ibhagwan / fzf-lua

Improved fzf.vim written in lua
MIT License
2.33k stars 151 forks source link

attempt to call field 'CTX' #902

Closed Cih2001 closed 1 year ago

Cih2001 commented 1 year ago

Hey, after updating to the latest version, I get the following issue when running some lsp commands, such as lsp_document_symbols

E5108: Error executing lua ...al/share/nvim/lazy/fzf-lua/lua/fzf-lua/providers/lsp.lua:17: attempt to call field 'CTX' (a nil value)                                                                                                            
stack traceback:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
        ...al/share/nvim/lazy/fzf-lua/lua/fzf-lua/providers/lsp.lua:17: in function 'check_capabilities'                                                                                                                                        
        ...al/share/nvim/lazy/fzf-lua/lua/fzf-lua/providers/lsp.lua:856: in function <...al/share/nvim/lazy/fzf-lua/lua/fzf-lua/providers/lsp.lua:850>                                                                                          
        ...tehaj/.local/share/nvim/lazy/fzf-lua/lua/fzf-lua/cmd.lua:78: in function 'run_command'                                                                                                                                               
        ...tehaj/.local/share/nvim/lazy/fzf-lua/lua/fzf-lua/cmd.lua:100: in function 'load_command'                                                                                                                                             
        [string ":lua"]:1: in main chunk                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Press ENTER or type command to continue               

my config with this commit 'dada713c18b117ca7032979d32b9bf325440369d' runs fine.


