ibhagwan / fzf-lua

Improved fzf.vim written in lua
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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E5677: Error writing input to shell-command: EPIPE when using `require"fzf-lua".files{cwd = path}` #89

Closed kdheepak closed 3 years ago

kdheepak commented 3 years ago

When I call lua require("fzf-lua").files({cwd = "~/gitrepos/dotfiles"}), I get the error:

E5677: Error writing input to shell-command: EPIPE
E5677: Error writing input to shell-command: EPIPE


It appears to only happen when I pass in cwd = path. It also never appears when the cwd is the current directory or any subdirectory of the current directory.

ibhagwan commented 3 years ago

Not sure I understand what do you mean when you pass cwd = path, are there certain paths where it works and some where it fails? do the files appear at all and there's an issue with the previewer? I need a bit more info to hone in on where the issue lies exactly.

kdheepak commented 3 years ago

I added a screencast. It seems to fail for me for any path that is not the current directory. The files appear correctly after I hit enter to get rid of the error message.

ibhagwan commented 3 years ago

I added a screencast. It seems to fail for me for any path that is not the current directory. The files appear correctly after I hit enter to get rid of the error message.

Yes I saw the screencast, since it wasn’t full screen I wasn’t sure what was really happening, ok few more questions:

ibhagwan commented 3 years ago

2 more things:

kdheepak commented 3 years ago

I think I narrowed it down. I think it is happening only when I run the following:

    opts.cwd = vim.fn.system("git rev-parse --show-superproject-working-tree --show-toplevel"):gsub("\n", "")

I have code in my dotfiles that looks like the following

nnoremap("<leader>ff", function(opts)
  opts = opts or {}
  if require("kd/utils").is_git_repo() then
    opts.cwd = vim.fn.system("git rev-parse --show-superproject-working-tree --show-toplevel"):gsub("\n", "")

so I wasn't seeing it all the time. Perhaps calling vim.fn.system("git rev-parse --show-superproject-working-tree --show-toplevel") before calling something with fzf-lua is causing this problem? If I remove the opt.cmd = ... I no longer get the error, even if I call lua require("fzf-lua").files({cwd = "~/gitrepos/dotfiles"}).

kdheepak commented 3 years ago

I guess you can close this if you think it is not a fzf-lua issue.

$ nvim --version | head -1 NVIM v0.6.0-dev+206-g284199bc4

ibhagwan commented 3 years ago

I guess you can close this if you think it is not a fzf-lua issue.

$ nvim --version | head -1 NVIM v0.6.0-dev+206-g284199bc4

Great troubleshooting, you’re correct it doesn’t seem related to fzf-lua but you never know, let’s leave this issue open until we get to the bottom of it.

From a quick research this issue seem to be an internal neovim error when running external commands, maybe it’s a bug in your nightly? Can you try with the 0.5 release appimage I linked above?

Also, is this a new issue or was this working before? In the latest nvim-fzf commit https://github.com/vijaymarupudi/nvim-fzf/commit/d811ae553ec83c19941b187a8ac2fee9529cf9e3 the RPC interface changed (to fix nvim-fzf issue #28), although highly unlikely to be the cause I’m just making sure we’re covering all bases.

ibhagwan commented 3 years ago

Btw, what happens if you combine both lines and run this instead:

require'fzf-lua'.files({cwd=vim.fn.system("git rev-parse --show-superproject-working-tree --show-toplevel"):gsub("\n", "")})

Shouldn't make much difference IMO but you never know...

kdheepak commented 3 years ago

I get the error with combining both lines. I included this feature in my dotfiles just this morning. So I don't know if this was working earlier or not. Also good suggestion on trying the v0.5.0 release. I don't appear to be getting the error when I use the stable release of v0.5.0. I'm getting a different error on startup but that might be because I'm using some nightly feature.

ibhagwan commented 3 years ago

I get the error with combining both lines. I included this feature in my dotfiles just this morning. So I don't know if this was working earlier or not. Also good suggestion on trying the v0.5.0 release. I don't appear to be getting the error when I use the stable release of v0.5.0. I'm getting a different error on startup but that might be because I'm using some nightly feature.

If you're using packer you need to run PackerCompile when switching between different versions of neovim.

