Closed sensescape closed 11 years ago
Updated cafe labeling (in amenities.mss) with:
.node[amenity='cafe'] { [zoom>=16] { point-file: url("images/cafe_small.png"); } [zoom>=17] { point-allow-overlap: false; point-ignore-placement: true; point-placement: interior; text-name: '[name]'; text-face-name: 'Arial Regular'; text-size: 9; text-max-char-angle-delta: 30; text-fill: #000; text-halo-radius: 3; text-halo-fill: @land; text-spacing: 100; text-min-distance: 10; text-allow-overlap: false; text-wrap-width: 30; text-dx: 0; text-dy: 8; } }
I'll leave you to the tweaking.
Updated cafe labeling (in
) with:I'll leave you to the tweaking.