fzf-lua configuration ```lua require('fzf-lua').setup({ -- fzf_bin = 'sk', -- use skim instead of fzf? -- https://github.com/lotabout/skim -- can also be set to 'fzf-tmux' file_ignore_patterns = { "mock_" }, winopts = { -- split = "belowright new",-- open in a split instead? -- "belowright new" : split below -- "aboveleft new" : split above -- "belowright vnew" : split right -- "aboveleft vnew : split left -- Only valid when using a float window -- (i.e. when 'split' is not defined, default) height = 0.85, -- window height width = 0.80, -- window width row = 0.35, -- window row position (0=top, 1=bottom) col = 0.50, -- window col position (0=left, 1=right) -- border argument passthrough to nvim_open_win(), also used -- to manually draw the border characters around the preview -- window, can be set to 'false' to remove all borders or to -- 'none', 'single', 'double', 'thicc' or 'rounded' (default) border = { "╭", "─", "╮", "│", "╯", "─", "╰", "│" }, fullscreen = false, -- start fullscreen? -- highlights should optimally be set by the colorscheme using -- FzfLuaXXX highlights. If your colorscheme doesn't set these -- or you wish to override its defaults use these: hl = { cursorline = "CursorColumn", -- cursor line }, preview = { -- default = 'bat', -- override the default previewer? -- default uses the 'builtin' previewer border = "border", -- border|noborder, applies only to -- native fzf previewers (bat/cat/git/etc) wrap = "nowrap", -- wrap|nowrap hidden = "nohidden", -- hidden|nohidden vertical = "down:50%", -- up|down:size horizontal = "right:50%", -- right|left:size layout = "vertical", -- horizontal|vertical|flex flip_columns = 120, -- #cols to switch to horizontal on flex -- Only used with the builtin previewer: title = true, -- preview border title (file/buf)? title_align = "left", -- left|center|right, title alignment scrollbar = "float", -- `false` or string:'float|border' -- float: in-window floating border -- border: in-border chars (see below) scrolloff = "-2", -- float scrollbar offset from right -- applies only when scrollbar = 'float' scrollchars = { "█", "" }, -- scrollbar chars ({ , } -- applies only when scrollbar = 'border' delay = 100, -- delay(ms) displaying the preview -- prevents lag on fast scrolling winopts = { -- builtin previewer window options number = true, relativenumber = false, cursorline = true, cursorlineopt = "both", cursorcolumn = false, signcolumn = "no", list = false, foldenable = false, foldmethod = "manual", }, }, on_create = function() -- called once upon creation of the fzf main window -- can be used to add custom fzf-lua mappings, e.g: -- vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, "t", "", "", -- { silent = true, noremap = true }) end, }, keymap = { -- These override the default tables completely -- no need to set to `false` to disable a bind -- delete or modify is sufficient builtin = { -- neovim `:tmap` mappings for the fzf win [""] = "toggle-help", [""] = "toggle-fullscreen", -- Only valid with the 'builtin' previewer [""] = "toggle-preview-wrap", [""] = "toggle-preview", -- Rotate preview clockwise/counter-clockwise [""] = "toggle-preview-ccw", [""] = "toggle-preview-cw", [""] = "preview-page-down", [""] = "preview-page-up", [""] = "preview-page-reset", }, fzf = { -- fzf '--bind=' options ["ctrl-z"] = "abort", ["ctrl-b"] = "unix-line-discard", ["ctrl-d"] = "half-page-down", ["ctrl-u"] = "half-page-up", ["ctrl-a"] = "beginning-of-line", ["ctrl-e"] = "end-of-line", ["alt-a"] = "toggle-all", -- Only valid with fzf previewers (bat/cat/git/etc) ["f3"] = "toggle-preview-wrap", ["f4"] = "toggle-preview", ["shift-down"] = "preview-page-down", ["shift-up"] = "preview-page-up", }, }, actions = { -- These override the default tables completely -- no need to set to `false` to disable an action -- delete or modify is sufficient files = { -- providers that inherit these actions: -- files, git_files, git_status, grep, lsp -- oldfiles, quickfix, loclist, tags, btags -- args -- default action opens a single selection -- or sends multiple selection to quickfix -- replace the default action with the below -- to open all files whether single or multiple -- ["default"] = actions.file_edit, ["default"] = actions.file_edit_or_qf, ["ctrl-s"] = actions.file_split, ["ctrl-v"] = actions.file_vsplit, ["ctrl-t"] = actions.file_tabedit, ["alt-q"] = actions.file_sel_to_qf, ["alt-l"] = actions.file_sel_to_ll, }, buffers = { -- providers that inherit these actions: -- buffers, tabs, lines, blines ["default"] = actions.buf_edit, ["ctrl-s"] = actions.buf_split, ["ctrl-v"] = actions.buf_vsplit, ["ctrl-t"] = actions.buf_tabedit, }, }, fzf_opts = { -- options are sent as `=` -- set to `false` to remove a flag -- set to '' for a non-value flag -- for raw args use `fzf_args` instead ["--ansi"] = "", ["--info"] = "inline", ["--height"] = "100%", ["--layout"] = "reverse", ["--border"] = "none", }, -- Only used when fzf_bin = "fzf-tmux", by default opens as a -- popup 80% width, 80% height (note `-p` requires tmux > 3.2) -- and removes the sides margin added by `fzf-tmux` (fzf#3162) -- for more options run `fzf-tmux --help` fzf_tmux_opts = { ["-p"] = "80%,80%", ["--margin"] = "0,0" }, -- fzf '--color=' options (optional) --[[ fzf_colors = { ["fg"] = { "fg", "CursorLine" }, ["bg"] = { "bg", "Normal" }, ["hl"] = { "fg", "Comment" }, ["fg+"] = { "fg", "Normal" }, ["bg+"] = { "bg", "CursorLine" }, ["hl+"] = { "fg", "Statement" }, ["info"] = { "fg", "PreProc" }, ["prompt"] = { "fg", "Conditional" }, ["pointer"] = { "fg", "Exception" }, ["marker"] = { "fg", "Keyword" }, ["spinner"] = { "fg", "Label" }, ["header"] = { "fg", "Comment" }, ["gutter"] = { "bg", "Normal" }, }, ]] previewers = { cat = { cmd = "cat", args = "--number", }, bat = { cmd = "bat", args = "--style=numbers,changes --color always", theme = "Coldark-Dark", -- bat preview theme (bat --list-themes) config = nil, -- nil uses $BAT_CONFIG_PATH }, head = { cmd = "head", args = nil, }, git_diff = { cmd_deleted = "git diff --color HEAD --", cmd_modified = "git diff --color HEAD", cmd_untracked = "git diff --color --no-index /dev/null", -- uncomment if you wish to use git-delta as pager -- can also be set under 'git.status.preview_pager' -- pager = "delta --width=$FZF_PREVIEW_COLUMNS", }, man = { -- NOTE: remove the `-c` flag when using man-db -- replace with `man -P cat %s | col -bx` on OSX cmd = "man -c %s | col -bx", }, builtin = { syntax = true, -- preview syntax highlight? syntax_limit_l = 0, -- syntax limit (lines), 0=nolimit syntax_limit_b = 1024 * 1024, -- syntax limit (bytes), 0=nolimit limit_b = 1024 * 1024 * 10, -- preview limit (bytes), 0=nolimit -- previewer treesitter options: -- enable specific filetypes with: `{ enable = { "lua" } } -- exclude specific filetypes with: `{ disable = { "lua" } } -- disable fully with: `{ enable = false }` treesitter = { enable = true, disable = {} }, -- preview extensions using a custom shell command: -- for example, use `viu` for image previews -- will do nothing if `viu` isn't executable extensions = { -- neovim terminal only supports `viu` block output ["png"] = { "viu", "-b" }, ["svg"] = { "chafa" }, ["jpg"] = { "ueberzug" }, }, -- if using `ueberzug` in the above extensions map -- set the default image scaler, possible scalers: -- false (none), "crop", "distort", "fit_contain", -- "contain", "forced_cover", "cover" -- https://github.com/seebye/ueberzug ueberzug_scaler = "cover", }, }, -- provider setup files = { -- previewer = "bat", -- uncomment to override previewer -- (name from 'previewers' table) -- set to 'false' to disable prompt = "Files❯ ", multiprocess = true, -- run command in a separate process git_icons = true, -- show git icons? file_icons = true, -- show file icons? color_icons = true, -- colorize file|git icons -- path_shorten = 1, -- 'true' or number, shorten path? -- executed command priority is 'cmd' (if exists) -- otherwise auto-detect prioritizes `fd`:`rg`:`find` -- default options are controlled by 'fd|rg|find|_opts' -- NOTE: 'find -printf' requires GNU find -- cmd = "find . -type f -printf '%P\n'", find_opts = [[-type f -not -path '*/\.git/*' -printf '%P\n']], rg_opts = "--color=never --files --hidden --follow -g '!.git'", fd_opts = "--color=never --type f --hidden --follow --exclude .git", -- by default, cwd appears in the header only if {opts} contain a cwd -- parameter to a different folder than the current working directory -- uncomment if you wish to force display of the cwd as part of the -- query prompt string (fzf.vim style), header line or both -- show_cwd_prompt = true, -- show_cwd_header = true, actions = { -- inherits from 'actions.files', here we can override -- or set bind to 'false' to disable a default action ["default"] = actions.file_edit, -- custom actions are available too ["ctrl-y"] = function(selected) print(selected[1]) end, }, }, git = { files = { prompt = "GitFiles❯ ", cmd = "git ls-files --exclude-standard", multiprocess = true, -- run command in a separate process git_icons = true, -- show git icons? file_icons = true, -- show file icons? color_icons = true, -- colorize file|git icons -- force display the cwd header line regardles of your current working -- directory can also be used to hide the header when not wanted -- show_cwd_header = true }, status = { prompt = "GitStatus❯ ", -- consider using `git status -su` if you wish to see -- untracked files individually under their subfolders cmd = "git status -s", file_icons = true, git_icons = true, color_icons = true, previewer = "git_diff", -- uncomment if you wish to use git-delta as pager --preview_pager = "delta --width=$FZF_PREVIEW_COLUMNS", actions = { -- actions inherit from 'actions.files' and merge ["right"] = { actions.git_unstage, actions.resume }, ["left"] = { actions.git_stage, actions.resume }, }, }, commits = { prompt = "Commits❯ ", cmd = "git log --color --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h%Creset %Cgreen(%><(12)%cr%><|(12))%Creset %s %C(blue)<%an>%Creset'", preview = "git show --pretty='%Cred%H%n%Cblue%an <%ae>%n%C(yellow)%cD%n%Cgreen%s' --color {1}", -- uncomment if you wish to use git-delta as pager --preview_pager = "delta --width=$FZF_PREVIEW_COLUMNS", actions = { ["default"] = actions.git_checkout, }, }, bcommits = { prompt = "BCommits❯ ", -- default preview shows a git diff vs the previous commit -- if you prefer to see the entire commit you can use: -- git show --color {1} --rotate-to= -- {1} : commit SHA (fzf field index expression) -- : filepath placement within the commands cmd = "git log --color --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h%Creset %Cgreen(%><(12)%cr%><|(12))%Creset %s %C(blue)<%an>%Creset' ", preview = "git diff --color {1}~1 {1} -- ", -- uncomment