If it works for you on the 0.5 release it might just be a neovim bug, might be worth narrowing it down even further and opening an issue upstream.

kdheepak commented 3 years ago

I tried with a fresh init.vim file and the latest nightly neovim and I'm not getting the error. Something about my current setup is causing this. Ugh. That's annoying. But I think that is all the more reason to close this issue.

ibhagwan commented 3 years ago

Alright I’ll close it then, btw, if I’m a betting man it’s probably something to do with autocmd’s, perhaps it’s my lucky day too and it’s this one?


kdheepak commented 3 years ago

Nice try :) Thanks for looking at my dotfiles to attempt to solve this. I commented that out but no luck. I'm still getting this error. Interestingly, I'm not getting the error if I open vim without loading any buffer. However, if I open vim path/to/file.lua and then run <leader>ff I get this error.

ibhagwan commented 3 years ago

Nice try :) Thanks for looking at my dotfiles to attempt to solve this. I commented that out but no luck. I'm still getting this error. Interestingly, I'm not getting the error if I open vim without loading any buffer. However, if I open vim path/to/file.lua and then run <leader>ff I get this error.

Holy mother of voodoo issues lol

ibhagwan commented 3 years ago

Do you have lazy loaded plugins that only load on BufEnter? If so maybe there is some plug-in that’s causing this that isn’t loaded when you open vim with no buffer.

kdheepak commented 3 years ago

Yeah, almost all my plugins are loaded on BufRead. So that is definitely possible. I'll have to do a bisect on my plugins to debug this.

kdheepak commented 3 years ago

What is EXTREMELY strange is that:

nnoremap("<leader>ff", function(opts)
  opts = opts or {}
  opts.cwd = require("kd/utils").get_git_directory()
end, {
  label = "Files",
  silent = true,

but this doesn't:

nnoremap("<leader>ff", function(opts)
  opts = opts or {}
end, {
  label = "Files",
  silent = true,
ibhagwan commented 3 years ago

What is EXTREMELY strange is that:

nnoremap("<leader>ff", function(opts)
  opts = opts or {}
  opts.cwd = require("kd/utils").get_git_directory()
end, {
  label = "Files",
  silent = true,

but this doesn't:

nnoremap("<leader>ff", function(opts)
  opts = opts or {}
end, {
  label = "Files",
  silent = true,

When you set cwd there are a few lines of code running that wouldn’t be reached otherwise, I bet that if you do this it won’t work as well:

nnoremap("<leader>ff", function(opts)
  opts = opts or {}
  opts.cwd = “~/gitrepos/dotfiles”
end, {
  label = "Files",
  silent = true,
ibhagwan commented 3 years ago

Another thing to try is adding opts.git_icons = false, that way no git commands will be run, maybe something about running consecutive git commands before and inside fzf lua?

kdheepak commented 3 years ago

Even this seems to cause the issue surprisingly:

nnoremap("<leader>ff", function(opts)
  opts = opts or {}
  opts.cwd = "~/gitrepos/dotfiles/"
end, {
  label = "Files",
  silent = true,

But using opts.git_icons = false throws no error:

nnoremap("<leader>ff", function(opts)
  opts = opts or {}
  opts.cwd = "~/gitrepos/dotfiles/"
  opts.git_icons = false
end, {
  label = "Files",
  silent = true,

I'm going to do a bisect. I suspect another plugin is not interacting with fzf-lua well.

kdheepak commented 3 years ago

Using opts.cwd = "path/to/folder" along with opts.git_icons = false, causes some other issues:

Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: ...local/nvim/share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/uri.lua:83: Invalid buffer id: 16
Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: ...ck/packer/start/nvim-lspconfig/lua/lspconfig/configs.lua:149: Vim(autocmd):E680: <buffer=16>: invalid buffer number
Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: ...local/nvim/share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/uri.lua:83: Invalid buffer id: 16
Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: ...ck/packer/start/nvim-lspconfig/lua/lspconfig/configs.lua:149: Vim(autocmd):E680: <buffer=16>: invalid buffer number
Press ENTER or type command to continue

I get this error even if opts.git_icons = true. I get this error ONLY when opts.cwd = "path/to/folder".

kdheepak commented 3 years ago

Omg, something extremely odd is happening.

