Closed skyline75489 closed 8 years ago
When something is stored in the file directory and you may re-open it at the next time, so it should not return error.
Yet if we use [[YYCache alloc] initWithName:@""];
twice with the same name, the database will malfunction because of sqlite lock:
2015-12-02 12:47:49.954 Keyboard[2373:38138] -[YYKVStorage _dbUpdateAccessTimeWithKey:] line:230 sqlite update error (5): database is locked
2015-12-02 12:47:52.458 Keyboard[2373:38079] -[YYKVStorage _dbSaveWithKey:value:fileName:extendedData:] line:216 sqlite insert error (5): database is locked
Yes, it will make the storage unstable, see these comments:
I didn't really notice those comments until now...I think it would better to error out or something like that.
Yeah..maybe I should give an error.. I will consider it later.
I was also experiencing errors related to a locked database. Can we reuse names/paths in order to reuse a YYCache that was created on a previous run?
At the moment I am doing:
lazy var cache: YYCache = {
let cache = YYCache(path: NSURL(string: NSTemporaryDirectory())!.URLByAppendingPathComponent(NSUUID().UUIDString).URLString)
cache.memoryCache.countLimit = 100
cache.diskCache.countLimit = 100
return cache
What's the recommend way of creating/reusing and old YYCache or is this not possible? Could you clarify what you mean by "When something is stored in the file directory and you may re-open it at the next time, so it should not return error." This seems to conflict with Multiple instances with the same path/name will make the storage unstable.
Currently, I recommend to create only one YYCache/YYDiskCache instance for a specified path in your app (singleton).
I will do some improvements to avoid this issues.
If the disk cache instance for the specified path already exists in memory, the initialize method will return it directly, instead of creating a new instance.
The file creation part from YYKVStorage.m:
This will not result in an error if directory already exists.