if you wish to use git-delta as pager --preview_pager = "delta --width=$FZF_PREVIEW_COLUMNS", actions = { ["default"] = actions.git_buf_edit, ["ctrl-s"] = actions.git_buf_split, ["ctrl-v"] = actions.git_buf_vsplit, ["ctrl-t"] = actions.git_buf_tabedit, }, }, branches = { prompt = "Branches❯ ", cmd = "git branch --all --color", preview = "git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --color {1}", actions = { ["default"] = actions.git_switch, }, }, stash = { prompt = "Stash> ", cmd = "git --no-pager stash list", preview = "git --no-pager stash show --patch --color {1}", actions = { ["default"] = actions.git_stash_apply, ["ctrl-x"] = { actions.git_stash_drop, actions.resume }, }, fzf_opts = { ["--no-multi"] = "", ["--delimiter"] = "'[:]'", }, }, icons = { ["M"] = { icon = "M", color = "yellow" }, ["D"] = { icon = "D", color = "red" }, ["A"] = { icon = "A", color = "green" }, ["R"] = { icon = "R", color = "yellow" }, ["C"] = { icon = "C", color = "yellow" }, ["T"] = { icon = "T", color = "magenta" }, ["?"] = { icon = "?", color = "magenta" }, -- override git icons? -- ["M"] = { icon = "★", color = "red" }, -- ["D"] = { icon = "✗", color = "red" }, -- ["A"] = { icon = "+", color = "green" }, }, }, grep = { prompt = "Rg❯ ", input_prompt = "Grep For❯ ", multiprocess = true, -- run command in a separate process git_icons = true, -- show git icons? file_icons = true, -- show file icons? color_icons = true, -- colorize file|git icons -- executed command priority is 'cmd' (if exists) -- otherwise auto-detect prioritizes `rg` over `grep` -- default options are controlled by 'rg|grep_opts' -- cmd = "rg --vimgrep", grep_opts = "--binary-files=without-match --line-number --recursive --color=auto --perl-regexp", rg_opts = "--column --line-number --no-heading --color=always --smart-case --max-columns=4096", -- set to 'true' to always parse globs in both 'grep' and 'live_grep' -- search strings will be split using the 'glob_separator' and translated -- to '--iglob=' arguments, requires 'rg' -- can still be used when 'false' by calling 'live_grep_glob' directly rg_glob = false, -- default to glob parsing? glob_flag = "--iglob", -- for case sensitive globs use '--glob' glob_separator = "%s%-%-", -- query separator pattern (lua): ' --' -- advanced usage: for custom argument parsing define -- 'rg_glob_fn' to return a pair: -- first returned argument is the new search query -- second returned argument are addtional rg flags -- rg_glob_fn = function(query, opts) -- ... -- return new_query, flags -- end, actions = { -- actions inherit from 'actions.files' and merge -- this action toggles between 'grep' and 'live_grep' ["ctrl-g"] = { actions.grep_lgrep }, }, no_header = false, -- hide grep|cwd header? no_header_i = false, -- hide interactive header? }, args = { prompt = "Args❯ ", files_only = true, -- actions inherit from 'actions.files' and merge actions = { ["ctrl-x"] = { actions.arg_del, actions.resume } }, }, oldfiles = { prompt = "History❯ ", cwd_only = false, stat_file = true, -- verify files exist on disk include_current_session = false, -- include bufs from current session }, buffers = { prompt = "Buffers❯ ", file_icons = true, -- show file icons? color_icons = true, -- colorize file|git icons sort_lastused = true, -- sort buffers() by last used cwd_only = false, -- buffers for the cwd only cwd = nil, -- buffers list for a given dir actions = { -- actions inherit from 'actions.buffers' and merge -- by supplying a table of functions we're telling -- fzf-lua to not close the fzf window, this way we -- can resume the buffers picker on the same window -- eliminating an otherwise unaesthetic win "flash" ["ctrl-x"] = { actions.buf_del, actions.resume }, }, }, tabs = { prompt = "Tabs❯ ", tab_title = "Tab", tab_marker = "<<", file_icons = true, -- show file icons? color_icons = true, -- colorize file|git icons actions = { -- actions inherit from 'actions.buffers' and merge ["default"] = actions.buf_switch, ["ctrl-x"] = { actions.buf_del, actions.resume }, }, fzf_opts = { -- hide tabnr ["--delimiter"] = "'[\\):]'", ["--with-nth"] = "2..", }, }, lines = { previewer = "builtin", -- set to 'false' to disable prompt = "Lines❯ ", show_unlisted = false, -- exclude 'help' buffers no_term_buffers = true, -- exclude 'term' buffers fzf_opts = { -- do not include bufnr in fuzzy matching -- tiebreak by line no. ["--delimiter"] = "'[\\]:]'", ["--nth"] = "2..", ["--tiebreak"] = "index", ["--tabstop"] = "1", }, -- actions inherit from 'actions.buffers' and merge actions = { ["default"] = actions.buf_edit_or_qf, ["alt-q"] = actions.buf_sel_to_qf, ["alt-l"] = actions.buf_sel_to_ll, }, }, blines = { previewer = "builtin", -- set to 'false' to disable prompt = "BLines❯ ", show_unlisted = true, -- include 'help' buffers no_term_buffers = false, -- include 'term' buffers fzf_opts = { -- hide filename, tiebreak by line no. ["--delimiter"] = "'[\\]:]'", ["--with-nth"] = "2..", ["--tiebreak"] = "index", ["--tabstop"] = "1", }, -- actions inherit from 'actions.buffers' and merge actions = { ["default"] = actions.buf_edit_or_qf, ["alt-q"] = actions.buf_sel_to_qf, ["alt-l"] = actions.buf_sel_to_ll, }, }, tags = { prompt = "Tags❯ ", ctags_file = "tags", multiprocess = true, file_icons = true, git_icons = true, color_icons = true, -- 'tags_live_grep' options, `rg` prioritizes over `grep` rg_opts = "--no-heading --color=always --smart-case", grep_opts = "--color=auto --perl-regexp", actions = { -- actions inherit from 'actions.files' and merge -- this action toggles between 'grep' and 'live_grep' ["ctrl-g"] = { actions.grep_lgrep }, }, no_header = false, -- hide grep|cwd header? no_header_i = false, -- hide interactive header? }, btags = { prompt = "BTags❯ ", ctags_file = "tags", ctags_autogen = false, -- dynamically generate ctags each call multiprocess = true, file_icons = true, git_icons = true, color_icons = true, rg_opts = "--no-heading --color=always", grep_opts = "--color=auto --perl-regexp", fzf_opts = { ["--delimiter"] = "'[\\]:]'", ["--with-nth"] = "2..", ["--tiebreak"] = "index", }, -- actions inherit from 'actions.files' }, colorschemes = { prompt = "Colorschemes❯ ", live_preview = true, -- apply the colorscheme on preview? actions = { ["default"] = actions.colorscheme }, winopts = { height = 0.55, width = 0.30 }, post_reset_cb = function() -- reset statusline highlights after -- a live_preview of the colorscheme -- require('feline').reset_highlights() end, }, quickfix = { file_icons = true, git_icons = true, }, quickfix_stack = { prompt = "Quickfix Stack> ", marker = ">", -- current list marker }, lsp = { prompt_postfix = "❯ ", -- will be appended to the LSP label -- to override use 'prompt' instead cwd_only = false, -- LSP/diagnostics for cwd only? async_or_timeout = 5000, -- timeout(ms) or 'true' for async calls file_icons = true, git_icons = false, -- settings for 'lsp_{document|workspace|lsp_live_workspace}_symbols' symbols = { async_or_timeout = true, -- symbols are async by default symbol_style = 1, -- style for document/workspace symbols -- false: disable, 1: icon+kind -- 2: icon only, 3: kind only -- NOTE: icons are extracted from -- vim.lsp.protocol.CompletionItemKind -- icons for symbol kind -- see https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/lsp/3.17/specification/#symbolKind -- see https://github.com/neovim/neovim/blob/829d92eca3d72a701adc6e6aa17ccd9fe2082479/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/protocol.lua#L117 symbol_icons = { File = "", Module = "", Namespace = "󰦮", Package = "", Class = "", Method = "", Property = "", Field = "", Constructor = "", Enum = "", Interface = "", Function = "", Variable = "", Constant = "", String = "", Number = "󰎠", Boolean = "󰨙", Array = "󱡠", Object = "", Key = "", Null = "󰟢", EnumMember = "", Struct = "", Event = "", Operator = "", TypeParameter = "󰗴", }, -- colorize using Treesitter '@' highlight groups ("@function", etc). -- or 'false' to disable highlighting symbol_hl = function(s) return "@" .. s:lower() end, -- additional symbol formatting, works with or without style symbol_fmt = function(s, opts) return "[" .. s .. "]" end, -- prefix child symbols. set to any string or `false` to disable child_prefix = true, }, code_actions = { prompt = "Code Actions> ", ui_select = true, -- use 'vim.ui.select'? async_or_timeout = 5000, winopts = { row = 0.40, height = 0.35, width = 0.60, }, }, }, diagnostics = { prompt = "Diagnostics❯ ", cwd_only = false, file_icons = true, git_icons = false, diag_icons = true, icon_padding = "", -- add padding for wide diagnostics signs -- by default icons and highlights are extracted from 'DiagnosticSignXXX' -- and highlighted by a highlight group of the same name (which is usually -- set by your colorscheme, for more info see: -- :help DiagnosticSignHint' -- :help hl-DiagnosticSignHint' -- only uncomment below if you wish to override the signs/highlights -- define only text, texthl or both (':help sign_define()' for more info) -- signs = { -- ["Error"] = { text = "", texthl = "DiagnosticError" }, -- ["Warn"] = { text = "", texthl = "DiagnosticWarn" }, -- ["Info"] = { text = "", texthl = "DiagnosticInfo" }, -- ["Hint"] = { text = "", texthl = "DiagnosticHint" }, -- }, -- limit to specific severity, use either a string or num: -- 1 or "hint" -- 2 or "information" -- 3 or "warning" -- 4 or "error" -- severity_only: keep any matching exact severity -- severity_limit: keep any equal or more severe (lower) -- severity_bound: keep any equal or less severe (higher) }, complete_path = { cmd = nil, -- default: auto detect fd|rg|find actions = { ["default"] = actions.complete_insert }, }, complete_file = { cmd = nil, -- default: auto detect rg|fd|find file_icons = true, color_icons = true, git_icons = false, -- actions inherit from 'actions.files' and merge actions = { ["default"] = actions.complete_insert }, -- previewer hidden by default winopts = { preview = { hidden = "hidden" } }, }, -- uncomment to use the old help previewer which used a -- minimized help window to generate the help tag preview -- helptags = { previewer = "help_tags" }, -- uncomment to use `man` command as native fzf previewer -- (instead of using a neovim floating window) -- manpages = { previewer = "man_native" }, -- -- optional override of file extension icon colors -- available colors (terminal): -- clear, bold, black, red, green, yellow -- blue, magenta, cyan, grey, dark_grey, white file_icon_colors = { ["sh"] = "green", }, -- padding can help kitty term users with -- double-width icon rendering file_icon_padding = "", -- uncomment if your terminal/font does not support unicode character -- 'EN SPACE' (U+2002), the below sets it to 'NBSP' (U+00A0) instead -- nbsp = '\xc2\xa0', }) ```