This is my neovim folder:

$ tree                                                                                                                                                             ─╯
├── init.lua
├── lua
│  └── kd
│     ├── config.lua
│     └── plugins.lua
└── plugin
   └── packer_compiled.lua

My init.lua is just two lines:



The plugins.lua file is the following:

$ cat lua/kd/plugins.lua   
       │ File: lua/kd/plugins.lua
   1   │ M = {}
   2   │
   3   │ local execute = vim.api.nvim_command
   4   │ local fn = vim.fn
   5   │
   6   │ local install_path = fn.stdpath("data") .. "/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim"
   7   │
   8   │ if fn.empty(fn.glob(install_path)) > 0 then
   9   │   fn.system({ "git", "clone", "https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim", install_path })
  10   │   execute("packadd packer.nvim")
  11   │ end
  12   │
  13   │ local packer = require("packer")
  14   │ local use = packer.use
  15   │
  16   │ packer.reset()
  17   │ packer.init({ max_jobs = 16 })
  18   │
  19   │ packer.startup({
  20   │   function()
  21   │     -- Packer can manage itself
  22   │
  23   │     use("wbthomason/packer.nvim")
  24   │
  25   │     use({
  26   │       "ibhagwan/fzf-lua",
  27   │       requires = {
  28   │         "vijaymarupudi/nvim-fzf",
  29   │         "kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons",
  30   │       },
  31   │     })
  32   │
  33   │   end,
  34   │   config = { display = { open_fn = require("packer.util").float } },
  35   │ })
  36   │
  37   │ return M

And my config file is all commented:


And I STILL get the error. However, if I delete the contents of the commented file, the error goes away. SO WEIRD.


I edited the video a little to make it fit here, but hopefully it is clear what is going on.

ibhagwan commented 3 years ago

Very strange stuff, and just to reiterate, if you go back to 0.5 release everything works fine no matter what right?

And I STILL get the error. However, if I delete the contents of the commented file, the error goes away. SO WEIRD.

TBH, without being able to reproduce it I’m out of ideas, all your troubleshooting just confirms to me this is some voodoo bug in the nightly which seems to be triggered by fzf-lua but I doubt if it’s the cause.

ibhagwan commented 3 years ago

Also, have you tried the latest nightly?

NVIM v0.6.0-dev+210-g6751d6254
kdheepak commented 3 years ago

if you go back to 0.5 release everything works fine no matter what right

I meant to try this but haven’t had the time yet.

Also, have you tried the latest nightly?

I’ll try both versions and open a bug report on neovim’s repo once I have narrowed it down a little more.

kdheepak commented 3 years ago

I'm getting the same error with the latest nightly AND the v0.5.0 stable release.

kdheepak commented 3 years ago

Can you explain how setting cwd propagates through the code? I tried printing out the fzf_cli_args in the raw_fzf function from nvim_fzf and they seem identical. And also, there’s a fzf_cwd option that isn’t being using.

Also, through a print style debugging, I figured out that the error happens during the termopen call in nvim_fzf.

ibhagwan commented 3 years ago

Can you explain how setting cwd propagates through the code? I tried printing out the fzf_cli_args in the raw_fzf function from nvim_fzf and they seem identical. And also, there’s a fzf_cwd option that isn’t being using.

There is no fzf_cwd in my code. as for opts.cwd it's not just one place, there are many places where it's being used, search for opts.cwd and you'll see, it's used in files, grep, git commands and parsing the selected files.

Also, through a print style debugging, I figured out that the error happens during the termopen call in nvim_fzf.

Good progress, maybe @vijaymarupudi has an idea?

vijaymarupudi commented 3 years ago

@kdheepak, can you post the final command being sent to termopen() in nvim_fzf? I'm not sure how termopen() is resulting in an EPIPE.

