--tiebreak"] = 'index', }, actions = { ["default"] = actions.buf_edit, ["ctrl-s"] = actions.buf_split, ["ctrl-v"] = actions.buf_vsplit, ["ctrl-t"] = actions.buf_tabedit, } }, colorschemes = { prompt = 'Colorschemes❯ ', live_preview = true, -- apply the colorscheme on preview? actions = { ["default"] = actions.colorscheme, }, winopts = { height = 0.55, width = 0.30, }, post_reset_cb = function() -- reset statusline highlights after -- a live_preview of the colorscheme -- require('feline').reset_highlights() end, }, quickfix = { file_icons = true, git_icons = true, }, lsp = { prompt = '❯ ', cwd_only = false, -- LSP/diagnostics for cwd only? async_or_timeout = 5000, -- timeout(ms) or 'true' for async calls file_icons = true, git_icons = false, lsp_icons = true, severity = "hint", icons = { ["Error"] = { icon = "", color = "red" }, -- error ["Warning"] = { icon = "", color = "yellow" }, -- warning ["Information"] = { icon = "", color = "blue" }, -- info ["Hint"] = { icon = "", color = "magenta" }, -- hint }, }, -- uncomment to disable the previewer -- nvim = { marks = { previewer = { _ctor = false } } }, -- helptags = { previewer = { _ctor = false } }, -- manpages = { previewer = { _ctor = false } }, -- uncomment to set dummy win location (help|man bar) -- "topleft" : up -- "botright" : down -- helptags = { previewer = { split = "topleft" } }, -- uncomment to use `man` command as native fzf previewer -- manpages = { previewer = { _ctor = require'fzf-lua.previewer'.fzf.man_pages } }, -- optional override of file extension icon colors -- available colors (terminal): -- clear, bold, black, red, green, yellow -- blue, magenta, cyan, grey, dark_grey, white -- padding can help kitty term users with -- double-width icon rendering file_icon_padding = '', file_icon_colors = { ["lua"] = "blue", }, } ```

ibhagwan commented 2 years ago

Ty for the kind words @ilya-bc!

I only recently added the full blown git_status with <left>|<right> to stage/unstage, in the process I forgot to take into account icon customizations :-)

https://github.com/ibhagwan/fzf-lua/commit/3eb5baa6e9beff2fdc51c6152707206a0ab80a26 - this takes care of it, update to the latest commit and you'll have both preview and stage/unstage working properly with icon customiztaion.

nyngwang commented 2 years ago

I would like to try the customization because of your hard work, thanks for the update!