ibhagwan commented 1 year ago

some lsp commands

Cih2001 commented 1 year ago

some lsp commands

  • What LSP server?
  • Can you pin point which commands work and which don't?
  • Does it happen consistently or all the time?
ibhagwan commented 1 year ago

attempt to call field 'CTX'

This part confuses me as it refers to an exisiting function in the core module: https://github.com/ibhagwan/fzf-lua/blob/c1de84f9c9cb227d2bef65643625f1fb8207bf8f/lua/fzf-lua/core.lua#L187

Just to eliminate digging in the wrong direction, can you delete the plugin and resinstall and let me know?

gopls: golang.org/x/tools/gopls v0.9.5

Just tried locally with gopls and it worked, does this also happen for you with lua_ls or just go?

Cih2001 commented 1 year ago

attempt to call field 'CTX'

This part confuses me as it refers to an exisiting function in the core module:


Just to eliminate digging in the wrong direction, can you delete the plugin and resinstall and let me know?

gopls: golang.org/x/tools/gopls v0.9.5

Just tried locally with gopls and it worked, does this also happen for you with lua_ls or just go?

Hey, thanks for the suggestion, I completely deleted the plugin and reinstalled it, and it fixed the issue. Setting and unsetting the commit hash in Lazy didn't work, so I had to remove it fully from ~/.local/share/nvim/lazy. I will close the issue, and thanks for your awesome plugin.

ibhagwan commented 1 year ago

Wow I had a hunch since the error made no sense to me, never seen a partial git update like this, glad it worked or we would e spent hours and hours on such nonsense :)