kdheepak commented 3 years ago

Actually, I don't think it is happening during termopen but it is happening inside nvim_fzf.raw_fzf. This is the command:

fzf < '/var/folders/wk/lcf0vgd90bx0vq1873tn04knk_djr3/T/nvimaQh00z/3'   -
-layout=reverse --bind='ctrl-h:toggle-preview,ctrl-d:preview-half-page-down,ctrl-u:
-query' --prompt='> ' --preview-window=nohidden:right:0 --preview=''\\''nvim'\\'' -
-headless --clean --cmd '\\''luafile /Users/USER/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/pa
cker/start/nvim-fzf/action_helper.lua'\\'' '\\''/var/folders/wk/lcf0vgd90bx0vq1873t
n04knk_djr3/T/nvimaQh00z/2'\\'' 1 {+}' --height=100% --ansi --info=inline --expect=
ctrl-q,ctrl-t,ctrl-s,ctrl-v --multi   > '/var/folders/wk/lcf0vgd90bx0vq1873tn04knk_

I think the error is happening during this coroutine yield: https://github.com/vijaymarupudi/nvim-fzf/blob/d811ae553ec83c19941b187a8ac2fee9529cf9e3/lua/fzf.lua#L182

I'm not sure how the yield works in lua. But a print before the return prints before the error.

vijaymarupudi commented 3 years ago

Ah okay, that means that the error is happening after fzf starts.

What I find odd is the shell escaping in that command, here's how my command looks.

fzf < '/tmp/nvim6OOaUW/86'   --layout=reverse --bind='f2:toggle-preview,f3:toggle-preview-wrap,shift-down:preview-page-
ll,ctrl-l:clear-query' --prompt='> ' --preview-window=nohidden:right:0 --preview=''\''nvim'\'' --headless --clean --cmd
 '\''luafile /chompsky/techno/development/personal/vim/nvim-fzf/action_helper.lua'\'' '\''/tmp/nvim6OOaUW/2'\'' 5 {+}'
--height=100% --ansi --info=inline --expect=ctrl-t,ctrl-s,ctrl-v,ctrl-q --multi   > '/tmp/nvim6OOaUW/87'

I pretty much never have a double backslash. Can you post the command for the variant that works with an error?

kdheepak commented 3 years ago

This is one where there was no error:

"fzf < '/var/folders/wk/lcf0vgd90bx0vq1873tn04knk_djr3/T/nvimqptWMX/3'   -
-layout=reverse --bind='ctrl-h:toggle-preview,ctrl-d:preview-half-page-down,ctrl-u:
-query' --prompt='> ' --preview-window=nohidden:right:0 --preview=''\\''nvim'\\'' -
-headless --clean --cmd '\\''luafile /Users/USER/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/pa
cker/start/nvim-fzf/action_helper.lua'\\'' '\\''/var/folders/wk/lcf0vgd90bx0vq1873t
n04knk_djr3/T/nvimqptWMX/2'\\'' 1 {+}' --height=100% --ansi --info=inline --expect=
ctrl-s,ctrl-v,ctrl-t,ctrl-q --multi   > '/var/folders/wk/lcf0vgd90bx0vq1873tn04knk_

The previous one was when I was getting the error

kdheepak commented 3 years ago

Here's the screenshot of the diff between the two:

Screen Shot 2021-09-02 at 8 24 28 PM

No meaningful difference as far as I could tell.

kdheepak commented 3 years ago

Thanks for looking into this btw, I appreciate it.

vijaymarupudi commented 3 years ago

The double backslashes I think were because of the string representation of lua, you stripped the double quotes off in the first representation, so I mistook it for the actual contents of the string. This is the actual string

fzf < '/var/folders/wk/lcf0vgd90bx0vq1873tn04knk_djr3/T/nvimaQh00z/3'   --layout=reverse --bind='ctrl-h:toggle-preview,ctrl-d:preview-half-page-down,ctrl-u:preview-half-page-up,ctrl-f:page-down,ctrl-b:page-up,ctrl-a:toggle-all,ctrl-l:clear-query' --prompt='> ' --preview-window=nohidden:right:0 --preview=''\''nvim'\'' --headless --clean --cmd '\''luafile /Users/USER/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-fzf/action_helper.lua'\'' '\''/var/folders/wk/lcf0vgd90bx0vq1873tn04knk_djr3/T/nvimaQh00z/2'\'' 1 {+}' --height=100% --ansi --info=inline --expect=ctrl-q,ctrl-t,ctrl-s,ctrl-v --multi   > '/var/folders/wk/lcf0vgd90bx0vq1873tn04knk_djr3/T/nvimaQh00z/4'

Okay, so this is not the issue. I think the next step is to get a stack trace of the error. Can you try using print statements around areas whereuv.write is used in the source code to determine where the error is happening?

kdheepak commented 3 years ago

The errors all seem to be happening before any uv.write. I put print functions before all of these lines and the error occurs before them.

Screen Shot 2021-09-02 at 8 59 57 PM Screen Shot 2021-09-02 at 9 00 23 PM

The print in the helper.lua is never called.

kdheepak commented 3 years ago

I tried to make this patch to nvim-fzf:

diff --git a/lua/fzf.lua b/lua/fzf.lua
index f9af516..b3325bd 100644
--- a/lua/fzf.lua
+++ b/lua/fzf.lua
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ function FZF.raw_fzf(contents, fzf_cli_args, user_options)

   -- this part runs in the background, when the user has selected, it will
   -- error out, but that doesn't matter so we just break out of the loop.
-  coroutine.wrap(function ()
+  local wrapped = coroutine.wrap(function ()
     if contents then
       if type(contents) == "table" then
         for _, v in ipairs(contents) do
@@ -175,7 +175,8 @@ function FZF.raw_fzf(contents, fzf_cli_args, user_options)
         end, fd)
-  end)()
+  end)
+  wrapped()


And even require"fzf" is not working:

:lua require"fzf"
E5108: Error executing lua vim.lua:63: ...l/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-fzf/lua/fzf.lua:142: <goto wait_for_fzf> jumps into the scope of local 'wrapped'
Press ENTER or type command to continue

I don't understand why this change is causing issues.

In any case, the last print I'm able to get before the error in a print before this line:


I was able to confirm that by doing the following:

  print("before coroutine.yield")
  local y = coroutine.yield()
  print("after coroutine.yield")
  return y

With the above change, before coroutine.yield is printed, then the floating window shows up with no fzf inside it, the error message shows up, then fzf loads, and when I hit ESC, after coroutine.yield is printed.

I don't understand where this coroutine.yield() yields to. I'm assuming it yields back to this coroutine in fzf-lua:


This however doesn't have any resume or yield. So I don't fully understand how all this is working.

Based on when I'm seeing the print and when I'm seeing the UI elements in neovim, I'm assuming print always dumps neovim's command output in main thread immediately and the UI updates when the callback is executed on the event loop. So maybe print style debugging is leading me astray here.

kdheepak commented 3 years ago

I even tried putting the print in a coroutine but no luck there. I'm open to suggestions on how to debug this.

Just based on :help E5677, since that is related to the system call, is it possible that this vim.fn.system call is the one that is causing problems?


Could we use neovim's job control instead of vim.fn.system?

vijaymarupudi commented 3 years ago

Debugging around the coroutine.yield() doesn't tell me much, because pretty much all of nvim-fzf's code runs around that line.

The system() call cannot be the problem, because we aren't writing to any pipe there.

EPIPE's can only happen once we're writing to a pipe. I'm a bit stumped here.

Currently, the on_exit argument function to termopen does not take any arguments. Can you add the three standard arguments to on_exit and print them? I'm hoping there's some information there to go off of.

kdheepak commented 3 years ago

It is the following: 5 130 "exit"

After coroutine.yield(), do you know what the next line of code is that will be executed?

Also, if you are interested, I can share my screen and you can take a look at what is going on? I'm pretty stumped too.

vijaymarupudi commented 3 years ago

L149 in nvim-fzf/lua/fzf.lua is probably the next. Try all branches of the conditionals. Getting the accurate stack trace is a good road to go down, it'll help us get closer to a situation.

I appreciate the offer, I do really want to solve this, but my schedule is packed, so I can only debug this intermittently. Getting a reproducible example will help, but we clearly don't understand this bug well enough to reproduce it :(

vijaymarupudi commented 3 years ago

It's possible that this approach might also help: https://www.lua.org/pil/8.5.html

ibhagwan commented 3 years ago

Perhaps going on a wild goose chase here but would be interesting to see what happens with sk instead of fzf as I mention in #92.

kdheepak commented 3 years ago

L149 in nvim-fzf/lua/fzf.lua is probably the next.

Perhaps my understand of corountines isn't accurate. Isn't

coroutine.wrap(function() ... end)()

equivalent to

local co = corountine.create(function() ... end)

And I thought co.resume() makes the current coroutine into a "normal" state and calls co. So that block will execute before the current function reaches the final return.


That's what is happening when I print stuff:

Screen Shot 2021-09-03 at 3 23 21 PM

The above screenshot is the content of :messages when I use the following diff:

diff --git a/lua/fzf.lua b/lua/fzf.lua
index f9af516..f3e8b5d 100644
--- a/lua/fzf.lua
+++ b/lua/fzf.lua
@@ -147,13 +147,19 @@ function FZF.raw_fzf(contents, fzf_cli_args, user_options)
   -- this part runs in the background, when the user has selected, it will
   -- error out, but that doesn't matter so we just break out of the loop.
   coroutine.wrap(function ()
+    P("Before if contents then")
     if contents then
+      P('Before if type(contents) == "table"')
       if type(contents) == "table" then
+        P("Before for _, v in ipairs(contents)")
         for _, v in ipairs(contents) do
           local err, bytes = fs_write(fd, tostring(v) .. "\n", -1)
           if err then error(err) end
+        P("After for _, v in ipairs(contents)")
+        P("Before on_done()")
+        P("After on_done()")
         contents(function (usrval, cb)
           if done_state then return end
@@ -179,7 +185,10 @@ function FZF.raw_fzf(contents, fzf_cli_args, user_options)


-  return coroutine.yield()
+  P("before x = coroutine.yield()")
+  local x = coroutine.yield()
+  P("after x = coroutine.yield()")
+  return x

 function FZF.provided_win_fzf(contents, fzf_cli_args, options)

Although, I'm not confident of trusting print unless some tells me we can trust the order here.

vijaymarupudi commented 3 years ago

You are correct, if the contents are a table, the writing is done synchronously. If contents are a function, then the function at L158 doesn't run until the yield is hit. I'm not sure what the state of the program is when you're running it, so I advised you to try all the locations.

You should definitely also be checking the preview function of fzf.lua too!

kdheepak commented 3 years ago

Oh I see. This is the output:

"lua/kd/config.lua" 305L, 10154C
Before contents(function (usrval, cb)
stack traceback:
^I...l/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-fzf/lua/fzf.lua:159: in function <...l/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-fzf/lua/fzf.lua:149>
E5677: Error writing input to shell-command: EPIPE
E5677: Error writing input to shell-command: EPIPE
Start of function(usrval, cb)
stack traceback:
^I...l/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-fzf/lua/fzf.lua:162: in function 'fzf_cb'
^I...nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-fzf/lua/fzf/helpers.lua:95: in function <...nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-fzf/lua/fzf/helpers.lua:76>
After contents(function (usrval, cb)
Start of function(usrval, cb)
stack traceback:
^I...l/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-fzf/lua/fzf.lua:162: in function 'fzf_cb'
^I...nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-fzf/lua/fzf/helpers.lua:95: in function <...nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-fzf/lua/fzf/helpers.lua:76>
After contents(function (usrval, cb)
Start of function(usrval, cb)
stack traceback:
^I...l/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-fzf/lua/fzf.lua:162: in function 'fzf_cb'
^I...nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-fzf/lua/fzf/helpers.lua:95: in function <...nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-fzf/lua/fzf/helpers.lua:76>
After contents(function (usrval, cb)
End of function(usrval, cb)
End of function(usrval, cb)
Start of function(usrval, cb)
stack traceback:
^I...l/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-fzf/lua/fzf.lua:162: in function 'fzf_cb'
^I...nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-fzf/lua/fzf/helpers.lua:95: in function <...nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-fzf/lua/fzf/helpers.lua:76>
After contents(function (usrval, cb)
End of function(usrval, cb)
End of function(usrval, cb)
"lua/kd/config.lua" 305 lines --16%--

With the following diff:

diff --git a/lua/fzf.lua b/lua/fzf.lua
index f9af516..d57201c 100644
--- a/lua/fzf.lua
+++ b/lua/fzf.lua
@@ -155,7 +155,11 @@ function FZF.raw_fzf(contents, fzf_cli_args, user_options)
+        print("Before contents(function (usrval, cb)")
+        print(debug.traceback())
         contents(function (usrval, cb)
+          print("Start of function(usrval, cb)")
+          print(debug.traceback())
           if done_state then return end
           if usrval == nil then
@@ -170,8 +174,9 @@ function FZF.raw_fzf(contents, fzf_cli_args, user_options)

             if cb then cb(nil) end
+          print("End of function(usrval, cb)")
+          print("After contents(function (usrval, cb)")
         end, fd)

My understanding is that calling the contents function is causing it.

The error occurs between Before contents(function (usrval, cb) and After contents(function (usrval, cb)

This is where the function is passed in in fzf-lua:

    local selected = M.fzf(opts, opts.fzf_fn)

This is where I believe contents function is created in fzf-lua:

  opts.fzf_fn = fzf_helpers.cmd_line_transformer(
      return core.make_entry_file(opts, x)
vijaymarupudi commented 3 years ago

In the function passed to cmd_line_transformer, could to place a print statement and check how many times that print statement runs? Or if it runs at all?

kdheepak commented 3 years ago

It seems to get printed for every item in the fzf list:

printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-grayscale-dark.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-grayscale-light-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-grayscale-light.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-greenscreen-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-greenscreen.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-dark-hard-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-dark-hard.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-dark-medium-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-dark-medium.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-dark-pale-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-dark-pale.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-dark-soft-256.itermcolors
Start of function(usrval, cb)
stack traceback:
^I...l/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-fzf/lua/fzf.lua:162: in function 'fzf_cb'
^I...nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-fzf/lua/fzf/helpers.lua:95: in function <...nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-fzf/lua/fzf/helpers.lua:76>
After contents(function (usrval, cb)
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-dark-soft.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-light-hard-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-light-hard.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-light-medium-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-light-medium.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-light-soft-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-light-soft.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-harmonic-dark-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-harmonic-dark.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-harmonic-light-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-harmonic-light.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-hopscotch-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-hopscotch.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-irblack-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-irblack.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-isotope-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-isotope.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-macintosh-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-macintosh.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-marrakesh-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-marrakesh.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-materia-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-materia.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-material-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-material-darker-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-material-darker.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-material-lighter-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-material-lighter.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-material-palenight-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-material-palenight.itermcolors
-- More --printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-grayscale-dark.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-grayscale-light-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-grayscale-light.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-greenscreen-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-greenscreen.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-dark-hard-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-dark-hard.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-dark-medium-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-dark-medium.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-dark-pale-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-dark-pale.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-dark-soft-256.itermcolors
Start of function(usrval, cb)
stack traceback:
^I...l/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-fzf/lua/fzf.lua:162: in function 'fzf_cb'
^I...nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-fzf/lua/fzf/helpers.lua:95: in function <...nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-fzf/lua/fzf/helpers.lua:76>
After contents(function (usrval, cb)
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-dark-soft.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-light-hard-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-light-hard.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-light-medium-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-light-medium.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-light-soft-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-gruvbox-light-soft.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-harmonic-dark-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-harmonic-dark.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-harmonic-light-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-harmonic-light.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-hopscotch-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-hopscotch.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-irblack-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-irblack.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-isotope-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-isotope.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-macintosh-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-macintosh.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-marrakesh-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-marrakesh.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-materia-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-materia.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-material-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-material-darker-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-material-darker.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-material-lighter-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-material-lighter.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-material-palenight-256.itermcolors
printing x:  /Users/USER/gitrepos/dotfiles/base16-iterm2/itermcolors/base16-material-palenight.itermcolors
-- More --

For this diff:

diff --git a/lua/fzf-lua/providers/files.lua b/lua/fzf-lua/providers/files.lua
index ec23db0..530cdff 100644
--- a/lua/fzf-lua/providers/files.lua
+++ b/lua/fzf-lua/providers/files.lua
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ M.files = function(opts)

   opts.fzf_fn = fzf_helpers.cmd_line_transformer(command,
+      print("printing x: ", x)
       return core.make_entry_file(opts, x)
kdheepak commented 3 years ago

The printing all happens after the error btw.

vijaymarupudi commented 3 years ago

Oh, after the error? Now that means this is not the cause.